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Focus on WVSU -- Reopening This Place We Love So Dear


Over the past few months, campus constituencies have worked tirelessly to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic and plan for the short and long-term impacts that will be left in its wake. In response to the pandemic, the West Virginia State University (WVSU) COVID-19 Response Team was formed and consists of representatives from roughly 20 areas across the University. This group worked closely together to develop the following plan, which includes identifying and addressing resource needs, coordinating response efforts, and communicating status updates to leadership and representative areas.
The plan outlines a flexible approach to reopening campus while considering adjustments if conditions improve or worsen. While the plan and health measures will be implemented across the entire campus, the expectation is that the plan will also address the unique needs and challenges within our programs, activities, classrooms, and campus buildings. By committing to a caring culture that starts with our personal behavior and acceptance of responsibility, the plan prioritizes the health and well-being of all our students, faculty, staff, vendors, volunteers, and visitors and provides a roadmap for continuing to provide exceptional academic, research, and athletic programs and services.
As knowledge about the COVID-19 virus and the best practices to respond to the pandemic continue to evolve, the guidance, plans, and policies related to the return to campus operations at WVSU will also be adjusted accordingly. Administration will continue to monitor developments related to COVID-19 and receive counsel from state public health officials. We strongly encourage everyone to check the University’s COVID-19 Information website regularly for updates.
Lastly, each of us has an important role in keeping the WVSU community safe and healthy. Adherence to these guidelines is vitally important in order to protect you and those around you. A code of expectations for all campus constituents will be forthcoming, and it is the expectation of the Administration that all University constituents will to adhere to these guidelines.
Please know that understanding and cooperation are greatly valued as we begin the gradual transition back to campus. Thank you again for your unceasing dedication to West Virginia State University. We extend our continued best wishes to you and your loved ones during this unprecedented time.
Planning Groups
Planning focused on a phased approach following federal, state, and Board of Governors’ guidance for reopening. After receiving input from more than 20 sub-committees from across campus, we identified six areas of focus and established the WVSU COVID-19 Response Team workgroups. Each workgroup was led by a Response Team member and additional subgroups under each focus area were created to target and address specific areas or challenges. Planning included representation from leadership, faculty, and staff where applicable. Each team provided updates at the WVSU COVID-19 Response Team meetings where complex challenges were discussed. The information contained within this plan was developed from the topics that were assigned to each group.
Health and Well-Being Measures
In order to focus on the health and well-being of our faculty, staff, students, vendors, volunteers, and visitors across all planning, health measures were developed based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidance.
All campus locations have undergone a COVID-19 Risk Assessment performed by the Offices of Safety Compliance and Public Safety.  The recommendations from those assessments constitute a risk control plan for each area.  Each unit will follow the recommended mitigations from the unit’s control plans. 
The following health measures are required of all members of the University community including visitors:
  • Plan - WVSU will implement appropriate policies, following state, federal, and local guidelines, as well as those of the CDC and the World Health Organization, and those which are informed by industry best practices, to ensure a safe reopening of the Institute campus and all University properties. To this end, WVSU will do the following:
    • Sanitize and prepare all buildings for reopening and increase the frequency of such cleanings to meet established protocols;
    • Enforce social distancing protocols of six-feet spacing where possible;
    • Require face coverings for all who enter campus properties;
    • Install Plexiglass shields at all appropriate administrative offices and teaching spaces;
    • Control access points of entrance and exit of all buildings for the purpose of screening those who enter;
    • Perform temperature checks at each building;
    • Develop signage in order to control flow of traffic in hallways and stairwells;
    • Develop a central dispensary for personal protective equipment (PPE) and provide the same to all campus users, giving special consideration for those who deal with the public and those in at-risk populations;
    • Increase the frequency and availability of hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and other cleaning products;
    • Reduce touch points to the maximum extent possible; and
    • Create an open line of communication for all students, employees, and the general public through the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
    • Close the campus to unrestricted foot traffic.Visitors will be expected to sign in at the WVSU Visitors’ Center to allow for a log of campus visitations.
  • Screening - Screen employees reporting to work daily and all those who enter the building for COVID-19 symptoms with temperature checks and the following questions:  
    • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
    • Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
    • Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
    • Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
    • Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
  • Sick Employees - Any employee or visitor who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms (i.e., answers yes to any of the screening questions or who is running a fever above 100.4 degrees) will be asked to leave the premises immediately and seek medical care and/or COVID-19 testing, per CDC guidelines. Confidentiality of any and all health information will be maintained through the protocols of the Office of Human Resources.
