Academics MENU

Welcome to the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics on behalf of its faculty, staff, and students. The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is one of the four academic colleges at West Virginia State University. The College takes great pride in quality of its academic programs, faculty, and students.

About Our Academic Programs:

The College has four academic departments: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Physics (located in Hamblin and Wallace Halls). Its faculty and staff are committed to delivering quality undergraduate programs in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering (Civil and Chemical emphasis), and Mathematics; graduate programs in Biotechnology and Computer Science; and general education courses in the areas of Mathematics and Natural Sciences to all the University students. In addition, the College partners with University of Charleston in PharmD program and with WVU in 2+2 programs in Civil, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering. We are excited about helping our students in becoming competent professionals, excellent researchers, and responsible citizens.  

About Our Faculty:

Our College is proud to have a very highly qualified and dedicated teaching and research faculty. The College has 38 full-time faculty members (over 92% of whom hold doctoral degrees in their respective fields). They are passionate about teaching and are active in research. They publish research articles in various national and international peer-reviewed journals. In addition, they secure research grants from various federal sources (USDA, NSF, DoE, NASA SGC etc.). Our faculty members conduct research on cancer, coronary artery disease, evolution, horticulture, genomics, natural products synthesis, acid mine drainage, embedded electronics systems, bio-energy, structural designs, and classical mathematics (to name a few). Moreover, the College faculty is actively involved in programs designed for outreach to science and math teachers and students in the public schools of our service area.  Even while conducting innovative research, our faculty continues to give students the attention normally found only at small colleges.

About Our Students:

The College has a very vibrant student body. In classrooms and research activities, our students engage in critical and creative thinking, and hone their oral and written communication skills. Our students have the opportunity to participate in a number of undergraduate research programs. These programs include: Research Rookies scholarships (research program for freshmen and sophomores), NASA Space Grant Consortium scholarships (research program, generally for juniors and seniors), and Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) scholarships (an eight week summer research programs). Additionally, many of our students are paid stipends to work on ongoing research projects in the College.

In addition, the College has very active faculty-sponsored student clubs including: ACS (American Chemical Society) Club, SPACE (Student Partnership for the Advancement of Cosmic Exploration) Club, and Math & CS Club.
Our College hosts two research symposia every year where students make either oral or poster presentations of their research projects. Our Annual Research Symposium is held at the end of April of each year. Our SURE Symposium is held in summer at the end of SURE program.

Last but not the least, our College is appreciative to to have a very hard-working staff. Mr. Doug Bright (Biology) and Ms. Mel. Smith (Chemistry) serve as lab managers. Ms. Glenna Curry, Mrs. Tina Sanchez, and Mrs. Jeannie Starr are always available to help and welcome  faculty, students, and visitors.  

Naveed Zaman, Ph.D.
Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Hamblin Hall 101
Phone: (304) 766-4248
Fax: (304) 766-4248

The Mission of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

The West Virginia State University College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics exists, first to educate students so that they can understand, utilize, and improve upon scientific and mathematical principles and relate such principles to the rest of human knowledge; second, to promote scientific and mathematical literacy on the part of students of other colleges of the University; and third to utilize the expertise of its faculty in service to the state and to the people and institutions of the surrounding area.
By instruction and mentoring, the College will promote students’ motivation as well as knowledge and skills, and through research, the faculty will set an example to the students making it clear that knowledge is not just to be learned, but also to be created and advanced, by humankind’s efforts.
Its graduates are expected to have broad familiarity with the many fields of knowledge that have been promoted by humankind’s intellectual and creative skills, as well as a deep understanding of at least one of the areas of natural sciences or mathematics, along with a set of skills for probing such areas as to develop new knowledge, solve problems, and enjoy the satisfaction of the intellectual adventure.

NSM Student Council

Membership: The NSM Student Council consists of two appointed (student) members and one liaison, each from the existing College Student Clubs (currently, ACS club, the DNA club, the Math club, SPACE CLUB), and one graduate student representative. The membership is not very exclusive; any student who would like to get involved can become a member.  

The NSM Student Council exists to:
  • assist and work with the dean in enhancing the academic and social experiences of College's students
  • communicate students’ concerns and ideas to the dean
  • promote student involvement in College activities and organizations
  • coordinate (and lead) students' activities within the College.
The Council will meet at least once a month during the academic year.

Student Resources

The Student Resources page aims to assist students with accessing information and resources from around campus, providing contact information, forms, and other information students may need.

Visit the Student Resources Page 

ACS (American Chemical Society) Club 
The student members are a diverse group of students who want to advance science and science education in the area.  Any student who is interested in science can participate in community outreach and career development.  Outreach activities include trips to local schools and civic groups, and career development involves seminars, professional meetings, and industrial visits.

Faculty advisor: Dr. Micheal Fultz (304) 766-3106

DNA (Delta Nu Alpha) Club (Biology) 

This is a social organization for lovers of the outdoors (animals, plants, environment, and nature).  Members have opportunities to participate in varied activities, such as spelunking and canoeing.  This group performs community service on and off campus.  Membership is open to all students.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tim Ruhnke (304) 766-3210

A work in collaboration between the computer science and mathematics majors on campus, the Mathematics & Computer Science Club is dedicated to advancing education and research in the fields of Robotics, Applied & Classical Mathematics, Computer Science, and Innovation in the sciences. With active members from all tiers of interests and experience, we invite anyone willing to participate in on-campus projects, community service, and advanced one-to-one research amongst peers and professors.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sonya Armstrong (304) 766-3390

The purposes of this organization are the exploration of space-related topics and the enrichment of members on academic and research areas. The primary purpose of this club is to give educational options to those students who wish to have experiences related to space exploration and/or the space sciences and other topics that support space exploration, allowing students to have a direct influence on their own educational experience that would be most beneficial to them. The club wishes to inspire an interest in space-related topics among the WVSU campus, therefore increasing the number of research opportunities within the university. The club’s expansion will provide support to students in hopes of obtaining research and professional practices.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marek Krasnansky (304) 766-3257
  • B Muthun, "Genetic Improvement of Switchgrass for Energy" (2017), $299,979
  • Sanjaya, "Genetic Improvement of Seed Storage Compounds in Oilseed Plants" (2017), $495,313
  • Eya, CBG (2017) $300,000
  • Nimmakayala, CBG with Alcorn State U., (2017), $241,464
  • Sanjaya, “Developing Cost Effective Biological Removal Technology for Selenium and Nitrate from Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Wastewater from an Existing Power Generating Facility. DOE, $250,000.00”
  • Sanjaya, Functional Characterization of Arabidopsis RmlC-like Cupins Superfamily. National Science Foundation (NSF), $300,000.00 (2016-2019).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2015-09260. CUCCAP: LEVERAGING APPLIED GENOMICS TO INCREASE DISEASE RESISTANCE IN CUCURBIT CROPS. (01 SEP 2015 - 31 AUG 2019) $6,515,655 (Research grant; as Co-PI for $300,000).
  • Sanjaya, Engineering Photosynthetic Organisms for the Production of Renewable Energy, products and environmental Remediation, Department of Defense (DoD), $336,962 (2015-2017).
  • Eya, J.C, USDA – Capacity Building Grant (01 Oct. 2015 - 31 Sept. 2018) No. 2011-38821-31130 ($295,663).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2015-06226. Phenomics for crop improvement: tools to create next generation plant breeders (01 SEP 2015 - AUG 2018), $299,940 (Research grant; as PI).
  • Barbara E. Liedl, USDA NIFA Capacity Building Grant Program, 2012-38821-20049, Understanding Segregation Distortion and Reproductive Barriers Improves Breeders Ability to Transfer Traits from Wild Species to Cultivated, $299,734, 10/2012 - 9/2016
  • Siddhartha Dasgupta, Michael Bomford and Barbara E. Liedl, USDA NIFA Capacity Building Grant Program, 2014-38821-22413, Developing a Comprehensive High Tunnel App as a New Tool for Building Capacity for Agricultural Extension at Two Appalachian 1890 Land Grant Institutions, $349,999, 10/2014 - 9/2017
  • Rakesh Chandran, Jennifer O. Williams, Daniel, Frank, Mafuz Rahman, Mira Dqanilovich, Sheldon Owen, Barbara E. Liedl, S. Starcher, M.-B Bennett, M. Harman, USDA EIP, #2014-70006-22578, Extension Implementation Program in West Virginia, $169,000, 9/2014-8/2017
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2013-04053. Summer academy of plant breeding: A platform to develop minority workforce in molecular plant breeding (01 SEP 2013 - 31 AUG 2016), $120,000 (Higher Education grant; as Co-PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2013-03685. Diversifying the watermelon cultivar genetic base using genomic selection to improve nutraceutical traits and use them as parental lines (01 SEP 2013 - 31 AUG 2016), $444,346 (Research grant; as PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2012-02508. Genome-wide association mapping for improving nutraceutical traits in pumpkin and squash (01 SEP 2012 -31 AUG 2016), $299,832 (Research grant; as Co-PI).
  • Eya, J.C, (14 Feb. 2014 - 14 Feb. 2015) DOD - Research and Education Program Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0122 ($156,336). 
  • Eya, J.C, (1 Oct. 2011 - 30 Sept. 2015) USDA – Capacity Building Grant No. 2015-38821-24346 ($599,997).
  • Doolarie Singh-Knights, Daisy Bailey, Barbara E. Liedl, and Cynthia Martel, Northeast Extension Risk Management Education (ERME), Growing Agritourism and Farm-Based Education in West Virginia - Managing Risks for Improved Income Diversification, $25,014, 7/2014 - 6/2015
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2012-02617. Engaging students in global genomic research through CGIAR visits and independent next-generation sequencing projects (01 SEP 2012 - 31 AUG 2015), $299,811 (Higher Education grant; as PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2010-02247. Stories of crop evolution, biodiversity and domestication and methods of genomic assisted crop improvement for curricula development (01 SEP 2010 - 31 AUG 2014), $299,986 (Higher Education grant; as Co-PI).
  • Ruhnke T.R, (2010- 2015) WVSU Faculty Coordinator, NSF EPSCoR RII, “Bionanotechnology for Public Security and Environmental Safety”
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2007-03349. BAC to genes: "Upgrading the genome core facility with robotics for use in integrating genomic research and education" (01 SEP 2007 - 31 AUG 2011), $199,936 (Higher Education grant; as Co-PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2007-03466. Syntenic analysis of cucurbit cultivar complex for widening genetic diversity and functional genomics of fruit quality and architecture (01 SEP 2007 - 31 AUG 2011), $499,762 (Research grant; as PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2005-03605. Physical mapping and eco-tilling for high-throughput allele mining of disease resistant and nutraceutical genes for pyramiding in sweet potato (15 SEP 2005 - 31 AUG 2010), $499,960 (Research grant; as Co-PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2004-02467. Understanding the simplicity of DNA sequence and jugglery of gene mapping: a new paradigm for biology education (01 SEP 2004 - 31 AUG 2008), $198,695 (Higher Education grant; as PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2004-02563. Use of functional genomics for pyramiding favorable allele combinations for enhancing the technology to produce seedless watermelon (01 SEP 2004 - 31 AUG 2009), $285,925 (Research grant; as PI).
  • Reddy, U.K, USDA-NIFA Proposal no. 2003-03965. Utilization of genomics for molecular breeding of high quality and disease resistant peppers (01 SEP 2003 - 31 AUG 2008), $299,647 (Research grant; as Co-PI).
  • Barbara E. Liedl, Doolarie Singh-Knights and John E. Porter, WV Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant, Maximizing Profitability and Productivity for Sustainable Multiple Vegetable Crop Production in West Virginia High Tunnels, $16,000, 10/2014 - 9/2017. 
  • Barbara E. Liedl, USDA NE SARE Professional Development Program, Enhancing Farm Viability and Profitability through Improved Specialty Crop Production and Handling$16,633, 10/1/15 thru 9/30/16
  • Barbara E. Liedl, USDA NE SARE Professional Development Program, Enhancing Farm Viability and Profitability through Improved Specialty Crop Production and Handling$16,633, 10/1/15 thru 9/30/16
  • Barbara E. Liedl, USDA NE SARE Professional Development Program, Enhancing Farm Viability and Profitability through Improved Specialty Crop Production and Handling$16,663, 10/1/14 thru 9/30/15
  • Barbara E. Liedl, USDA NE SARE Professional Development Program, Support for Sustaining family farms and their communities by building new capacity to enter and compete in locally accessible higher-value markets, $5,000, 10/1/13 thru 9/30/14

