Current Students MENU

Student Government Association

Most out-of-classroom activities involving the student body are carried out under the direction of the Student Government Association. The purpose of the Student Government Association is:
  • To provide a central agency by which students may assist in promoting the interest and welfare of the College community;
  • To cooperate with the faculty and staff in the regulation and promotion of student activities;
  • To further the development of a wholesome relationship between the administration and student body;
  • To encourage student participation in the control of those problems which relate particularly to student life;
  • To promote College spirit;
  • To stimulate intelligent thinking on College problems and to serve as an agency for the crystallization and expression of student thought.
Although all students are members of the Student Government Association (SGA), the SGA Constitution provides for a governance system consisting of students elected or appointed by students, who operate on behalf of students.

The basic structure of the SGA governance system consists of three co-equal branches: The Executive Branch, (Cabinet), the Legislative Branch, known as the Student Senate, (a policy-setting group composed of five voting members), and the Judicial Branch, known as the Student Hearing Council, (composed of three students).

Our Team

Maryam Rawash
Student Government Association President
Daniya Khan
Student Government Association Vice President
Cedric Caschetta
Chief Hearing Examiner
John  Fitzpatrick
Chief Hearing Examiner
Samantha Groom
Sydney Morant
Social Activities Director
Caleb Shepherd
Board of Governors Student Representative
Bianca  Cooper
Senator for the College of Professional Studies
Bailey Young
Senator for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Joseph Hayslette
Senator for the College of Arts and Humanities
Tori Burns
Senator for the College of Business and Social Sciences
212 University Union 
Po Box 1000
Institute, WV  25112
(304) 766-3122 

SGA Constitution SGA Job Descriptions Application for SGA Leadership and Representatives (election held first full week of April each year)

Application for SGA Senate
(election held each semester as positions are vacant)

Application for SGA Class Officer or Queen
(election held with the first 60 days of Fall semester)

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