  • Training - It will be the policy of WVSU to expect increased frequency of handwashing and the use of hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol. Such expectations are outlined in the Code of Expectations that will be made available to all students and employees of the University.
  • Cleaning - WVSU will implement workplace cleaning and disinfection practices, according to CDC guidelines, with regular sanitization of common surfaces. Staffing and supplies available will be increased in order to enable enhanced sanitization and cleaning measures in accordance with appropriate CDC guidelines.
  • Hygiene - In addition to wash facilities in public restrooms, WVSU will provide individual hand sanitizer bottles to all students, faculty, and staff.
  • PPE - WVSU will provide cloth face masks to all students, faculty, and staff at the beginning of the fall 2020 semester and encourage wearing of the same through the Code of Expectations. Accommodations will be given to students and employees with disabilities for whom the wearing of masks would create breathing difficulties.
  • Tracing - WVSU will develop and implement policies and procedures for employee contact tracing for individuals with a positive COVID-19 test and inform the local health department of such positive test and tracing. WVSU will work with the Kanawha County Health Department who will conduct contact tracing procedures.
  • Telework - WVSU will continue to enhance its technology to provide additional resources and opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to work remotely when necessary.
    • WVSU will continuously monitor its technology needs to meet the demand created by the fluid nature of COVID-19 information and protocols;
    • WVSU will convert as much of its instructional space as possible to virtual learning space, with appropriate technology therein;
    • WVSU will make appropriate accommodations for members of the campus community who are within vulnerable populations;
  • Touch Points - Contact with doorknobs, switches, buttons, and any point of sale equipment will be limited to the maximum extent possible and frequently cleaned and sanitized.  The entrance/exit doors will be sanitized routinely
  • Travel – Until further notice, all out-of-state and non-essential travel is cancelled;
  • Visitors - To the greatest extent possible, visitors and the general public will be encouraged to make appointments. Visitation by individuals for reasons other than to conduct business should be limited. Visitors will be directed to check in the visitor’s center (the University’s designated entry point) where they will be screened prior to entry. Appropriate PPE, including face coverings, will be required.
  • Traffic - WVSU will install physical barriers and/or visual cues and signs to ensure that students, faculty, staff, and visitors maintain appropriate social distancing.
  • Cooperation - WVSU is currently working with federal, state, and local entities, and the officials of the same, to plan and implement safety measures and will continue to do so throughout the pandemic period.
  • Signage - WVSU will post extensive signage on health policies that are contained within the guidelines of federal, state, and local health boards.
  • Phased Staffing - WVSU will phase in a return of staff over time in a coordinated process to ensure appropriate social distancing, availability of PPE and testing capabilities for COVID-19.
We will assess expanded staffing based on mission-critical operations, ability to control and manage specific work environments, and necessity to access on-site resources. These decisions, once approved, will be communicated through respective Deans, Vice Presidents, or the Associate Provost.
The need to reduce the number of people on campus (density) to meet social distancing
requirements will continue for some time. Support units that can continue to work remotely effectively will likely continue to do so until restrictions are eased for larger gatherings.
Expanded staffing will be tightly controlled and coordinated to mitigate potential risks and ensure the safety of faculty and staff as well as the communities we serve. No unit or department should increase staffing levels beyond current needs to support critical on-site operations without approval from the respective Dean, Vice President, or Associate Provost. Once decisions to expand on-site staffing in certain areas have been made, staff should follow the policies and protocols detailed in this guide for returning to work on campus.
  • Staffing Options - Once staff members have been instructed to return to work on-site, departments should consider several options to maintain required social distancing measures and reduce population density within buildings and work spaces.
  • Remote Work: Those who can work remotely to fulfill some or all of their work responsibilities may continue to do so to reduce the number of individuals on campus and the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus. These arrangements, which should be approved by the immediate supervisor, can be done on a full or partial day/week schedule as appropriate.
  • Alternating Days: In order to limit the number of individuals and interactions among those on campus, departments should schedule partial staffing on alternating days. Such schedules will help enable social distancing, especially in areas with large common workspaces.
  • Staggered Reporting/Departing: The beginning and end of the workday typically bring many people together at common entry/exit points of buildings. Staggering reporting and departure times by at least 30 minutes will reduce traffic in common areas to meet social distancing requirements.