Year 2023

  • Vendemiatti E, Hernández-De Lira IO, Snijders R, Torne T, Therezan R, Prants G, Lopez-Ortiz C, Reddy U, Bleeker P, Schenck CA, Peres LEP, Benedito VA . Woollymutation withGet02locus overcomes the polygenic nature of trichome-based pest resistance in tomato.  doi:10.1101/2023.10.06.561305. PPR:PPR741151 (Accepted in Plant Physiology).
  • Chinnannan K, Somagattu P, Yammanuru H, Nimmakayala P, Reddy UK. A Comprehensive Evaluation of Heavy Metal Contaminations in Soils of Ohio and West Virginia and Cucurbitaceous Vegetables Grown in Respective Farms and Implications on Human Health.; 2023. DOI: 10.20944/preprints202307.0811.v1.
  • Bhattarai, Ambika, Padma Nimmakayala, Brittany Davenport, Purushothaman Natarajan, Alicia Talavera-Caro, Carlos Lopez-Ortiz, Lizbeth Ibarra-Muñoz et al. "Genetic Tapestry of Capsicum Fruit Colors: A Comparative Analysis of Four Cultivated Species." (2023).(Accepted with Theoretical and Applied Genetics).
  • Chinnannan, K., Somagattu, P., Yammanuru, H., Nimmakayala, P., Chakrabarti, M., & Reddy, U. K. (2023). Effects of Mars Global Simulant (MGS-1) on Growth and Physiology of Sweet Potato: A Space Model Plant. Plants 202413(1), 55;
  • Flores-Iga, G., Lopez-Ortiz, C., Gracia-Rodriguez, C., Almeida, A., Nimmakayala, P., Reddy, U. K., & Balagurusamy, N. (2023). A Genome-Wide Identification and Comparative Analysis of the Heavy-Metal-Associated Gene Family in Cucurbitaceae Species and Their Role in Cucurbita pepo under Arsenic Stress. Genes14(10), 1877.
  • Reddy, C. S., Natarajan, P., Nimmakayala, P., Hankins, G. R., & Reddy, U. K. (2023). From Fruit Waste to Medical Insight: The Comprehensive Role of Watermelon Rind Extract on Renal Adenocarcinoma Cellular and Transcriptomic Dynamics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences24(21),  []
  • Lopez-Ortiz, C.; Gracia-Rodriguez, C.; Belcher, S.; Flores-Iga, G.; Das, A.; Nimmakayala, P.; Balagurusamy, N.; Reddy, U.K. Drosophila melanogaster as a Translational Model System to Explore the Impact of Phytochemicals on Human Health. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 13365.
  • Flores-Iga, G.; Lopez-Ortiz, C.; Gracia-Rodriguez, C.; Almeida, A.; Nimmakayala, P.; Reddy, U.K.; Balagurusamy, N. A Genome-Wide Identification and Comparative Analysis of the Heavy-Metal-Associated Gene Family in Cucurbitaceae Species and Their Role in Cucurbita pepo under Arsenic Stress. Genes 2023, 14, 1877.
  • Lopez-Ortiz C, Reddy UK, Zhang C, Natarajan P, Nimmakayala P, Benedito VA, Fabian M, Stommel J. QTL and PACE analyses identify candidate genes for anthracnose resistance in tomato. Front Plant Sci. 2023 Aug 4;14:1200999. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1200999. 
  • Lopez-Ortiz, C., Gracia-Rodriguez, C., Belcher, S., Flores-Iga, G., Das, A., Nimmakayala, P., ... & Reddy, U. K. (2023). Drosophila melanogaster as a Translational Model System to Explore the Impact of Phytochemicals on Human Health. International journal of molecular sciences24(17), 13365.
  • Pandey R, Sirbu C, Hankins G, Fandey TE, Du W. Thymoquinone treatment enhances T cell-mediated anti-tumor response in vitroInternational Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy: 8(2)m 56-63, 2023 [] [PMID: 27901114]
  • Reddy, U. K.; Lopez-Ortiz, C.; Talavera-Caro, A. G.; Natarajan, P.; Tomason, Y.; Alaparthi, S.; Levi, A.; Nimmakayala, P., GWAS resolves molecular mechanisms underlying natural variation for carotenoids in Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. Scientia Horticulturae 2023, 312, 111881.
  • Hyndavi, Y., Nimmakayala, P., & Reddy, U. K. (2023) Targeted Genome Editing for Anthracnose Resistance in Tomato: Unraveling QTL Candidates and Validating through CRISPR/Cas9 Technology. Abstracts of Presentations from American Society of Horticultural Science 2023 Annual Conference. HortScience, 58(9S), S1-S387. Retrieved Dec 21, 2023, from, S.K., Nimmakayala, P., Reddy, U.K. (2023). Watermelon: Advances in Genetics of Fruit Qualitative Traits. In: Kole, C. (eds) Compendium of Crop Genome Designing for Nutraceuticals. Springer, Singapore.
  • Jat, G.S., Reddy, U.K. (2023). Health Properties and Breeding for Phytonutrients in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.). In: Dutta, S.K., Nimmakayala, P., Reddy, U.K. (eds) The Watermelon Genome . Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham.
  • Induri, B., Nimmakayala, P., Reddy, U.K. (2023). Genomic Resources for Disease Resistance in Watermelon. In: Dutta, S.K., Nimmakayala, P., Reddy, U.K. (eds) The Watermelon Genome . Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham.
  • Natarajan, P., Nimmakayala, P., Dutta, S.K., Reddy, U.K. (2023). Caveats for Watermelon Whole Genome Sequencing. In: Dutta, S.K., Nimmakayala, P., Reddy, U.K. (eds) The Watermelon Genome . Compendium of Plant Genomes. Springer, Cham.
  • Alsinayyid, A., Kadiyala, S., Mannuru, V., & Ali Jewel, M. (2023). A Literature Survey And Analysis of Defending Cyber Attacks on Critical Infrastructure. In Computational Science and Computational Intelligence Conference (CSCI). IEEE. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  • Alsinayyid, A., Mannuru, V., Kadiyala, S., & Ali Jewel, M. (2023). Analytical Study for Cybersecurity Attacks and Defenses Characteristics. In Computational Science and Computational Intelligence Conference (CSCI). IEEE. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  • Alsinayyid, A., Ali Jewel, M., Mannuru, V., & Kadiyala, S. (2023). Defending Characteristics and Attribution Analysis for Phishing Attacks. In Computational Science and Computational Intelligence Conference (CSCI). IEEE. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  • Al-Sinayyid, A., & Zhu, M. (2020). Job scheduler for streaming applications in heterogeneous distributed processing systems. The Journal of Supercomputing, 76, 9609-9628.
  • Fred Wu, Colmenares-Diaz Eduardo, Unpacking the Bias Challenges of Deep Learning in Clinical Applications: A Critical Explorer of the Impact of Training, PriMera Scientific Engineering,Volume 3 Issue 5 November 2023,DOI: 10.56831/PSEN-03-084
  • Anh Le, Fred Wu, Lan Vu, Thanh Le,Text Summarization Evaluation using Semantic Probability Distributions , The 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI'23) CSCI-RTAI,Dec. 2023, Las Vegas, USA
  •  Yhocsan U. Guevara-Garcia,Md Julfiker Al Jewel, Md Muminul Hossain, Fred Wu, and Fernando Rojano*, Reinforcing a Monitoring System of a Regulated River using LSTM, the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2023,  Las Vegas, USA
  •  Lucas Givens, Md Julfiker Al Jewel, Md Muminul Hossain, Upali Karunathilake*, and Fred Wu , Intelligent Upper Limbs Prosthetics with 1D Convolutional Neural Networks and Quick Training,The 9th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Sciences, July 2023,  Las Vegas, USA
  •  Zichun Wang, Samuel Temesgen, Fred Wu*, R1CIDS: A Hybrid Dual Filters Intrusion Detection System, the 22nd International Conference on Security & Management, July 2023,  Las Vegas, USA
  • Idenyi, J.N., M.F. Abanikannda, D.H. Huber, A.L. Gannam, W.M. Sealey, J.C. Eya. 2023. Genome-wide insights into whole gut microbiota of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, fed plant proteins and camelina oil at different temperature regimens. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 1-25. doi: 10.1111/jwas.13028
  • Idenyi, J.N., J.C. Eya, M.F. Abanikannda, D.H. Huber, A.L. Gannam, W.M. Sealey. 2023. Dynamics of mitochondrial adaptation and energy metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in response to sustainable diet and temperature. Journal of Animal Science 101:1-15.
  • Rezaie, A.; Afzalimehr, H.; Sohrabi, S.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M.; Ahmadi, R. Reducing Scour Around Semi-Elliptical Bridge Abutments: Application of Roughness Elements. Fluids, 2023, 8(12), 306. DOI: 10.3390/fluids8120306
  • Aghaei, Y.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Karakouzian, M. Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Its Suitability for Drinking and Agricultural Use – Case Study: Fars Province, Iran. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2023, 13(3), 10797-10807. DOI: 10.48084/etasr.5884
  • Soltani, N.; Afzalimehr, H.; Shahiri Tabarestani, E.; Eftekhari, A.; Khabari, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Turbulence Characteristics in Mild and Steep Entrance Slopes of Pool-Riffle Sequences. Water, 2023, 15(4), 720. DOI: 10.3390/w15040720
  • Kazem, M.; Taheri Behbahani, M.T.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. The Impact of Operational Scenarios and Concrete Aging Factor on the Freeboard Height of an Irrigation Canal. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2023, 13(1), 10199-10203. DOI: 10.48084/etasr.5592
  • Taheriyoun, M.; Fallahi, A.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Fallahi, S. Optimization of Best Management Practices Combination to Control Runoff Water Quality in an Urban Watershed using a Novel Framework of Embedding Response Surface Model. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2023, 46, 19-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.jher.2022.11.003


