About MENU

Work With the Office of Communications & Marketing

The Office of Communications and Marketing operates like a marketing agency, providing a variety of services to meet the needs of WVSU. From graphic design to videography, photography to media relations and complete marketing campaign planning, we can help bring your project idea to fruition from planning to execution. Below is a detailed list of the services we provide. 


To work with us, please review the sections below, determine your needs, and submit the appropriate Project Request Form. A representative from our office will follow up to discuss your proposed project. 

PLEASE NOTE: Submitting a Project Request Form does not guarantee the requested service will be provided; rather, it guarantees we will follow up with you to discuss the proposal and determine the best avenue for moving forward.

Description of Services: The University and the WVSU Research & Development Corporation each have one graphic designer on staff. Our office produces print and digital projects ranging from logo creation to billboards and everything in between. 

Timeline: Timelines for requested projects will vary, depending on the scope of the project, time-sensitive needs and current workload of the designer. Projects with any type of complexity will need to have a project planning meeting to develop a project calendar.

Planning Your Project: Graphic design services are available only to administrative offices, academic colleges/departments and athletics within WVSU and the WVSU R&D Corp. Assistance is available and highly recommended if you are planning to produce a printed or interactive piece promoting the University. To request assistance with graphic design and/or marketing materials, please submit an online request.


Description of Services: The Office provides full media relations services, including writing and distributing press releases, coordinating media coverage for events, and working with faculty and staff to prepare for interviews.

FOIA Requests: The Office is also responsible for responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. To learn about the FOIA request submission process, click here.

Timeline: Please notify the Office of potential media opportunities as early as possible. For news releases, a writer will contact the requestor within two business days of submitting the request, draft a release for review within two business days, and distribute it to the media approximately one to two weeks ahead of the event. 

Planning Your Project: Determining whether your project or event is worthy of media attention will help in requesting our services. Is this an event that is open for public attendance? Is this an event that is recruiting participants (i.e. a 4-H camp)? Is this an event or project that has larger public interest beyond campus (i.e. establishment of a new academic program, special recognition for a faculty or staff member or student, a special guest coming to campus, etc.)? If yes to any of these questions, a news release may be appropriate. If you would like to have  media coverage at an event that is not open to the public, we can issue a media advisory, which is a direct invitation to media that is not distributed for larger public release. Be proactive and let our office know in advance of an event. Media will be less interested in coverage after an event has already taken place.


Description of Services: WVSU has a full-time professional photographer on staff, whose services include professional headshot, event, and project-specific photography needs. 

Timeline: Requests are subject to photographer availability on the date and time of the requested event.

Planning Your Project: Requests for photographic services are evaluated based on photographer availability and end use of requested photos. Photos with specific needs, such as those for reporting or publication, are prioritized over general requests, i.e. social media use. 


Description of Services: The Office of Printing Services supports the educational objectives of the University by enhancing the institutional image through quality offset printing, 4/4 color printing, digital color, and digital black and white copying. Advanced computerized equipment makes possible the production of superior quality products, such as brochures, booklets, University Course Packs, and much more. The printing of magazines and books are a routine publication request as well.

Timeline: While projects are completed as promptly and efficiently as possible, each request differs depending upon the complexity, design, quantity and other factors. A project timeline will be established on a per-project basis.

Planning Your Project: Printing Services typically prints completed projects, but can work with faculty and staff to prepare projects appropriately. For project requests requiring graphic design, submit the request form below to work with a Communications & Marketing graphic design specialist.

Submit a Request: For print-ready projects that do not require collaboration with a graphic design specialist, faculty and staff members can directly submit requests for printing through the WVSU Printing Services online portal. For print projects requiring the assistance of a graphic designer, see the Graphic Design tab.

For information not accessible on the online portal, contact the print shop directly

Course Packs
What to Include
Creating a course pack is a wide-open proposition – giving you the flexibility to tailor an anthology which contains the material you wish to teach, unconstrained by the limits of a textbook.
You may wish to include And the following items, which are usually copyrighted*
  • Your original material
  • Lab exercises
  • Problem sets
  • Class notes and handouts
  • Course syllabi
  • Study guides and old tests
  • Works in the public domain, such as governmental publications, and works with expired copyrights
  • Journal, magazine, or newsletter articles
  • Excerpts from traditional textbooks
  • Chapters from a novel, anthology or poetry collection
  • Out-of-print texts
  • Diagrams and maps
  • Transparencies
  • Case Studies