  • WVSU will ensure staff are up to date on training;
  • Through the offices of the Vice Presidents, WVSU will adapt flexible return policies and practices for staff to work remotely that include staff with underlying conditions; employees 60+, and employees with day care issues.
The overriding goal is to provide a safe environment for the return of students, faculty, and staff. The aim is to strike a balance between the pressing needs of the University and being flexible based on the needs of the employees. Contingent on the readiness of the campus, the first phase of employees returning would be July 6, 2020 (50%) with a goal of having 100% return by August 3, 2020. This also depends on the individual needs of a particular office and required duties.
Administrative Offices
  • Plan - WVSU will make every effort to create a safe working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. To that end, the University will do the following:
    • Place Plexiglas in front of high traffic counter areas to prevent virus spread to office workers and administrative staff;
    • Place a small table at the main office entryways so students cannot actually come into the office areas until invited. Students will remain in the hallways where fans will be placed to help with circulation, especially in Hill Hall;
    • Require people to sign in for ease of contact tracing;
    • Limit the number of people in Administrative Offices;
    • Place signage on doors instructing people to sign in and how many are allowed inside the office at a time;
    • Mark social distancing requirements on floors of offices and in hallways;
    • Place chairs in hallways;
    • Require the wearing of masks on campus/University properties;
    • Keep visitors to a minimum by having chairs outside of offices so only one person at a time would be allowed in the office;
    • Provide disinfecting kits for office use;  
    • Encourage office staff to clean and disinfect regularly;
    • Consider work practices that minimize face-to-face contact;
    • Encourage video conferencing or telephone calls for faculty/student office hours instead of face-to-face meetings;
    • Create electronic signatures for all faculty and staff;
    • Encourage virtual conferencing whenever possible;
    • Open doorways to allow air flow, weather permitting, or increase open circulation;
    • Continue to regularly replace HVAC filters;
    • Place air purifiers in areas that are not adequately ventilated;
    • Provide antimicrobial instruments for copy machines;
    • Place hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes at copy machines;
    • Move copiers out of main office spaces to individual rooms to cut down on virus spread where possible;
    • Allow one person in copy area at a time;
    • Provide sanitizer, gloves, and masks for each office;
    • Close kitchen areas until further notice; and
    • Create a central dispensary for PPE.
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Admissions
    • Virtual campus tours, video messaging from Admissions Recruiters to recruit students, Social Media chats and challenges to engage newly admitted students on: Instagram Live, Facebook Live, YouTube, Text messaging to promote scholarships, new student orientation, financial aid, international student services, housing, and accessibility services.
    • For on-campus events, ensure proper spacing for set up with table displays, have signage for entering and exiting building, ensure the venue has been cleaned properly prior to the event, and have stations for hand sanitizer. Work with dining hall for food service to provide plastic/paper utensils, signage displayed about COVID-19 and CDC guidelines, distance signage on the floor to food stations, etc.;
    • Limit number of guests between 10 to 25 persons with social distancing standards per CDC guidelines. Attendees are required to have temperature taken at the door and encouraged to wear masks;
    • Provide cubicle/dividers spacing for Admissions Recruiters and Admissions Processors; 
    • Provide disinfecting kits for State vehicles, which will be needed for recruitment travel;
    • Collaborate with Communication and Marketing Department to implement virtual campus tour software to attract prospective students;
    • Limit the number of guests who may enter main office spaces, provide floor markings for social distancing, require calls in advance to schedule appointments, and have temperature taken at the door and wear a mask; and
    • Waive SAT, ACT, GRE, MAT requirement due to cancellation of national tests, and remove the requirement completely for any student who has a 3.0 after his/her first semester.
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Admissions
    • Install Plexiglass barriers at workstations;
    • Limit room occupancy and enforce appropriate physical distancing as indicated by the configuration of tables and seating;
    • Provide sanitizing supplies for individuals to clean their areas before and after use;
    • Remind everyone frequently about proper hand hygiene with hand sanitizer widely available;
    • Require face masks or personal face coverings within Learning Enrichment Centers at all times by staff, students, and visitors;
    • Have designated staff present at all times to ensure adherence with established guidelines;
    • Require that students utilize mobile check-in, in advance, for all tutoring visits to ensure tutor availability; and
    • Provide real-time virtual writing center software (WVConline.com) purchased by Academic Affairs.