Year 2022

  • Reddy UK, Natarajan P, Lakshmi Abburi V, Tomason Y, Levi A, Nimmakayala P. What makes a giant fruit? Assembling a genomic toolkit underlying various fruit traits of the mammoth group of Cucurbita maxima. Frontiers in Genetics. 2022 Sep 20.
  • Gupta, A., Balakrishnan, B., Karki, S., Slayton, M., Jash, S., Banerjee, S., Grahn, T.H.M., Jambunathan, S., Disney, S., Hussein, H. Kong, D. and Reddy UK., 2022. Human CIDEC transgene improves lipid metabolism and protects against high-fat diet–induced glucose intolerance in mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 298(9).
  • Sowjanya PR, Shilpa P, Patil GP, Babu DK, Sharma J, Sangnure VR, Mundewadikar DM, Natarajan P, Marathe AR, Reddy UK, Singh VN. Reference quality genome sequence of Indian pomegranate cv. 'Bhagawa' (Punica granatum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022;13.
  • Lopez-Ortiz, Carlos, Mary Edwards, Purushothaman Natarajan, Armando Pacheco-Valenciana, Padma Nimmakayala, Donald A. Adjeroh, Cristian Sirbu, and Umesh K. Reddy. "Peppers in Diet: Genome-Wide Transcriptome and Metabolome Changes in Drosophila melanogaster." International journal of molecular sciences 23, no. 17 (2022): 9924.
  • Pacheco-Valenciana A, Lopez-Ortiz C, Natarajan P, Saminathan T, Nimmakayala P, Reddy UK. Stress responses and comparative transcriptome analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes exposed to BTEX compounds. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2022 Jun 8:104953.
  • Chandrasekar S, Natarajan P, Mhatre PH, Mahajan M, Nivitha S, Palanisamy VE, Reddy UK, Sundararaj P. RNA-Seq of Cyst Nematode Infestation of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.): A Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Resistant and Susceptible Cultivars. Plants. 2022 Apr 7;11(8):1008.
  • Nimmakayala P, Carlos Ortiz, P. Natarajan, Reddy UK 2022 Population Genomics of Sweet Watermelon. In. Springer New York, USA DOI: 10.1007/13836_2022_102
  • Heng Wu, Purushothaman Natarajan, Padma Nimmakayala, Umesh Reddy, Rui Wang, Thanh Le, Plant Leaf Disease Detection with Deep Learning, The 26th Int'l Conf on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition(IPCV'22), July 2022, Las Vegas, USA
  • Malkaram, S. A., Shatnawi, A., Fan, J., Carraway, H., Denvir, J., Primerano, D. A., Abd Elmageed, Z. Y., & Fandy, T. E. (2022). Differential Histone Posttranslational Modifications Induced by DNA Hypomethylating Agents. Cancer Control29, 107327482210740.
  • Sawesi, S., Malkaram, S. A., Abd Elmageed, Z. Y., & Fandy, T. E. (2022). Modulation of the activity of histone lysine methyltransferases and demethylases by curcumin analog in leukaemia cells. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, jcmm.17589.
  • Shatnawi, A., Malkaram, S. A., Fandy, T., & Tsouko, E. (2020). Identification of the inhibitor of growth protein 4 (ING4) as a potential target in prostate cancer therapy. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry464(1–2), 153–167.
  • Wang, J., Youkharibache, P., Marchler-Bauer, A., Lanczycki, C., Zhang, D., Lu, S., Madej, T., Marchler, G. H., Cheng, T., Chong, L. C., Zhao, S., Yang, K., Lin, J., Cheng, Z., Dunn, R., Malkaram, S. A., Tai, C.-H., Enoma, D., Busby, B., … Ge, Y. (2022). iCn3D: From Web-Based 3D Viewer to Structural Analysis Tool in Batch Mode. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences9, 831740.
  • Ruhnke, T. R., C. P. Pommelle, D. Aguilar, H. Hudson, and F. B. Reyda. 2022. Two new species of Stillabothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from stingrays from Northern Australia and one new combination. Journal of Parasitology 108(2): 166-179.
  • Razavi M, Sookhakian M, Goh BT, Bahron H, Mahmoud E, Alias Y. Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets Decorated with Platinum Nanoparticle as a High Active Electrocatalyst in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Nanoscale Res Lett 2022;17:9.
  • How GTS, Sarjidan MAM, Goh BT, Yap BK, Mahmoud E, How GTS, et al. Perovskites in Next Generation Memory Devices. Recent Adv Perovskite Mater [Working Title] 2022.
  • Atabani AE, Mahmoud E, Aslam M, Naqvi SR, Juchelková D, Bhatia SK, et al. Emerging potential of spent coffee ground valorization for fuel pellet production in a biorefinery. Environ Dev Sustain 2022:1–39.
  • Sivaramakrishnan K, Mahmoud E. Development of a High-Accuracy Statistical Model to Identify the Key Parameter for Methane Adsorption in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Anal 2022, Vol 3, Pages 335-370 2022;3:335-70.
  • Atabani AE, Ali I, Naqvi SR, Badruddin IA, Aslam M, Mahmoud E, et al. A state-of-the-art review on spent coffee ground (SCG) pyrolysis for future biorefinery. Chemosphere
  • 2022;286:131730.
  • Mahmoud E, Atabani AE, Badruddin IA. Valorization of spent coffee grounds for biogas production: A circular bioeconomy approach for a biorefinery. Fuel 2022;328:125296.
  • Rojano, Fernando, David H. Huber, Ifeoma R. Ugwuanyi, Andrielle Larissa Kemajou Tchamba, Amir Hass. 2022. Rainstorms inducing shifts of hydrochemistry during a winter season in the Central Appalachian Region. Water 14:2687.
  • Derakhshan, S.; Dodangeh, E.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Raeisifar, H.; Karakouzian, M. Effect of Vertical Variation of Submerged Vegetation Density on the Flow Resistance. Hydrology, 2022, 9(11), 191. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology9110191
  • Karami, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Bristow, J.; Karakouzian, M. Evaluation of the stability of terraced slopes in clayey gravel soil using a novel numerical technique. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-023-0922-9
  • Naderi, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Dehghan, A.; Darban, N.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Field Study of Three–Parameter Flow Resistance Model in Rivers with Vegetation Patch. Fluids, 2022, 7(8), 284. DOI: 10.3390/fluids7080284


