Welcome to the Metro Area Agency on Aging website. Our Agency was designated by the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services to provide necessary support and training to the county aging program service providers in the Southwestern region of West Virginia. This region of the State is known as “Region II”, and is made up of the following eleven counties:
- Boone
- Cabell
- Jackson
- Kanawha
- Lincoln
- Logan
- Mason
- Mingo
- Putnam
- Roane
- Wayne
Metro Area Agency on Aging is sponsored by West Virginia State University at Institute, WV. It operates under the guidance of the Metro AAA Board of Directors that includes representatives from each of the eleven counties. Our Area Plan includes the action steps of Metro AAA.We invite you to log on to our counties in Region II and find the services available for senior citizens in each county. You will also be able to find who represents your county to our Board, Advisory Council, Silver Haired Legislators, and Health Benefits Counselors. In addition, we have tried to provide you with links to other services that affect and aid senior citizens.
The West Virginia Bureau of Services designated Metro Area Agency on Aging (Metro AAA) to provide necessary supports to county aging program service providers in the Southwestern region of West Virginia. This region is known as Region II. With the sponsorship of West Virginia State University, Metro AAA provides several support and services such as:
- Advocating on behalf of persons 60 years of age and older.
- Identifying the needs of the elderly and creating plans for meeting their needs through a system of in-home and community services.
- Administering federal, state, local, and private funds to support the services.
Senior centers throughout the eleven county areas offer a variety of services including: congregate and home delivered meals, senior cneter programs, Adult day care, employment services, volunteer opportunities, Medicare counseling, transportation services, and additional services to the homebound elderly to help them stay in their own homes.
The eleven counties that make up Region II are Boone, Cabell, Jackson, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Putnam, Roane, and Wayne.
Please contact Metro Area Agency on Aging to verify which services are available in your area.
Aging & Disability Resource Center
ADRC Overview The West Virginia Aging and Disability Resource Network will serve as a highly visible, trusted and valued place where people of all incomes can turn for information on the
Region II
Boone CountyBoone County Community OrganizationP.O. Box 247347 Kenmore Drive, Suite 1-AMadison, WV 25130Phone: (304) 369-0451 or (304) 369-2750Fax: (304) 369-1383 Gary Williams, Directorbcco.gwilliams@suddenlinkmail.com SHIP CounselorRuth ScottPhone: (304) 369-0451Email: bcco.jeaster@suddenlinkmail.com Cabell CountyCabell County
Silver Hair Legislature
The West Virginia Silver Haired Legislature is a model legislature, composed of 134 representatives, all 60 years of age or older, who are elected from throughout the state by their
State Health Insurance Program (SHIP)
What is SHIP?West Virginia SHIP is part of a national network of state health insurance assistance programs. It is also part of the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services and
Take Me Home, West Virginia: Money Follows the Person
The Take Me Home, West Virginia: Money Follows the Person initiative provides additional support and services to eligible Medicaid members moving from long-term care facilities back to their own homes.

- Region I
- Region II- see below
- Region III
- Region IV
Brenda Landers
Executive Director
(304) 766-5125
Our Team
Brenda Landers
Executive Director
(304) 766-5125
Brittney Ramsey
Metro Fiscal Officer
(304) 766-5126
Ken Webb
Metro Accountant
(304) 766-5134
Kacie Whitney
Metro Administrative Assistant
(304) 766-5128
Sally  Blackburn
ADRN Coordinator
(304) 766-5131
Mary Beth Spaulding
ADRN Resource Counselor
(304) 766-5139
Kimberly Taylor-Newsome
ADRN Resource Counselor
(304) 766-5130
Jennifer Ferrell
ADRN Resource Counselor
(304) 766-5137
Sara Martin
Transition Manager
(304) 356-4879
Gina  Fisher
Take Me Home WV- Transition Coordinator
(304) 807-3857
Autumn Hager
Take Me Home WV- Transition Coordinator
(304) 552-5524
Samuel Ball
Take Me Home WV- Transition Coordinator
(304) 922-1751
Brenda K. Landers
Executive Director
1400 Ohio Avenue
Suite B
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5125
Fax (304) 766-4143
E-Mail: landerbr@wvstateu.edu
Brittney D. Ramsey (Tatterson)
Fiscal Officer
1400 Ohio Avenue
Suite B
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5126
Fax (304) 766-4144
E-Mail: btatterson@wvstateu.edu
Kellie C. Brown
Program Specialist
1400 Ohio Avenue
Suite B
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5128
Fax (304) 766-4128
Sally Blackburn
State Coordinator
1400 Ohio Avenue
Suite B
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5131
E-Mail: sblackburn@wvstateu.edu
Mary Beth Spaulding
Resource Counselor
1400 Ohio Avenue
Suite B
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5139
Fax (304) 766-4169
E-Mail: mspaulding@wvstateu.edu
Kimberly Taylor-Newsome
Resource Counselor
1400 Ohio Avenue
Suite B
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5130
Fax (304) 766-4171
Email: kimberly.taylor-newsome@wvstateu.edu
Courtney Switzer
Resource Counselor
1400 Ohio Avenue
Suite B
Dunbar, WV 25064
Phone (304) 766-5137
Email: courtney.switzer@wvstateu.edu
Region II Board of Directors
Chair: Kristi Williams,
Interim Vice President
WVSU Business and Finance
Vice Chair: No Representation
Secretary: No Representation
Treasurer: No Representation
Director: Brenda Landers
County Representatives | |
Boone: Kenneth Jarrell | |
Cabell: Dexter Childers | |
Jackson: Linda Waybright | |
Kanawha: Ted Muilenburg | |
Lincoln: William “Benny” McCloud | |
Logan: No Representation | |
Mason: No Representation | |
Mingo: No Representation | |
Putnam: No Representation | |
Roane: No Representation | |
Wayne: Herb Muncy |