Instructional and Research Spaces
  • Plan - As education is the central mission of the University, classroom instruction and research done safely and effectively needs to be the focus of any reopening plan. As WVSU reopens for the Fall 2020 semester, safety will be the absolute first priority and must outweigh all other considerations. In that vein, WVSU classrooms and instruction will follow all CDC and State guidelines for re-opening and resuming education. In accordance with those guidelines, the recommendations below will be followed with regard to physical classroom space, instruction, and research to limit the exposure and spread of COVID-19. All of the recommendations rely heavily on a rigorous cleaning schedule and staff. These recommendations will be implemented in order to safely resume classroom instruction, education, and research for faculty, staff, and students. Expectations may change or be altered when and if any new guidelines come about through the CDC or the State of West Virginia.
  • Classrooms (Physical)
  • Cleaning schedules as prescribed by the Office of Safety and Compliance will be followed;
  • All classrooms will have sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer stations available and stocked;
  • Students will utilize provided sanitizing wipes to clean their work area before and after each class;
  • Masks will be required in the physical classroom for all students and instructors;
  • Each classroom will have signage that indicates maximum capacity;
  • Available seating options will be marked in each classroom so that a minimum of six-feet distance is maintained between all instructors and students;
  • For classes with two doors, a clear entrance, exit, and traffic pattern will be marked;
  • Gloves will be provided and required to be worn for those handling class items;
  • Plexiglass screens will be installed at all teaching podiums and lecterns; and
  • All classroom windows will be functional in order to increase airflow.
  • Classrooms (Instruction)
  • A “Statement of Expectations” will be issued to students;
  • Faculty will discuss all expectations with regard to COVID-19 with students;
  • Faculty in all in-person classes will keep accurate and dated attendance records for contact tracing;
  • All classes will have the option for online streaming instruction;
  • All classes will have a web tag and backup plan in the case of quarantine;
  • All instructors will assign a backup faculty member for each class;
  • All instructors will comply with ADA recommendations for affected students;
  • Student support services will be increased (e.g. tutoring, class access, support for students who struggle with online education, etc.);
  • Class times will be scheduled so that use of classrooms is staggered;
  • Faculty unfamiliar with online instruction will take Moodle training; and
  • Faculty will minimize or eliminate the handling of hard copy paperwork.
  • Common Areas (Elevators)
  • Elevators will be clearly marked with capacity limits;
  • Everyone traveling on an elevator will wear masks;
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be placed inside and outside of all elevators;
  • Elevators will be cleaned by the campus cleaning crew every hour following CDC guidelines;
  • Signage will be placed at each elevator encouraging the use of stairways when possible; and
  • Six-feet distance markers will be placed on the floor in front of each elevator.
  • Common Areas (Stairways)
  • Stairways will be cleaned by the campus cleaning crew every hour following CDC guidelines;
  • Buildings with multiple stairways will indicate up and down only stairways;
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be placed at the top and bottom of each stairway; and
  • Signs will be posted in stairways with CDC guidelines for COVID-19 prevention.
  • Common Areas (Restrooms)
  • Restrooms will be clearly marked with capacity limits and occupied signs;
  • All restroom sinks will be functional;
  • Every other stall in the restroom will be marked “out of order” to aid in social distancing;
  • Signage with CDC guidelines for handwashing will be posted inside and outside of all restrooms;
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be installed outside each restroom;
  • Hand dryers will be replaced with touch free paper towel dispensers;
  • No touch rubbish bins will replace all existing trash receptacles in all restrooms; and
  • All restrooms will be cleaned with increased frequency by the campus cleaning crew following CDC guidelines.
  • Research
  • For laboratories with two doors, a clear entrance, exit, and traffic pattern will be marked;
  • Floor signage indicating six-feet distance will be placed in front of reception desks;
  • Laboratory PI’s will develop schedules with staggered work times;
  • Sign in and out sheets will be placed in each laboratory and other spaces that have non-scheduled visitors for contact tracing;
  • All personnel will wear masks and maintain a minimum of six feet social distance when working in the laboratory or in the field;
  • Meetings and theses defenses will be conducted in large rooms with appropriate social distancing or will be conducted via Zoom;
  • Documents will be processed electronically;
  • Out-of-state travel will be banned until further notice;
  • All research labs and conference rooms will be clearly marked with capacity limits;
  • All breakrooms will be closed per CDC guidelines;
  • Each research group will establish a laboratory disinfection procedure per CDC guidelines and post it in the laboratory;
  • Laboratories will be disinfected at the beginning and end of each shift (i.e., door knobs, light switches, desks/benches, equipment, and other high contact surfaces); and
  • Lab PI’s will be responsible for ensuring cleaning supplies are in stock for their laboratories.