Year 2021

  • Garcia‐Lozano, Marleny, Purushothaman Natarajan, Amnon Levi, Ramesh Katam, Carlos Lopez‐Ortiz, Padma Nimmakayala, and Umesh K. Reddy. "Altered chromatin conformation and transcriptional regulation in watermelon following genome doubling." The Plant Journal 106, no. 3 (2021): 588-600.
  • Joshi, Vijay, Padma Nimmakayala, Qiushuo Song, Venkata Abburi, Purushothaman Natarajan, Amnon Levi, Kevin Crosby, and Umesh K. Reddy. "Genome-wide association study and  population structure analysis of seed-bound amino acids and total protein in watermelon." PeerJ 9 (2021): e12343.
  • Natarajan P, Ahn E, Reddy UK, Perumal R, Prom LK and Magill C (2021) RNA-Sequencing in Resistant (QL3) and Susceptible (Theis) Sorghum Cultivars Inoculated with Johnsongrass Isolates of Colletotrichum sublineolaFront. Genet. 12:722519. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2021.722519
  • Perry, Zachary D., Thangasamy Saminathan, Alok Arun, Brajesh N. Vaidya, Chhandak Basu, Umesh K. Reddy, and Nirmal Joshee. "Transcriptome Analysis of Cambium Tissue of Paulownia Collected during Winter and Spring." Diversity 13, no. 9 (2021): 423.
  • Singh Nripendra Vikram, Patil Prakash Goudappa, Sowjanya Roopa P., Parashuram Shilpa, Natarajan Purushothaman, Babu Karuppannan Dhinesh, Pal Ram Krishna, Sharma Jyotsana, Reddy Umesh K. Chloroplast Genome Sequencing, Comparative Analysis, and Discovery of Unique Cytoplasmic Variants in Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.). Frontiers in Genetics. DOI=10.3389/fgene.2021.704075   
  • Padma Nimmakayala, Carlos Lopez-Ortiz, Bhagarathi Shahi, Venkata L. Abburi, Purushothaman Natarajan, Arjun Ojha Kshetry, Suhas Shinde, Brittany Davenport, John Stommel, Umesh K. Reddy, Exploration into natural variation for genes associated with fruit shape and size among Capsicum chinense collections. Genomics,   
  • Wang, X., Ando, K., Wu, S., Reddy, U. K., Tamang, P., Bao, K., ... & Fei, Z. (2021). Genetic characterization of melon accessions in the US National Plant Germplasm System and construction of a melon core collection. Molecular Horticulture, 1(1), 1-13.
  • Lopez-Ortiz, Carlos, Yadira Peña-Garcia, Menuka Bhandari, Venkata Lakshmi Abburi, Purushothaman Natarajan, John Stommel, Padma Nimmakayala, and Umesh K. Reddy. "Identification of miRNAs and Their Targets Involved in Flower and Fruit Development across Domesticated and Wild Capsicum Species." International journal of molecular sciences 22, no. 9 (2021): 4866.
  • Yadira Peña-Garcia, Suhas Shinde, Natarajan P, Cristina Delgado-Chavez, Carlos Lopez-Ortiz, Nagamani Balagurusamy, , Thangasamy Saminathan, Padma Nimmakayala and Umesh K. Reddy. Arsenic stress-related F-box (ASRF) gene regulates arsenic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
  • Ghimire, B.; Saminathan, T.; Bodunrin, A.; Abburi, V.L.; Kshetry, A.O.; Shinde, S.; Nimmakayala, P.; Reddy, U.K. Genome-Wide Association Study of Natural Variation in Arabidopsis Exposed to Acid Mine Drainage Toxicity and Validation of Associated Genes with Reverse Genetics. Plants 2021, 10, 191.
  • Kulkarni, K.P.; Vorsa, N.; Natarajan, P.; Elavarthi, S.; Iorizzo, M.; Reddy, U.K.; Melmaiee, K. Admixture Analysis Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing Reveals Genetic Relatedness and Parental Lineage Distribution in Highbush Blueberry Genotypes and Cross Derivatives. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 163.
  • Jingke She, Shanshan Gong, Suyuan Yang, Tianzi Shi, Shaofei Lu, Heng Wu , ConvGRU-TSNet: A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting, the 2021 international Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, December 2021, Las Vegas, USA, DOI10.1109/CSCI54926.2021.00032
  •  Rui Wang, Chwan-Li Shen, Victor Sheng, Heng Wu, Zackery Toler, Samuel Temesgen, A Review of Publicly Patient-Centered Alzheimer's Disease Datasets, the 2021 international Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, December 2021, Las Vegas, USA, DOI: 10.1109/CSCI54926.2021.00247
  •  Eduardo Colmenares, Heng Wu, Accelerating Workload Processing with MPI for Porter's Stemming Algorithm, the 2021 international Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, December 2021, Las Vegas, USA, DOI: 10.1109/CSCI54926.2021.00337
  • Ali L, Mahmoud E. Recent advances in the design of metal–organic frameworks for methane storage and delivery. J Porous Mater 2021;28:213–30.
  • Huber, David H., Jesus E. Chavarria-Palma, Teodoro Espinosa-Solares. 2021. Co-digestion of dairy cattle waste in a pilot-scale thermophilic digester adapted to poultry litter feedstock: stress, recovery and microbiome response. BioEnergy Research 14:1349-1359.


Year 2020

  • Smith, Vincent, "AEW and WWE’s Wednesday Night Wars: An Early Analysis." Professional Wrestling Studies Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, 2021, pp. 47-60. 
  • Rojano, F.; Huber, D.H.; Ugwuanyi, I.R.; Noundou, V.L.; Kemajou-Tchamba, A.L.; Chavarria-Palma, J.E. Net Ecosystem Production of a River Relying on Hydrology, Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Monitoring Stations. Water 2020, 12, 783. doi:10.3390/w12030783
  • Huber, David H., Alejandro Ramirez-Garcia, Jesus E. Chavarria-Palma, Teodoro Espinosa-Solares, Vadesse Lhilhi Noundou, Natalia A. Montenegro-Garcia, Akintolami Adeleye, Chandra S. Martin. 2020. Stress induced by crude glycerol in a thermophilic digester: microbial community divergence and resilience, but slow process recovery. Appl. Microb. Biotechnol
  • Idenyi, J.N., Eya, J.C., Ogbonna, J.C. Ubi, B.E., Chia, M. A. and Alam, M.A. 2020. Characterization of strains of Chlorella from Abakaliki, Nigeria, for the production of high-value products under variable temperatures. J Appl Phycol (2020).
  • Studies of the Enantiocontrolled Synthesis of the C(10)–C(25) Subunit of Amphidinolide C, David R. Williams, Ramkrishna De, Micheal W. Fultz, Derek A. Fischer, Ángel Morales-Ramos, and David Rodríguez-Reyes Organic Letters 2020 22 (11), 4118-4122, DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.0c01177
  • Al-Sinayyid, A., Zhu, M. Job scheduler for streaming applications in heterogeneous distributed processing systems. The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer) 76, 9609–9628 (2020)
  • Yadira Peña-Garcia, Suhas Shinde, Natarajan P, Cristina Delgado-Chavez, Carlos Lopez-Ortiz, Nagamani Balagurusamy, Thangasamy Saminathan, Padma Nimmakayala and Umesh K. Reddy. Arsenic stress-related F-box (ASRF) gene regulates arsenic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
  • Ortiz C, Dutta SK, Natarajan P, Pena Garcia Y, Abburi V, Nimmakayala P and Reddy UK (2020). The ankyrin repeat gene family in Capsicum spp.: Genome-wide survey, characterization and gene expression profile.  Nature Scientific Reports: 10.1038/s41598-020-61057=-098*4
  • Karaca M, Ince AG, Reddy UK. Interspecific grafting between Gossypium hirsutum, G. barbadense and G. herbaceum lines. Nature Scientific Reports. 2020 Oct 29;10(1).
  • Garcia-Lozano, M., J. Haynes, C. Lopez-Ortiz, P. Natarajan, Y. Peña-Garcia, P. Nimmakayala, J. Stommel, S. B. Alaparthi, C. Sirbu and N. Balagurusamy and U. K. Reddy (2020). "Effect of Pepper-Containing Diets on the Diversity and Composition of Gut Microbiome of Drosophila melanogaster." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(3): 945.
  • Singh NV, Parashuram S, Sharma J, Potlannagari RS, Karuppannan DB, Pal RK, Patil P, Mundewadikar DM, Sangnure VR, Arun PP, Mutha NV, Umesh K. Reddy.  Comparative transcriptome profiling of pomegranate genotypes having resistance and susceptible reaction to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 2020 Dec 1;27(12):3514-28.
  • Natarajan, P., A. T. Akinmoju, P. Nimmakayala, C. Lopez-Ortiz, M. Garcia-Lozano, J. B. Thompson, J. Stommel and U. K. Reddy (2020). "Integrated Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis to Characterize Cutin Biosynthesis between Low- and High-Cutin Genotypes of Capsicum chinense Jacq." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(4).
  • Garcia-Lozano, Marleny, Sudip Kumar Dutta, Purushothaman Natarajan, Yan R. Tomason, Carlos Lopez, Ramesh Katam, Amnon Levi, Padma Nimmakayala, and Umesh K. Reddy. "Transcriptome changes in reciprocal grafts involving watermelon and bottle gourd reveal molecular mechanisms involved in increase of the fruit size, rind toughness and soluble solids." Plant Molecular Biology 102, no. 1 (2020): 213-223.
  • Islam, S., Reddy, U. K., Natarajan, P., Abburi, V. L., Bajwa, A. A., Imran,  & Ashraf, K. (2020). Population demographic history and population structure for Pakistani Nili-Ravi breeding bulls based on SNP genotyping to identify genomic regions associated with male effects for milk yield and body weight. Plos one, 15(11), e0242500.
  • Perry ZD, Saminathan T, Arun A, Vaidya BN, Basu C, Reddy UK, Joshee N. Cambium-specific Transcriptome Analysis of Paulownia to Study the Molecular Impacts of Winter and Spring Seasons on Tree Growth. bioRxiv. 2020 Jan 1.

