Faculty & Staff MENU

Educational Policies Committee

EPC is a Faculty Senate Standing committee which reviews the curriculum of the University and formulates educational policies to be submitted to the Senate for approval.  The EPC primarily accomplishes this through course revisions, additions, and deletions; and through curricular revisions and additions to degree programs.

The committee membership includes one elected faculty per College, six members elected at large (all for three-year terms) and two students selected by Student Government.  The VP of Academic Affairs, chair of the General Education Committee, and the Registrar serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

The committee elects from its members three to four representatives to serve on the “Curriculum Committee,” better known as the Subcommittee.  The Subcommittee's function is to pre-review  submitted proposals and then submit recommended actions at the EPC full committee monthly meeting.  EPC recommendations then proceed to Faculty Senate and to the Vice President of Academic Affairs for final action.

I encourage you to review our site and use the links to help prepare your proposals.  Let me know how I can help. 
Proposal Dates: (All proposals need to be submitted by 4:00 pm)
September 21
October 19
November 9
February 15
March 21
April 18

Meeting Dates (All meetings are held using Google Meet at 10:00 am)
September 29
October 27
November 17
February 23
March 29
April 26

[ ] Complete all sections of the appropriate EPC Form pertinent to your proposal.

[ ] Obtain required signatures from department chair and college dean.

[ ] Obtain signatures from any other department chairs that would be affected by the changes (e.g. removing another department's course from a degree program).

[ ] Provide summary of reasons for the proposal and any fiscal effects.

[ ] A syllabus for each new course and any other course being affected by name change, significant description change, significant prerequisite change, using the syllabus format in the Faculty Handbook.

[ ] Copy of minutes of the department faculty meeting in which the change was announced, discussed, and voted on by the faculty of the department or program. Minutes must document meeting date, members present, and recorder.

[ ] Send original proposal form, with signatures in blue ink, along with the supporting documentation, and 4 paper copies of the proposal form and supporting documentation to Upali Karunathilake, EPC Chair, Mathematics Department, 818 Wallace Hall.

[ ] Send one electronic copy of  the Proposal and supporting documentation to:   ukarunathil@wvstateu.edu .

Please note that the committee will adhere strictly to the submission deadline dates. It is very difficult to process, review, and attend to the paperwork in a reasonable and thoughtful fashion when items arrive at the last minute. Submissions received after the deadline date will be placed on the agenda for the following month.


  • One official form is used for two kinds of proposals:
    • “New Program/Program Revision Form” – This form is for any changes to the degree program (new program, terminate program, change requirements, option or minors).
    • "New Course/Course Revision Form" - This form is for any changes in courses (number, description, credit hours, prerequisites, title) or add a new course or delete a course.
  • The form must be filled out completely with all required signatures. Please be sure to note any fiscal effects and make sure to obtain signatures form any other departments that would be affected by the changes.
  • If the department is submitting a new course proposal, the proposal must include a syllabus for the new course. See Syllabus Criteria on this website.
  • If the proposal includes major changes in a curriculum, submissions for all new courses and all courses that will be changes from electives to required courses must contain the material as stated above.
  • Also, when an option within a major or minor is proposed, submissions must include material as stated above for all courses even if the courses are currently in the catalog.
  • Please note that if a proposal includes the change of "Approve for general education," it must be approved by the General Education Advisory Faculty (GEAF) committee before being submitted to the EPC.
  • Please provide the Chair of the EPC the original form(s) plus four copies (duplex the copies to conserve paper). The forms are located at this website.
  • If the course is for the Honors or General Education curriculum remember to get their meeting minutes with approval votes.
  • All university courses not in a single academic department must be signed off at the Dean's level by Academic Affairs before EPC submission.
  • Please e-mail one copy of the proposal in electronic format to the chair of EPC for catalog documentation.
  • “New Program/Program Revision Form” – This form is for any changes to the degree program (new program, terminate program, change requirements, option or minors).
  • “New Course/Course Revision Form" – This form is for any changes in courses (number, description, credit hours, prerequisites, title) or add a new course or delete a course