  • WVSU Vehicles
  • One person at a time may occupy a vehicle (two people can utilize a vehicle if they have been quarantined together);
  • Each vehicle will be stocked with sanitizing supplies;
  • Staff will disinfect all high contact areas within the vehicle after each use.
  • Extension
  • Each program area will develop a protocol for implementation of onsite and office programing;
  • Each program leader will develop an office sanitization protocol;
  • Curtis Complex offices and conference rooms will be used by assigned staff only. No visitors will be allowed;
  • Signs will be posted on each Curtis Complex entrance with contact information for visitors;
  • Out-of-state travel will be banned until further notice;
  • Protocols for access to Curtis House will be disseminated to all staff;
  • In-person programs will be held outdoors when possible;
  • All program instructors and participants will wear masks and maintain a minimum of six feet social distance for all indoor and outdoor programs;
  • Program instructors will screen all program participants (temperature check and questionnaire) prior to program delivery;
  • PPE will be made available for all program participants;
  • Offsite programming can only be delivered in partner facilities if that organization follows all CDC guidelines for COVID-19 prevention; and
  • Sanitization supplies will be stocked in all common areas.
Student Services and Common Spaces
  • Plan - Our approach for the fall is dependent on the progression of COVID-19 in Institute, WV, and we will continue to follow guidance from city, county, state, and federal officials. Our primary focus is on the safety of the campus community and the academic success of our students, and we hope to provide a robust experience for our students while prioritizing their health and safety. Like most universities across the country, we intend to have as traditional an experience as we can for our students. The following expectations are made to provide broad guidelines that can be shaped to accommodate the needs of the six units presented in this section.
  • Guidelines - A clear set of guidelines and evidence-based protocols for the health and safety of the University community will be established with a clear path for implementation and compliance.
  • Flexibility - A flexible framework will be created that helps assure excellence in our delivery of student services and preventive measures to ensure the safety of common spaces.
  • Modified Delivery - A modified delivery of student services will help assure a healthy and safe learning environment for students.
  • Bookstore
  • Occupancy will be limited to a maximum of 10 customers at a time in adherence to CDC social distancing guidelines;
  • Patrons will be provided with masks and gloves upon entry to comply with CDC guidelines. Hand sanitizer will be placed in multiple locations throughout the store;
  • Signage for one-way entry and exit access will be shown to help guide patrons. Social distancing six-feet markers will be displayed on the floor throughout the store and at the check-out line;
  • Plexiglass and sneeze guard barriers will be installed at the check-out line in adherence to CDC social distancing guidelines;
  • Bookstore staff will frequently clean “high-touch areas” and clean the check-out counter after each patron; and
  • All bookstore staff will be required to wear masks and gloves to comply with CDC guidelines.
  • Dining Hall and Retail Dining Spaces
  • Refer to Thompson Hospitality reopening plan for the delivery of dining services;
  • Goldston Dining Hall will initially open for students, faculty, and staff and will serve to-go-meals from a limited menu offering;
  • Patron pick-up for to-go-meals will be limited to a maximum of 20-30 to comply with CDC social distancing guidelines;
  • Signage for one-way entry and exit access will be shown to help guide patrons. Social distancing six-feet markers will be displayed on the floor at the check-out line;
  • Plexiglass and sneeze guard barriers will be installed at the check-out line in adherence to CDC social distancing guidelines;
  • Thompson Hospitality staff will frequently clean “high-touch areas” at check-out counter after each patron;
  • All Thompson Hospitality staff will be required to wear masks and gloves to comply with company and CDC guidelines; and
  • Catered-event meals will be pre-made and served boxed-style from a limited selection menu.
  • FamilyCare Health Center
  • Refer to FamilyCare Health Center re-opening plan to deliver healthcare services to students, staff, faculty, and the general public.
Reopening Date
  • The reopening date is still to be determined and will be no later than the first week of August. FamilyCare Health Center will continue to monitor developments in treatments and vaccines for COVID-19 closely, securing adequate supplies when appropriate therapeutics become available.
