About MENU

First Year and Beyond

Develop the Best Version of You

As you approach the first anniversary of your career with WVSU, take time to reflect on both the last year and the years to come. What have you and your team achieved that supported our mission and strengthened our community – and how will you continue to build upon that success moving forward?

At this stage in your career with WVSU, also take the opportunity to consider your own professional development. What additional skills and knowledge do you need to develop in order to advance your plans and accomplish your goals? We encourage our employees to explore different options for professional development opportunities. You may want to discuss participating in instructor-led or online courses, leadership programs and certificates, or other available resources with your supervisor as part of your ongoing goal-setting and performance communication.

Human Resources

Phone:                        304-766-3156
Fax:                             304-766-4156
Campus Address:    105 Cole Complex
Hours:                        Monday - Friday
                                     8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Human ResourcesEmployee Onboarding
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