Academics MENU

Master of Education in Instructional Leadership (MEIL)

The Master of Education in Instructional Leadership program creates opportunities for educators to expand their skills and advance into administrative positions. The curriculum is focused on the exploration and application of new techniques and concepts that help instructional leaders to create pathways to success for students and staff members. Our coursework emphasizes social justice, fairness and equity and is grounded in research-based strategies.

The program provides two career pathways: a Licensure Option for candidates who are entering the program holding a master’s degree and a Master’s Degree Option for candidates who are seeking a master’s. Each option begins with foundational courses and progresses to more advanced topics that impart the content and skills necessary for success. WVSU’s Education Program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and is fully recognized by the Specialized Professional Association (SPA). This program provides opportunity for West Virginia licensure for Principal, General Supervision, and Superintendency. 
  • An undergraduate degree in Education or a related field.
  • GPA – a minimum overall GPA of 2.7 on a 4 point scale for all undergraduate work from accredited institution(s) with a GRE Verbal Reasoning Score of 144 or
    • GPA of 2.6 and a GRE Verbal Reasoning Score of 146 or
    • GPA of 2.5 and a GRE Verbal Reasoning Score of 148 
  • Successful Test of English as a Foreign Language scores for those whose native language is not English.
  • Professional Educator License from a State Department of Education.
  • Resume/CV documenting successful professional experiences, commitment to community service and professional development.
  • A personal statement indicating the applicant’s aspirations and reasons for pursuing the Master of Education in Instructional Leadership at WVSU.
  • Three letters of recommendation attesting to the candidate’s professional and/or personal qualities.
Licensure Option (18 credit hours, in addition to currently-held Masters):
  • LS 600: Principles of Educational Leadership
  • LS 610: Educational Policy and Law
  • LS 620: Change, Innovation and Professional Development in Education
  • LS 630: Financial and Human Resource Management of Schools
  • LS 640: Data-Based Decision Making for School Improvement
  • LS 650: Internship (Summer only)
Master's Degree Option (Licensure plus 18 credit hours; 36 total credit hours)
  • LS 605: Addressing Diversity through Educational Leadership
  • LS 615: Ethical Leadership for Social Justice
  • LS 625: Technology for Educational Leadership
  • LS 635: Leadership in Diverse Communities
  • LS 645: Action Research in Educational Leadership I
  • LS 655: Action Research in Educational Leadership II

Master’s of Education in Instructional Leadership
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the Master’s of Education in Instructional Leadership (MEIL) program? It is an innovative program model that combines the resources and expertise of WVSU’s Department of Leadership Studies to create opportunities for potential educational administrators to explore and apply new techniques and concepts in instructional leadership and to attain an advanced degree.   It is decided that the department will focus on a Master of Education in Instructional Leadership with an emphasis on the concepts of Social Justice, Fairness and Equity, the first of its kind in West Virginia. 

2. Where is the Program offered? The program is offered to all licensed and eligible educators in an on-line format. 

3.  What certification will I receive from the program? All Degree and Licensure program completers can apply for West Virginia certification in Principal Pre-K through 12, General Supervision and SuperintendencyWVSU is one of only three universities in the state to offer all three areas of certification. 

4. Who teaches the classes? Classes are taught by full-time faculty of WVSU as well as by highly qualified and experienced adjunct faculty for selected courses.

5. Where and when are classes held? The MEIL program will offer open and rolling enrollment for fall, spring and summer semesters.  Because the program utilizes open enrollment, there will be no elective courses—WVSU will offer the same 12 courses in rotating sequence with each course designated as fall, spring or summer semester course offering, with each course three semester hours of credit, the WVSU MEIL Degree program will consist of 36 credit hours of required courses. The WVSU MEIL Licensure program will require eighteen credit hours in addition to the previously earned Master’s degree.

6. How long does it take to complete the program? Students will have the opportunity to complete two courses per eight week course schedule, and projections are for Licensure students to complete the program in 1-2 years and Degree stream candidates to complete the program in 2 years.

7. What is the length of each course?  Classes in the MEIL program are offered on-line in vigorous eight-week courses.  The Internship course is a twelve week summer class divided into two sections—Building Level and District Level Leadership.

8. Why is the WVSU MEIL degree program a good option for me?
This hands-on, innovative and exciting program allows instructional leaders to create pathways for the successful achievement of educational goals for students and staff members.
This program will provide an opportunity to apply for administrative licensure upon successful completion of requirements of the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE). 
To increase student achievement in the public schools of the region, state and nation, the proposed program will develop the professional knowledge skills and dispositions of Instructional Leadership candidates so that they may demonstrate their ability to achieve the following:
  • To expand the knowledge base and practices of potential educational leaders, including identifying and implementing components of change leadership for student achievement, professional development and community relations.
  • To provide a positive, action-based series of learning opportunities for the completion of a Master degree and/or licensure for positions of instructional leadership.
  • Integrate historical, legal, developmental, and sociological research to meet the instructional needs of all student populations.
  • Design, develop, conduct and share findings from action research projects that address meeting the needs of diverse students, staff and communities.
  • Through study of evidence based practice and current trends, identify, develop and integrate educational technology to increase student achievement.
  • Increase instructional leadership skills in communications, evaluation, and networking to be responsive to the needs of a variety of public school audiences.
  • To identify and explore diverse student populations, their unique needs, and methods to insure development of their personal goals and academic success.

Leadership Studies MEIL Application

Submit completed applications and supporting documentation to
Department of Leadership Studies
West Virginia State University
928 Wallace Hall, PO Box 1000
Institute, WV 25112

Faculty & Staff

Dr. Mickey
Dr. Mickey  Blackwell
Associate Professor
Phone: (304) 766-5108
Dr. Stephanie
Dr. Stephanie Burdette
Assessment Coordinator, Associate Professor
Phone: (304) 766-3105
Dr. J. Paige
Dr. J. Paige Carney
Professor of Education
Phone: (304) 766-3313
Dr. Elisha
Dr. Elisha Lewis
Assistant Professor, Chair of Education
Phone: (304) 204-4059
Dr. Emily
Dr. Emily  Waugh
Director of Leadership Studies
Phone: (304) 766-5192

Contact information

For more information about the Master of Education in Instructional Leadership, please contact :

Dr. Emily Waugh, Director
Department of Leadership Studies                                   


Dr. Emily Waugh
Dr. Emily  Waugh
Director of Leadership Studies
Phone: (304) 766-5192

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