  • FamilyCare Health Center staff will strongly recommend all patients schedule appointments and discourage walk-in services in adherence to CDC social distancing guidelines; and
  • FamilyCare Health Center will recommend students, staff, and faculty arrive before their appointment time for prescreening, and wait to be called for service at the designated location to limit maximum number of patients allowed in the waiting room.
  • COVID-19 screening will occur while scheduling an appointment;
  • All students and patients will be screened for COVID-19 along with having their temperature taken upon entry to the facility; and
  • Once initial screening is complete, patients will be given a pager to wait in their vehicle or on-campus residence location for an open and clean exam room as our waiting rooms are now closed. Exceptions will occur for those students staying on campus. They may be asked to return to their dorm, and we will text them when a room is available.
  • All students/patients will be required to wear a mask while in the health center. If they do not have one, one will be provided;
  • FamilyCare Health Center staff and patients receiving healthcare services will be required to wear masks and gloves to comply with company and CDC guidelines;
  • All students/patients will be asked to enter through the basement door, when possible, to reduce potential exposure in other areas of the university; and
  • Community patients will wait in their car until they are notified to enter the building for their appointment.
  • All normal services will be provided, in addition to testing for COVID-19. FamilyCare and WVSU will develop a clear protocol for reporting of positive COVID-19 cases, exposure risks, and management of positive COVID-19 cases to ensure quick response and the ability to prevent an outbreak on campus. Patients who report symptoms of COVID-19 will be seen by FamilyCare staff in their vehicle. 
Visitor restrictions
  • Patients ONLY will be allowed in our health care center unless a caregiver is required.
Social Distancing
  • Signage for facility entry and exit access will be shown to help guide patrons. Social distancing six-feet markers will be displayed on the floor in adherence to CDC social distancing guidelines.
  • We will continue to follow strict cleaning and disinfecting guidelines for safety. All exam rooms will be cleaned between patients.
  • We ask that you please keep in mind that while your visit to our office is just like visiting any place in the community, there is a greater risk that you may be exposed to COVID-19.FamilyCare Health Center is taking every measure to reduce the risk while you are in the facility.
  • Library
  • Library staff will follow all state and University public health guidelines including social distancing, wearing masks, frequent handwashing, sanitizing and disinfecting of workspaces and machinery, and self-monitoring for symptoms;
  • Since disinfectant products should not be used on library collections, we will use a 36-hour quarantine period to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus on book and collection surfaces. The 36-hour quarantine is based on scientific research on how long the coronavirus survives on different surface materials;
  • A supply of one-time-use masks will be made available and convenient to acquire at the Circulation Desk for people who do not have a required mask and wish to use the library;
  • Application equipment and disinfectant will be available for the regular wiping down of desks, computers, books, equipment, and lent items that are either handled or used by the public daily; 
  • Plexiglass barriers will be erected for staff who are required to interact with library patrons and the general public physically at the Circulation Desk, Reference Desk, Archives Department, and the Office of the Director;
  • Directional signage will be displayed for the management of efficient and effective pedestrian traffic in the library;
  • Signage and other promotional materials to inform the public about the importance of wearing masks in the library and social distancing in the library will be displayed; and 
  • Specific signage for social distancing protocols in all public areas of the library including restrooms will be displayed.
  • Residence Halls
  • Housing and Residence Life will be modified to comply with CDC and ADA guidelines;
  • Dawson Hall resident rooms will convert to single occupancy living to adhere to social distancing guidelines;
  • Keith Hall suite-style living will convert to double occupancy to adhere to social distancing
  • Residence hall common areas will be modified to account for social distancing guidelines. Residential students will be required to wear masks in common areas and on elevators. Masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers will be dispensed to all residents;
  • Visitation for non-residents will be suspended to ensure the health and well-being of all residents;
  • CDC educational materials about infection control, social distancing, hand washing, covering coughs/sneezes with elbows, and other recommended strategies will be distributed to the student residents at check-in during Welcome Week;
  • Residential and commuter students will be strongly encouraged to use a smart phone app to check and monitor temperature. Students without smart phones will be encouraged to utilize kiosks;
  • Isolation of residential students who may exhibit symptoms or become ill with COVID-19 will be relocated from the residence hall to a specified quarantine area. Service animals will accompany residential students to the specified quarantine location in adherence to ADA guidelines. Residential students with Emotional Support animals will be required and responsible for securing external lodging for their pet;
  • ABM, our custodial partner, will extend trash removal from twice to three times a week in the residence hall rooms and perform cleanings more frequently of “high-touch areas”; and
  • The Communications and Marketing Department will work with the Director of Housing and Residence Life to create a video for prospective students to experience a virtual tour of rooms.