Year 2019

  • Biswas, A., K. Melmaiee, S. Elavarthi, J. Jones and U. Reddy (2019). "Characterization of strawberry (Fragaria spp.) accessions by genotyping with SSR markers and phenotyping by leaf antioxidant and trichome analysis." Scientia Horticulturae 256: 108561.
  • Garcia-Lozano, M., S. K. Dutta, P. Natarajan, Y. R. Tomason, C. Lopez, R. Katam, A. Levi, P. Nimmakayala and U. K. Reddy (2019). "Transcriptome changes in reciprocal grafts involving watermelon and bottle gourd reveal molecular mechanisms involved in increase of the fruit size, rind toughness and soluble solids." Plant Molecular Biology: 1-11.
  • Gonzalo, M. J., A. Díaz, N. P. Dhillon, U. K. Reddy, B. Picó and A. J. Monforte (2019). "Re-evaluation of the role of Indian germplasm as center of melon diversification based on genotyping-by-sequencing analysis." BMC genomics 20(1): 448.
  • Joshi, V., S. Shinde, P. Nimmakayala, V. L. Abburi, S. B. Alaparthi, C. Lopez-Ortiz, A. Levi, G. Panicker and U. K. Reddy (2019). "Haplotype Networking of GWAS Hits for Citrulline Variation Associated with the Domestication of Watermelon." International journal of molecular sciences 20(21): 5392.
  • Zheng, Y., S. Wu, Y. Bai, H. Sun, C. Jiao, S. Guo, K. Zhao, J. Blanca, Z. Zhang, S. Huang, Yong Xu, Y. Weng, M. Mazourek, U. K. Reddy, K. Ando, J. D McCreight, A. A Schaffer, J. Burger, Y. Tadmor, N. Katzir, X. Tang, Y. Liu, J. J Giovannoni, Kai-Shu Ling, W P. Wechter, A Levi, J. G-Mas, R. Grumet, Z. Fei (2019). "Cucurbit Genomics Database (CuGenDB): a central portal for comparative and functional genomics of cucurbit crops." Nucleic acids research 47(D1): D1128-D1136.
  • Lopez-Ortiz, C., S. K. Dutta, P. Natarajan, Y. Pena-Garcia, V. Abburi, T. Saminathan, P. Nimmakayala and U. K. Reddy (2019). "Genome-wide identification and gene expression pattern of ABC transporter gene family in Capsicum spp." PloS one 14(4).
  • Wu, S., X. Wang, U. Reddy, H. Sun, K. Bao, L. Gao, L. Mao, T. Patel, C. Ortiz and V. L. Abburi (2019). "Genome of ‘Charleston Gray’, the principal American watermelon cultivar, and genetic characterization of 1,365 accessions in the US National Plant Germplasm System watermelon collection." Plant biotechnology journal 17(12): 2246-2258.
  • Barney, R. J.  2019b. Key to all Sixty-Four Species of Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) in the Eastern USA. The Coleopterist Bulletin 73(1): 85-96.
  • Barney, R. J.  2019a. Descriptions of Four New Species of Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) of the Eastern USA. The Coleopterist Bulletin 73(1): 67-75.

Year 2018

  • Hass A., and I.M. Lima. 2018. Effect of feed source and pyrolysis conditions on properties and metal sorption by sugarcane biochar. Environmental Technology & Innovation 10:16–26.
  • Bhuiyan, M., Leon, R. (2018) “Wind Effect Statistics of Diagrid High-rise Buildings”, International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Vol 7, Number 1, pp 66-70
  • Barney, R. J.  2018b.  Definition and Revision of the pectoralis Species-group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae). The Coleopterist Bulletin 72(3): 471-499.
  • Perla, V., M. Nadimi, R. Reddy, G. R. Hankins, P. Nimmakayala, R. T. Harris, J. Valluri, C. Sirbu and U. K. Reddy (2018). "Effect of ghost pepper on cell proliferation, apoptosis, senescence and global proteomic profile in human renal adenocarcinoma cells." PloS one 13(10).
  • Wang, X., K. Bao, U. K. Reddy, Y. Bai, S. A. Hammar, C. Jiao, T. C. Wehner, A. O. Ramírez-Madera, Y. Weng and R. Grumet (2018). "The USDA cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) collection: genetic diversity, population structure, genome-wide association studies, and core collection development." Horticulture research 5(1): 1-13.
  • Barney, R. J.  2018a.  Definition and Revision of the atomarius Species-group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Including Descriptions of Nine New Species.  The Coleopterist Bulletin 72(1): 9-74.
  • Zheng, Y., S. Wu, R. Grumet, A. Levi, Y. Weng, M. Mazourek, J. D. McCreight, U. K. Reddy, N. Katzir and J. Garcia-Mas (2018). Cucurbit Genomics Database: Integration Genetic and Genomics Resources for Cucurbit Breeding. Plant and Animal Genome XXVI Conference (January 13-17, 2018), PAG.
  • Saminathan T, Alvarado A, Lopez C, Shinde S, Gajanayake B, Abburi VL, Vajja VG, Jagadeeswaran G, Raja Reddy K, Nimmakayala P, Reddy UK (2018) "Elevated carbon dioxide and drought modulate physiology and storage-root development in sweet potato by regulating microRNAs". Functional & Integrative Genomics. doi:10.1007/s10142-018-0635-7​
  • Fine P., S. Carmeli, M. Borisover, R. Hayat, A. Beriozkin, A. Hass, U. Mingelgrin. 2018. Properties of the DOM in Soil Irrigated with Wastewater Effluent and Its Interaction with Copper Ions. Water Air Soil Pollut. 229: 2.
  • David C. Fratamico, Shahabeddin Torabian, Xi Zhao, Kim J.R. Rasmussen, Benjamin W. Schafer, "Experimental study on the composite action in sheathed and bare built-up cold-formed steel columns", Thin-Walled Structures,Volume 127,2018,Pages 290-305,ISSN 0263-8231,
  • Huber, David H., Ifeoma R. Ugwuanyi, Sridhar A. Malkaram, Vadesse Lhilhi Noundou, Jesus E. Chavarria-Palma. 2018. Metagenome Sequences of Sediment from a Recovering Industrialized Appalachian River in West Virginia. Genome Announcements 6(18): e00350-18. (  

  • Meneses-Reyes, Jose Carlos, Guadalupe Hernandez-Eugenio, David H. Huber, Nagamani Balagurusamy, Teodoro Espinosa-Solares. 2018. Oil-extracted Chlorella vulgaris biomass and glycerol bioconversion to methane via continuous anaerobic co-digestion with chicken litter. Renewable Energy 128:223-229. (
  • Al-Sinayyid, A. Zhu, M. "Maximizing the Processing Rate for Streaming Applications in Apache Storm." In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA'18) pp. 143~146 Las Vegas, USA, July 30 - August 2, 2018.  
  • Huber, David H., Jesus E. Chavarria-Palma, Sridhar A. Malkaram, Natalia Montenegro-Garcia, Vadesse Lhilhi Noundou, Ifeoma R. Ugwuanyi, Teodoro Espinosa-Solares. 2018.  Metagenome Sequences of a Thermophilic Anaerobic Digester Adapted to a Low C/N Ratio, High-Ammonia Feedstock (Poultry Litter). Genome Announcements 6(25):e00598-18.  (  