 Any departments wishing for their proposals to be approved, published, and fully implemented for the following fall term will need to submit proper forms and documentation before the February meeting

  1. Course number, title, department. West Virginia State University should be identified.
  2. Instructor's name, office location and hours, phone number, and e-mail address.
  3. Required textbooks:  Provide author, title, publisher, and date and edition.
  4. List collateral readings or other materials to be used in the class.
  5. Course description: (Catalog description or expanded version of catalog description
  6. Course objectives: The intentions and the broader purposes of this course and what these provide in relationship to the program as a whole.
  7. Student outcomes. The specific skills and knowledge that students will be able to demonstrate as a result of this course.
  • Course requirements and expectations of students:
  • Major assignments
  • How grades will be calculated
  • Attendance policy
  • Plagiarism policy
  1. Tentative course outline with assignments.
  2. Other optional information useful to students
  • Format for written work
  • Questions for inquiry
  • Suggestions for study and success in the course
  • Instructions for assignments
  • Bibliography, supplemental reading list, or description of library source
  • Glossary of important terms

After the chair of the EPC receives the forms from department chairs, the forms will be distributed to the committee members. The EPC has a Subcommittee that will meet several days prior to the scheduled committee meeting. The three hard copies of each proposal go to the subcommittee members. 

Representatives of departments that have submitted proposals are invited to attend the full committee meetings. The full committee meeting will occur at the date, time, and place as scheduled above. At full committee meetings, department representatives may be asked to make a statement about the proposal and be asked specific questions by the committee members.

The EPC will vote to approve the proposal, approve with reservations or conditions, or not approve. It the proposal is approved with reservations or conditions, it will be sent back to the department so any required changes or additions can be made, except de minimischanges may be made by the EPC.   Such de minimis changes include correcting typographical errors or omissions, where the substance is clear;  the department chair will be notified of any such corrections.  The proposal will then be submitted to the EPC chair, who ensures the changes have been made. The proposal does not generally go back to the full committee. If the proposal is not approved or needs significant changes, it will be sent back to the department and must be resubmitted to the full committee.

If the proposal is approved, it will be sent to the Faculty Senate.

After approval by the Senate, the chair of the EPC and Senate Chair will then meet with the vice President for Academic Affairs to answer any questions about the proposal.

After the Vice President for Academic Affairs signed the proposal, signed copies are distributed to the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director of Registration and Records, the chair of the EPC, and the chair of the department that submitted the proposal. A copy of the proposal in Microsoft Word format will be sent to Academic Affairs and WVSU Printing Services.

If the Vice President for Academic Affairs does not approve the proposal, the chair of the EPC will inform the department chair, and the department chair should contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Our Team

Dr. Terry
Dr. Terry Reed
Chair, PS Rep
(304) 766-3312
Dr. Azam
Dr. Azam Bejou
Stephanie  Burdette
Member at large
(304) 766-3105
Zach Fitchner
AL representative
(304) 766 - 3193
Dr. Mahinda
Dr. Mahinda  Ranasinghe
(304) 766-5756
Dr. Derek
Dr. Derek Taylor
(304) 766-4245
Dr. Carol
Dr. Carol Taylor-Johnson
AL Rep
(304) 766-3070
Alonda Wylie
Secretary - AL Rep
(304) 766-3205
Dr. J. Paige
Dr. J. Paige Carney
Ex officio
(304) 766-3189
Dr. BarbaraLadner
Dr. Barbara Ladner
Ex officio
(304) 766-4113
Edward Lomax
Ex officio - Library rep.
(304) 766-3162
Roy Simmons
Ex officio
(304) 766-3015
WVSU Educational Policies Committee
An Educational Policies Committee meeting

EPC Course Revision Form EPC Curriculum Modifications Form
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