  • Wilson University Union
  • Student Life and Engagement staff will follow all state and University public health guidelines including social distancing, wearing masks, frequent handwashing, sanitizing and disinfecting of workspaces and machinery, and self-monitoring for symptoms;
  • Plexiglass and sneeze guard barriers will be installed in adherence to CDC social distancing guidelines;
  • Signage for one-way entry and exit access into the Wilson University Union will be displayed to help guide patrons. Social distancing six-feet markers will be displayed on the floor;
  • Signage for entry and exit access into the Fitness Center and Game Room will be displayed to help guide patrons. Social distancing six-feet markers will be displayed on the floor in these areas. Occupancy will be limited to a maximum six patrons at a time to comply with CDC social distancing guidelines;
  • The Facilities Management Department will install automatic open and close sliding doors in “high-touch areas” in the Union as a prevention measure to minimize spread of germs, viruses, and bacteria;
  • The Facilities Management Department will research options to secure a contractor of administer UV Lighting disinfection services in “high-touch-areas”; and
  • The Facilities Management Department will determine specific designated smoking areas to comply with CDC social distancing guidelines.
As we work toward returning to campus safely in the fall, we are innovating every part of the WVSU student experience to provide students the best and safest possible configuration of residential, commuter on-campus and high-quality remote learning. We encourage students to persist with their long-term goals during this unprecedented time. In support of that ideal, we will continue to produce opportunities for students that create experiences that enhance student learning and personal growth. We are facilitating a virtual new student orientation program for newly admitted students and encouraging returning students to re-engage. There will be necessary changes in how our spaces are configured and classes are delivered as well as in the many campus activities that make WVSU so enriching. We will be resilient and adapt to this new reality as we foster a sense of community and belonging for all.
Student Activities and Campus Services
  • Plan - The areas of emphasis addressed in the following bullet points are as follows:  University Union, which is associated with Student Activities, Fitness Center, Game Room, Activities, Student Organizations, Cafeteria, etc. Additional areas addressed include Parking, Outdoor Space, Venue Entry and Exit Doors, and Outdoor Activities. WVSU will:
  • Limit communal areas (benches/outdoor tables) to two people;
  • Place markings on ground designating six-feet social distancing;
  • Designate entrance/exit doors for buildings. Only allow one area for entrance and one for exit;
  • Enforce the wearing of facemasks in all public areas;
  • Install sanitization stations outside of entrance doors and inside of exit doors (no cross contamination);
  • Increase signage on each parking lot urging all to practice social distancing;
  • Increase the awareness of traffic lanes. Clearly mark directional arrows and lanes to reduce two-way traffic in parking lots;
  • Make sure entrance and exit intersections are clearly marked;
  • Increase the janitorial and cleaning service frequency and expand the cleaning areas;
  • Purchase all necessary cleaning materials and supplies in advance;
  • Provide welcome kits for all students, faculty, and staff that would include a mask, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes;
  • If maximum social distancing is in place, offer Welcome Days activities virtually;
  • If minimal social distancing is in place, the following is recommended:
    • Hold events in large rooms to ensure social distancing;
      • Limit numbers of people attending at a time;
      • Limit the number of people at a table;
      • Mark spots for students in line to maintain social distancing;
    • Enforce mask wearing for everyone attending an event;
    • Implement temperature checks at residence hall move-in and Welcome Day events;
    • Have janitorial staff on hand to wipe down doors, moving carts, and elevator buttons after each use during move-in;
    • Have FamilyCare Health Center staff on hand to conduct testing and/or temperature checks during move-in;
  • Only offer boxed “to-go” items (sandwich, chips, cookie and a drink);
  • Take temperature of all intramural participants;
    • Temperature parameters will have to be identified.
  • Prohibit intramurals that are contact sports, for example, basketball, flag football, etc.;
  • Monitor/Limit number of students participating in any Student Activity/Intramural Program;
  • Enforce Social distancing whenever applicable;
  • Explain/Educate students whenever possible about the new COVID-19 Standards as it relates to participating in any activity on campus;
  • Place hand sanitizing stations throughout campus; and
  • Continue to explore and offer virtual events.