  • Fratamico, David & Torabian, Shahabeddin & Zhao, Xi & J.R. Rasmussen, Kim & W. Schafer, Benjamin. (2018). "Experiments on the global buckling and collapse of built-up cold-formed steel columns". Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 144. 65-80. 10.1016/j.jcsr.2018.01.007
  • Saminathan T, García M, Ghimire B, Lopez C, Bodunrin A, Nimmakayala P, Abburi VL, Levi A, Balagurusamy N and Reddy UK (2018) "Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analyses of Diverse Watermelon Cultivars Reveal the Role of Fruit Associated Microbiome in Carbohydrate
    Metabolism and Ripening of Mature Fruits". Front. Plant Sci. 9:4. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00004
  • Bhuiyan, M., Leon, R. (2018) “Preliminary Design of a Diagrid Tall Buildings”, International Journal of Modern Engineering, Vol 18, Number 1, pp 5-14 
  • Barney, R. J.  2018.  Definition and revision of the atomarius species-group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Including Descriptions of Nine New Species.  The Coleopterist Bulletin 72(1): 1-66. [contains P. mcmeansi]

Year 2017

  • Xi Zhao, Mazdak Tootkaboni, Benjamin W. Schafer, Laser-based cross-section measurement of cold-formed steel members: Model reconstruction and application, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 120, November 2017, Pages 70-80, ISSN 0263-8231, (
  • Levi A, Simmons AM, Massey L, Coffey J, Wechter WP, Jarret RL, Tadmor Y, Nimmakayala P, Reddy UK (2017) Genetic Diversity in the Desert Watermelon Citrullus colocynthis and its Relationship with Citrullus Species as Determined by High-frequency Oligonucleotides-targeting Active Gene Markers. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 142 (1):47-56. doi:10.21273/jashs03834-16
  • Bhuiyan, M., Leon, R. (2017) “Probabilistic Models for Critical Responses of High-rise Buildings”, International Journal of Modern Engineering, Vol 17, Number 2, pp 26-3
  • Barney, R. J. 2017.  Definition and Revision of the spumarius Species-Group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae).  The Coleopterist Bulletin 71(3): 449-460.
  • Barney, R. J.  2017.  Definition and Revision of the luridus Species-Group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae).  The Coleopterist Bulletin 71(1): 1-45.
  • Mengfan Li, Wei Li, Linwei Niu, Huihui Zhou, Genshe Chen, Feng Duan, “An Event-Related Potential-based Adaptive Model for Telepresence Control of Humanoid Robot Motion in an Environment with Cluster Obstacles”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 64, Issue 2, pages 1696 – 1705, Feb. 2017.

  • Levi A, Jarret R, Kousik S, Patrick Wechter W, Nimmakayala P, Reddy U Genetic Resources of Watermelon. In. Springer New York, New York, NY, pp 1-24. doi:10.1007/7397_2016_34

  • Nimmakayala P, Saminathan T, Abburi VL, Yadav LK, Tomason Y, Levi A, Weng Y, Reddy UK Comparative Genomics of the Cucurbitaceae. In. Springer New York, New York, NY, pp 1-12. doi:10.1007/7397_2017_2
  • Al-Sinayyid, A. “Wireless Telecommunications uprising through 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE)”, Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for computer science and mathematics, 3(1), pp. 221-230 (2017)  
  • Reddy UK, Nimmakayala P, Abburi VL, Reddy CVCM, Saminathan T, Percy RG, Yu JZ, Frelichowski J, Udall JA, Page JT, Zhang D, Shehzad T, Paterson AH (2017) Genome-wide divergence, haplotype distribution and population demographic histories for Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense as revealed by genome-anchored SNPs. Scientific Reports 7:41285. doi:10.1038/srep41285

Year 2016

  • Bhuiyan, M., Leon, R. (2016) “Choice of Numerical Integration Method for Wind Time History Analysis of Tall Buildings”, Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering and Science, Vol 6, Issue 10, pp 21-30.
  • Nimmakayala P, Abburi VL, Saminathan T, Alaparthi SB, Almeida A, Davenport B, Nadimi M, Davidson J, Tonapi K, Yadav L, Malkaram S, Vajja G, Hankins G, Harris R, Park M, Choi D, Stommel J, Reddy UK (2016) Genome-wide Diversity and Association Mapping for Capsaicinoids and Fruit Weight in Capsicum annuum L. Scientific Reports 6:38081. doi:10.1038/srep38081
  • Nimmakayala P, Tomason Y, Abburi VL, Rodríguez A, Saminathan T, Vajja VG, Salazar G, Panicker G, Levi A, Wechter W, McCreight J, Korol A, Ronin Y, Garcia-Mas J, Reddy U (2016) Genome-wide differentiation of various melon horticultural groups for use in GWAS for fruit firmness and construction of a high resolution genetic map. Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (1437). doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01437
  • Barney, R. J.  2016.  Definition and Revision of the othonus Species-Group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae).  The Coleopterist Bulletin 70(3): 569-605.
  • Nimmakayala P, Abburi VL, Saminathan T, Almeida A, Davenport B, Davidson J, Reddy CM, Hankins G, Ebert A, Choi D, Stommel J, Reddy U (2016) Genome-wide divergence and linkage disequilibrium analyses for Capsicum baccatum revealed by genome-anchored single nucleotide polymorphisms. Frontiers in Plant Science 7 (1646). doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01646

  • Sridhar Vaddi, Venkatesan Thiruvengadam, Sunil Joshi, Jalali Sushil Kumar, Lakshmana Reddy, Dhoranalapalli Chinnappareddy, Padma Nimmakayala, Yan Tomason, Gopinath Vajja & Umesh K Reddy (2016) In silico mining of microsatellites and analysis of genetic diversity among inter and intra-generic aphids of the subfamily Aphidinae. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. doi: 10.1111/eea.12450
  • ​Perla V, Nimmakayala P, Nadimi M, Alaparthi S, Hankins GR, Ebert AW, Reddy UK (2016) Vitamin C and reducing sugars in the world collection of Capsicum baccatum L. genotypes. Food Chemistry 202:189-198. doi:
  • Zalesny Jr R.S., J.A. Stanturf, E.S. Gardiner, G.S. Bañuelos, R.A. Hallett, A. Hass, C.M. Stange, J.H. Perdue, T.M. Young, D.R. Coyle, and W.L. Headlee. 2016. Environmental Technologies of Woody Crop Production Systems. Bioenerg. Res. 9(2): 492-506.
  • Ronald S. Zalesny Jr R.S., J.A. Stanturf, E.S. Gardiner, J.H. Perdue, T.M. Young, D.R. Coyle, W.L. Headlee, G.S. Bañuelos, and A. Hass. 2016. Ecosystem Services of Woody Crop Production Systems. Bioenerg. Res. 9(2): 465–491.
  • Timothy R. Ruhnke, Janine Caira, Allison Cox, "The cestode order Rhinebothriidea no longer family-less: A molecular phylogenetic investigation with erection of two new families and description of eight new species of Anthocephalum", Zootaxa. 2015 Jan 5;3904(1):51-81.

  • Barney, R. J.  2016. Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) Endemic to Florida, Including a Description of Four New Species. The Coleopterist Bulletin 70(1): 1-22.

Year 2015

  • Saminathan T., S.A. Malkaram, D. Patel, K. Taylor, A. Hass, P. Nimmakayala, D.H. Huber, and U.K. Reddy. 2015. Transcriptome Analysis of Invasive Plants in Response to Mineral Toxicity of Reclaimed Coal-Mine Soil in the Appalachian Region. Environmental Sci. Tech., 49(17):10320-9

  • (2015) Transcriptome Analysis of Invasive Plants in Response to Mineral Toxicity of Reclaimed Coal-Mine Soil in the Appalachian Region. Environmental Science & Technology 49 (17):10320-10329. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b01901Reddy UK, Huber DH, Nimmakayala P, Hass A, Patel D, Taylor K, Malkaram SASaminathan T,
  • Andrew Schedl, Searching for Distal Ejecta on the Craton:  The Sedimentary Effects of Meteorite Impact.  The Journal of Geology, 2015, volume 123, p. 201–232.  DOI:10.1086/681624
  • Paris HS, Doron-Faigenboim A, Reddy UK, Donahoo R, Levi A (2015) Genetic relationships in Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin, squash, gourd) as viewed with high frequency oligonucleotide–targeting active gene (HFO–TAG) markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 62 (7):1095-1111. doi:10.1007/s10722-015-0218-6

  • Linwei Niu, Gang Quan, “Peripheral-Conscious Scheduling for Weakly Hard Real-Time Systems”, International Journal of Embedded Systems, Volume 7, No. 1, page 11-25, 2015.