Your chosen combination of materials can help foster a unique learning experience for your students. If you have something you wish to include that is not on this list, give us a call, and we’ll work together to help make it happen!
*Written permission from the copyright holder must be obtained for every copyrighted work, every semester.
Please know that this process can take from 6 to 8 weeks. Plan accordingly to help us meet our joint goal of
having your course pack on the shelf by the fi rst day of class.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a course pack?
A course pack is a collection of required course readings that have been duplicated, bound, and made
available for sale. It may or may not include all required readings for the course.
Who decides whether or not a course pack is created for a given course?
Each faculty member decides whether or not to create a course pack.
How does the faculty member know how to go about having a course pack prepared?
Approximately three months prior to each semester, Printing Services sends each faculty member a memo describing the procedure to follow if he/she would like to have a course pack prepared and made available for sale to the students in his/her class.
Who creates and sells the course packs?
Printing Services is responsible for obtaining written permission to reproduce articles that have a copyright. Printing Services also print, bind and ship completed course packs to WVSU Bookstore for sale and distribution.
Why are there so few course packs at WVSU?
  • Copyright laws. West Virginia State University has been informed that adherence to copyright law in
    connection with the production of course packs is mandatory. Many readings (e.g., entire books or
    portions of books exceeding 10%) are not eligible for inclusion in a course pack.
  • Time constraints. Because the process of requesting copyright permission is labor- intensive, a legallycreated
    course pack requires the faculty member to submit a complete list of readings at least 8 weeks
    before classes start.
  • Cost to students. Because of royalty fees and the costs of labor for securing copyright permission and
    making copies, the fi nal cost of a legally-produced course pack is typically 15 to 20 cents per page. The
    greater the number of copyright permissions needed, the greater the cost per page. Also, the smaller the
    class, the greater the total cost of the course pack, since royalty fees are divided evenly among all the
Course Packs Are Easily Customized
You decide what to include in your course pack (articles, chapters, notes...)! Customize your couse pack every semester!
The Process:
  • Obtain the original (when possible) books, journals, etc. If the originals are not available please include the
    title and copyright page with the copy of the article.
  • Complete the Printings Services Order Form. This form is required to generate a
    course pack order. We will not be responsible for verbal orders. If your order form is faxed or mailed or
    emailed please call and confirm that we have received it.
  • The attached Bibliography Form must be completely filled out for all copyrighted materials. willajt@wvstateu.edu
  • When your order is complete bring it to Printing Services.
Points to Remember:
  • The quality of your course pack depends on you. Bring us the original books, journals, etc. containing
    your selections.
  • We will obtain all copyright permissions so please give the publishers 8 weeks to process.
  • Permissions to reprint are granted for one semester only.
  • When ordering a previously used couse pack, SAVE YOURSELF TIME! Call in advance and we will gladly provide you with a printout of the old bibliography.
Additional Forms:
Course Pack Copyright Permission Form

Printed Course Packs

Description of Services: WVSU supports the official use of social media to reach audiences important to the institution, such as current and potential students, employees, customers, visitors, funders or other stakeholders. Social media include but are not limited to blogs, podcasts, discussion forums, online collaborative information and publishing systems that are accessible to internal and external audiences. Examples include Wikis, RSS feeds, video sharing and social networks like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. University presence or participation on social media sites includes: 1) Media sites established by the University on University-owned domains; 2) Accounts on external sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., on behalf of the University; and 3) Personal accounts on external sites that are approved for use or participation by University employees as part of their job duties. While the Office of Communications and Marketing manages the University’s official social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and Flickr), faculty and staff members are welcome to create and manage WVSU-related accounts with support from our office if it is needed.

Timeline: Faculty and staff members interested in establishing a departmental social media presence should review the University’s social media guidelines and best practices to determine if a social media presence is applicable. If so, a representative from the office will respond to project requests within two business days of submission. Creation and ongoing management of the account is up to the requesting office.

Planning Your Project: Social media can be a valuable tool for audience reach and engagement, but it isn’t right for every department, office, or project. To determine if your project idea merits establishment of an account, please review the WVSU Social Media Guidelines & Procedures before submitting a social media project request.


Description of Services: We provide strategic communications and marketing planning services to help in the development stages of new ideas and programs, because marketing does not begin at the program launch phase. It begins with the idea. 

Timeline: We suggest you contact us at the earliest phases of project development.

Planning Your Project: Whether you are planning a special event, developing a new academic program, or launching a new Extension Service initiative, every project has a marketing aspect. Involving professional communicators throughout your planning process will help to ensure success. When requesting our assistance in strategic planning, we will work with you and your team throughout the development process.


Description of Services: WVSU has a professional videographer on staff. Our office creates news and promotional videos to tell the University’s story to audiences both on and off campus that support our strategic communication and marketing goals. Services include video concept development, scripting, shooting, editing and distribution.

Timeline: Timeline of video turnaround will be determined after a pre-production meeting with the client to determine the scope of the video project, time-sensitive needs and the current workload of the videographer.

Planning Your Project: While video is a powerful storytelling tool, not all projects warrant a visual format. If you think your project would benefit from video, submit a Project Request Form, and we will follow-up to discuss options.


For any additional requests not covered above, send us an email and a team member will follow up within two business days.

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