  • Due to current constraints, all events associated with Homecoming 2020 will be canceled.
  • Plan - WVSU Athletics’ plan was developed following safety guidelines from the NCAA’s “Core Principles of Resocialization of Collegiate Sports,” MEC’s “Return to Competition Plan,” the University’s “Focus on WVSU,” and state and local officials. We will continue to monitor these recommendations and the latest medical and public health information available to make adjustments as warranted. WVSU Athletics’ protocol, rules, and regulations will be posted digitally through clear signage in all pertinent athletic areas/venues as well as being disseminated to all athletes, coaching/athletic staff, visiting teams, fans/visitors, and athletic officials to ensure everyone is aware of the expectations well before the point of contact.
  • WVSU student-athletes will follow the University’s policy for COVID-19 testing when they return to campus. All student-athletes will be asked to undergo voluntary isolation for the week leading up to return to campus;
  • Student-athletes will be encouraged to wear masks when in athletics facilities, unless in locker rooms, meeting rooms, and practice/game areas. They will be required to social distance when possible;
  • WVSU Athletics will work with Physical Facilities staff to ensure practice/game areas and equipment are cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis;
  • The Athletic Training staff will follow standards from the MEC Athletic Trainers Committee and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association for practices, games, and travel;
  • The Strength and Conditioning Coach will stagger workout groups in 60-minute intervals followed by a 30-minute period for all weight room equipment and heavily-trafficked areas to be properly disinfected. Hand sanitizer will also be readily available throughout the facility for all student-athletes and staff;
  • Visiting teams will have specific times in which the teams can enter the venue, locker rooms, and fields/courts/competition areas and ensure that teams vacate the venues immediately after they have finished using the locker room facilities to prevent congregating and allow for venue clean-up to begin promptly. Visiting teams will have a separate Athletic Training room; and
  • All games will have a maximum number of fans allowed to ensure proper social distancing. This number will be based on the venue itself and its capacity for social distancing. All fans will be encouraged to wear a mask. Venues will have clear signage that denotes the six-feet spacing requirements, location of sanitizing stations, and other important/required information. Fans will be asked to leave the venue immediately after the completion of the competition to prevent congregating within the venue.
Campus Events
  • Plan – The Campus Events plan for University-sponsored events and events held by external individuals/group at campus facilities was developed following state, federal, and local safety guidelines, as well as those of the CDC the World Health Organization, and the Mountain East Conference.  We will continue to monitor these recommendations and the latest medical and public health information available to make adjustments as warranted.
  • Events scheduled through July 2020 are cancelled.  Requests for events will be considered on a case-by-case basis beginning in August 2020.  All health and safety guidelines will be considered prior to granting approval for events;
  • Sporting events will follow WVSU Athletics’ policies and the aforementioned guidelines.  WVSU Athletics’ protocol, rules, and regulations will be posted digitally through clear signage in all pertinent athletic areas/venues as well as being disseminated to all athletes, coaching/athletic staff, visiting teams, fans/visitors, and athletic officials to ensure everyone is aware of the expectations well before the point of contact;
  • Visitors will be directed to enter through a designated entry point and, to the greatest extent possible, screened prior to entry; and
  • All events will have a maximum number of attendees allowed to ensure proper social distancing. This number will be based on the venue itself and its capacity for social distancing. All attendees will be encouraged to wear a mask. Venues will have clear signage that denotes the six-feet spacing requirements, location of sanitizing stations, and other important/required information. Attendees will be asked to leave the venue immediately after the completion of the event to prevent congregating within the venue.
Procedures in the Event of a Positive Case on Campus*
  • If a positive case of COVID-19 is identified on our campus:
    • WVSU will work with the Kanawha County Health Department to determine testing procedures;
    • Contact tracing will be led by the Kanawha County Health Department and WVSU Office of Safety and Compliance to notify those who have been in contact with a positive case;
    • If a positive case is identified in a residence hall, the student will be quarantined in a designated on-campus location. The University will have meals delivered to the room;
    • For students living in apartments, the option for quarantining on campus will be provided as rooms are available; and
    • Student Life staff will be in daily contact with the affected students to check on health status and provide any academic support.
*A Detailed plan is available in the document “WVSU Influenza and Public Health Emergencies: Annex 2: Shelter in Place, Isolation, and Quarantine
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