  • Riley, E. G., and R. J. Barney.  2015.  Definition and revision of the viduatus species-group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae).  The Coleopterist Bulletin 69(1): 25-59.

  • Eya, J.C., Ukwuaba, V.O.,  Yossa, R. and Gannam , A.L. 2015Interactive Effects of Dietary Lipid and Phenotypic Feed Efficiency on the Expression of Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Involved in the Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chainin Rainbow Trout. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16: 7682-7706; doi:10.3390/ijms16047682.

  • Eya, J.C., Ukwuaba, V.O., Yossa, R., Ashame, M.F., Pomeroy, C.F., Gannam, A.L. 2015. Growth performance and mitochondrial function in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed graded dietary lipid levels. Annals of Aquaculture and Research 2(1): 1006-1018.

  • Singh N, Abburi V, Ramajayam D, Kumar R, Chandra R, Sharma K, Sharma J, Babu KD, Pal R, Mundewadikar D, Saminathan T, Cantrell R, Nimmakayala P, Reddy U (2015) Genetic diversity and association mapping of bacterial blight and other horticulturally important traits with microsatellite markers in pomegranate from India. Mol Genet Genomics:1-10. doi:10.1007/s00438

  • Venkatesan T, Sridhar V, Tomason YR, Jalali SK, Behere GT, Shanthi RM, Kumar R, Vajja VG, Nimmakayala P, Reddy UK (2015) Use of expressed sequence tag microsatellite markers for population genetic research of Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) from India. The Canadian Entomologist FirstView 1-13. doi:4039/tce.215.47

  • Anderson, N.O., P.D. Ascher, V. Fritz, C. Rohwer, S. Poppe, S. Yao, P. Johnson, and B.E. Liedl.  (2015). Chrysanthemum xhybridum MammothTM ‘Dark Bronze Daisy’ Garden Chrysanthemum.  HortScience 50:1260-1264.

Year 2014

  • Fine P., R. Paresh, A. Beriozkin, and A. Hass. 2014. Chelant-enhanced heavy metal uptake by Eucalyptus trees under controlled deficit irrigation. Sci Total Environ. 493: 995-1005.

  • Hall, S. L., R. L. McCulley, R. J. Barney, and T. D. Phillips. 2014.  Does fungal endophyte infection improve tall fescue growth response to fire and water limitation? PLoS ONE 9(1): e86904. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086904

  • Nimmakayala, P., Abburi VL, Abhishek bhandari, Lavanya Abburi, Venkata Gopinath Vajja, Rishi Reddy, Sridhar Malkaram, Pegadaraju Venkatramana, Asela Wijeratne, Yan. R. Tomason, Amnon Levi, Todd c. Wehner, and Reddy UK2014. Use of VeraCode 384-plex assays for watermelon diversity analysis and integrated genetic map of watermelon with single nucleotide polymorphisms and simple sequence repeats. Molecular Breeding, DOI 10.1007/s11032-014-0056-9.

  • Qiushi Han, Linwei Niu, Gang Quan, Shaolei Ren, Shangping Ren, “Energy Efficient Fault-Tolerant Earliest Deadline First Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Systems”, Journal of Real-Time Systems:the International Journal of Time-Critical Computing Systems, Volume 50 Issue 5-6, pages 592-619, November, 2014.

  • Eya, J.C.,  Nouaga, R.Y., Ashame, M.F., Pomeroy, C.F., Gannam, A.L. 2014. Effects of dietary lipid levels on mitochondrial gene expression in low and high-feed efficient families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Fish Biology 84: 1708-1720.

  • Linwei Niu, “Power-Low Scheduling for Real-Time Embedded Systems with QoS Constraints”, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Volume 87, page 389-395, 2014.

  • Linwei Niu, “Energy-Efficient Scheduling for (m,k)-firm Real-Time Control Systems”, International Journal of Automation and Power Engineering, Volume 3 Issue 1, page 28-31, January 2014

  • Bar-Tal, A., U. Yermiyahu, A. Ben-Gal, P. Fine, and A. Hass. 2014. Practices that simultaneously optimize water and nutrients use efficiency: Israeli experiences in fertigation and irrigation with treated waste water. p.209-241, In: The Links Between Fertilizers Use and Water Management. (P. Heffer, ed.) IFA/IWMI/IPNI Scientific Publication.

  • Hass A., J.M. Gonzalez. 2014. Biochar. p. 95-124 In: Lopez-Valdez F. and Fernandez-Luqueno F. (Eds.), Fertilizers: components, uses in agriculture and environmental impacts.

  • Reddy UK, Abburi L, Abburi VL, Saminathan T, Cantrell R, Vajja VG, Reddy R, Tomason YR, Levi A, Wehner TC, Nimmakayala P (2014) A Genome-Wide Scan of Selective Sweeps and Association Mapping of Fruit Traits Using Microsatellite Markers in Watermelon. Journal of Heredity. doi:10.1093/jhered/esu077

  • Saminathan T, Nimmakayala P, Manohar S, Malkaram S, Almeida A, Cantrell R, Tomason Y, Abburi L, Rahman MA, Vajja VG, Khachane A, Kumar B, Rajasimha HK, Levi A, Wehner T, Reddy UK (2014) Differential gene expression and alternative splicing between diploid and tetraploid watermelon. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/eru486

  • Padma Nimmakayala, Amnon Levi, Lavanya Abburi, Venkata Lakshmi Abburi, Yan R. Tomason, Thangasamy Saminathan, Venkata Gopinath Vajja,Sridhar Malkaram, Rishi Reddy, Todd C. Wehner, and Umesh K. Reddy 2014. Single nucleotide polymorphisms generated by genotyping by sequencing used to characterize genome-wide diversity, linkage disequilibrium and selection sweep for worldwide cultivated watermelon. BMC Genomics 2014,15:767 (Highly accessed)

  • Reddy UK, Nimmakayala P, Levi A, Abburi VL, Saminathan T, Tomason YR, Vajja G, Reddy R, Abburi L, Wehner TC, Ronin Y, Korol A. 2014 High-Resolution Genetic Map for Understanding the Effect of Genome-Wide Recombination Rate on Nucleotide Diversity in Watermelon. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics.  doi: 10.1534/g3.114.012815.

  •  Nimmakayala, P., Venkata l. Abburi, Lavanya Abburi, Suresh Babu Alaparthi, Robert Cantrell, Minkyu Park, Doil Choi, Gerald Hankins, Sridhar Malkaram and Reddy UK. 2014. Linkage disequilibrium and population structure analysis among Capsicum annuum L. cultivars for use in association mapping. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, DOI 10.1007/s00438-014-0827-3.

  • Anderson, N.O., V. Fritz, C. Rohwer, S. Poppe, B.E. Liedl, S. Yao, P. Johnson, J. Reith-Rozell, L. Klossner and N. Eash.  (2014).  Chrysanthemum xhybridumMammothTM ‘Dark Pink Daisy’ Garden Chrysanthemum.  HortScience 49:1595-1599.

  • Salisbury, T.B., Tomblin, J.K., Primerano, D.A., Boskovic, G., Fan, J., Mehmi, I., Fletcher, J., Santanam, N., Hurn, E., Morris, G.Z., Denvir, J. (2014) Endogenous aryl hydrocarbon receptor promotes basal and inducible expression of tumor necrosis factor target genes in MCF-7 cancer cells. Biochemical Pharmacology, 91:3, 390-399.

  • Reddy UK, Almeida A, Abburi VL, Alaparthi SB, Unselt D, Hankins GR, Park M, Choi D, Nimmakayala P, 2014. Identification of Gene-Specific Polymorphisms and Association with Capsaicin Pathway Metabolites in Capsicum annuum L Collections. PLoS ONE 9: e86393.

  • Anderson, N.O., E. Gesick, V. Fritz, C. Rohwer, S. Yao, P. Johnson, S. Poppe, B.E. Liedl, L. Klossner, N. Eash, and J. Reith-Rozell.  (2014).  MammothTMSeries Garden Chrysanthemum ‘Lavender Daisy’.  HortScience 49:1600-1604.

  • Djanaguiraman M, Vara Prasad PV, Murugan M, Perumal R, Reddy UK (2014) Physiological differences among sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) genotypes under high temperature stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 100, 43-54.

Year 2013

  • Liedl, B.E., J.A. Labate, J.R. Stommel, A. Slade and C. Kole (eds).  (2013).  Genetics Genomics and Breeding of Tomato.  Genetics, Genomics and Breeding Series, Boca Raton, FL:  CRC Press.

  • Barney, R. J., L. LeSage, and K. Savard. 2013. Pachybrachis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Eastern Canada. ZooKeys 332: 95–175.  doi: 10.3897/zookeys.332.4753

  • Tomason Y, Nimmakayala P, Levi A and Reddy UK. 2013. Map-based molecular diversity, linkage disequilibrium and association mapping of fruit traits in melon. Mol Breeding, 31(4): 829-841 (doi: 10.1007/s11032-013-9837-9).

  • Umesh K. Reddy, Nischit Aryal, Nurul Islam-Faridi, Yan Tomason, Amnon Levi and Padma Nimmakayala. 2013. Cytomolecular characterization of rDNA distribution in various Citrullus species using fluorescent in situ hybridization. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. DOI 10.1007/s10722-013-9976-1.13.  

  • Eya, J.C.,  Nouaga, R.Y., Ashame, M.F., Pomeroy, C.F., Gannam, A.L. 2013. Effects of dietary lipid levels on growth, feed utilization and mitochondrial function in low- and high- feed efficient families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 416-417: 119-128.

  • Ruhnke, T. R. and R. E. Workman. 2013. Two new species and a new phyllobothriid cestode genus from sharks of the genus Negaprion Whitley (Carcharhiniformes). Systematic Parasitology 85: 37-48.

  • Levi A, Thies J A, Wechter P, Harrison HF, Simmons AM, Reddy UK, Nimmakayala P, and Fei Z. 2013. High frequency oligonucleotides: targeting active gene (HFO-TAG) markers revealed wide genetic diversity among Citrullus spp. accessions useful for enhancing disease or pest resistance in watermelon cultivars. Genet Resour and Crop Evol, 60, 427-440.

  • Tomason Y, Nimmakayala P, Levi A and Reddy U.2013. Map-based molecular diversity, linkage disequilibrium and association mapping of fruit traits in melon. Mol Breeding (doi:10.1007/s11032-013-9837-9 ).16.   Hussain, A. J., Ali, J., Siddiq, E. A., Gupta, V. S., Reddy, U. K., and Ranjekar, P. K. (2012) Mapping of tms8 gene for temperature-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Breeding 131, 42-47.

  • Levi A, Thies J A, Wechter P, Harrison HF, Simmons AM, Reddy UKNimmakayala P, and Fei Z. 2013. High frequency oligonucleotides: targeting active gene (HFO-TAG) markers revealed wide genetic diversity among Citrullus spp. accessions useful for enhancing disease or pest resistance in watermelon cultivars. Genet Resour and Crop Evol, 60, 427-440.

  Year 2012 and Before

  • Anderson, N.O., S. Poppe, P.D. Ascher, E. Gesick, S. Yao, D. Wildung, P. Johnson, V. Fritz, J. Hebal, L. Klossner, N. Eash, B.E. Liedl, and J. Reith-Rozell.  (2012).  Mammoth™ ‘Yellow Quill’ Garden Chrysanthemum.  HortScience 47(2):285-288.

  • Debinski D. M., R. A. Moranz, J. T. Delaney, J. R. Miller, D. M. Engle, L. B. Winkler, D. A. McGranahan, R. J. Barney, J. C. Trager, A. L. Stephenson, and M. K. Gillespie. 2012. A cross-taxonomic comparison of insect responses to grassland management and land-use legacies. Ecosphere 2(12): Article 131. [doi:]

  • Hall, S. L., R. L. McCulley, and R. J. Barney.  2012. Restoration of native warm season grassland species in a tall fescue pasture using prescribed fire and herbicides. Restoration Ecology 20(2):194-201.
  • ​Manohar S, Harlow M, Nguyen H, Li J, Hankins GR, Park M, 2011, Chromatin modifying protein 1A (Chmp1A) of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-III family activates ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) for PanC-1 cell growth inhibition. Cell Cycle 10 (15): 2529-2539, [PMID: 21705858]
  • Hankins GR, Sasaki T, Lieu A-S, Saulle D, Karimi K, Li JZ, Helm GA, 2008, The identification of deleted in liver cancer-1 (DLC1) as a candidate meningioma tumor suppressor. Neurosurgery 63: 771-781, [PMID: 18981889]
  • Hass A., J.M. Gonzalez, I.M. Lima, H.W. Godwin, J.J. Halvorson, and D.G. Boyer. 2012. Chicken Manure Biochar as Liming and Nutrient Source for acid Appalachian Soil. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41: 1096-1106.

  • Eya, J.C., Ashame, M.F. Pomeroy, C.F., Manning, B.B. and Brian, B.C.  2012. Genetic variation in feed   consumption, growth, nutrient utilization efficiency and mitochondrial function within a farmed population of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Comparative   Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 163: 211-220.

  • Guru J, Nimmakayala P, Zheng Y, Gouda K, Reddy U and Sunkar R. 2012. Characterization of the small RNA component of the transcriptome in leaves and fruits of four cucurbits revealed dynamic regulation of conserved and novel miRNAs. BMC Genomics, 13:329.

  • Paterson AH, Wendel JF, Gundlach H, Guo H, Jenkins J, Jin D, Llewellyn D, Showmaker KC, Shu S, Udall J, Umesh K. Reddy et al 2012. The cotton genomes, their polyploidies, and the evolution of spinnable fibers. Nature. DOI:10.1038/nature11798

  • Anderson, N.O., E. Gesick, P.D. Ascher, S. Poppe, S. Yao, D. Wildung, P. Johnson, V. Fritz, J. Hebal, L. Klossner, N. Eash, B.E. Liedl, and J. Reith-Rozell.  (2012).  Mammoth™ ‘Twilight Pink Daisy’ garden chrysanthemum.  HortScience.

  • Ritchey K.D., L.D. Norton, A. Hass, J. M. Gonzalez, and J.D. Snuffer. 2012. Effects of selected soil conditioners on soil erosion, runoff, and rye growth. Soil and Water Conservation, 67(4): 264-274.

  • Manohar S.,  Jagadeeswaran G., Nimmakayala P., Tomason Y.,  Almeida A., Sunkar R., Levi  A., Reddy UK. (2012) Dynamic regulation of novel and conserved miRNAs across various tissues of diverse Cucurbit species. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep ;31 335-343

  • Atkinson, J., Kapralov, A.A., Yanamala, N., Tyurina, Y.Y., Amoscato, A.A., Pearce, L., Peterson, J., Huang, Z., Jiang, J., Samhan-Arias A.K., Maeda, A., Feng, W., Wasserloos, K., Belikova, N.A., Tyurin, V.A., Wang, H., Fletcher, J., Wang, Y., Vlasova, I.I., Klein-Seetharaman, J., Stoyanovsky, D.A., Bayir, H., Pitt, B.R., Epperly, M.W., Greenberger, J.S., Kagan, V.E. (2011) A mitochondria-targeted inhibitor of cytochrome c peroxidase mitigates radiation-induced death.Natural Communications, 2:497

  • Hall, S. L. and R. J. Barney.  2011. Leaf Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Biodiversity within Isolated Remnant Grasslands in Kentucky State Nature Preserves. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 72(1): 24-38.

  • Barney, R. J., S. M. Clark and E. G. Riley.  2011.  Annotated List of the Leaf Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Kentucky: Subfamily Cryptocephalinae.  Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 72(1): 3-23.
    Barney, R. J. and S. L. Hall. 2011. New host plant records for selected Cryptocephaline leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Kentucky. The Coleopterists Bulletin 65(1): 15-19.

  • Ruhnke, T.R.  2011 A monograph on the Phyllobothriidae.  Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum, 25: 1-208.

  • Hass A., and W.R. Zobel. 2011.  Using soil E horizon in salvaged topsoil material - effect on soil texture. Soil Use and Management, 27(4): 470–479.

  • Hass A., R.H. Loeppert, M.G. Messina, and T.D. Rogers. 2011. Determination of phosphate in selective extractions for soil iron oxides by the molybdenum blue method in an automated continuance flow injection system. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42(14): 1619-1635.

  • Dawei Li, Jordi Garcia-Mas, Juan Zalapa, Jack E Staub, Umesh K. Reddy, Xiaoming He, Zhenhui Gong, Yiqun Weng 2011. Syntenic Relationships between Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and Melon (C. melo L.) chromosomes as revealed by comparative genetic mapping. BMC Genomics 2011, 12:396

  • Eya, J.C., Ashame, M.F. and Pomeroy, C.F. 2011:  Association of mitochondrial function with feed efficiency in rainbow trout: Diets and family effects. Aquaculture 321(1-2):71-84.

  • Nimmakayala P, Vajja G, Gist R, Tomason YR, Levi A, Reddy UK. 2011. Effect of DNA methylation on molecular diversity of watermelon heirlooms and stability of methylation specific polymorphisms across the genealogies.  Euphytica. 177: 79-89.

  • Reddy UK, Rong JK, Nimmakayala P, Vajja G, Rahman M, Yu JZ, Soliman K, Heller-Uszynska K,  Kilian A, and Paterson A.H. 2011. Use of DArT markers for integration into cotton reference map and anchoring to a RIL map. Genome 54(5): 349-359.

  • Nimmakayala P, Faridi NI, Tomason YR, Lutz F, Levi A and U K. Reddy. 2011. Citrullus. (Book chapter). Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources, Vegetables. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Pages 59-66.

  • Nimmakayala P, Jeong J, Tomason Y, Levi A, Ramasamy P, UK. Reddy.2010. Genetic reticulation and interrelationships among Citrullus species as revealed by joint analysis of shared AFLPs and species-specific SSR alleles. Plant Genetic Resources 8 (1): 16-25.25.  

  • Nimmakayala P, Tomason Y, Jeong J, Vajja G, Levi A, Gibson P, UK. Reddy.2009. Molecular diversity in the Ukrainian melon collection as revealed by AFLPs and microsatellites. Plant Genetic Resources 7: 127-134.

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