Faculty & Staff MENU


The Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching (FACET) is a place for faculty support in the area of teaching and pedagogy. FACET is working to become the primary support for teaching on the WVSU campus. It provides several different types of professional development for all faculty, including Brown-Bag Lunches, Workshops, Lectures, and Academic Community Support Groups. 

Below you will find descriptions of each of the types of programs available along with a dates and times for events.  We hope to see you throughout the semester.


Brown Bag Lunches:

FACET presents a series of Brown Bag events. No registration is required to attend these 60-minute interactive conversations among colleagues. Just mark your calendar, pack a brown bag lunch, and come to the designated room on the designated day. We’ll provide the dessert (cookies, of course), conversation starters, and facilitators. You and your colleagues will do the rest.

Using your classroom as a retention tool:

Retention is an extremely important aspect in every facet of the university, so how do we, as professors, use the skills and tools we have to help with the effort in retention?  Are there specific policies, assignments, or interactions that you feel help retain our students?  What are they?  How effective are they?  What can we do to keep our students invested in the university?

What factors motivate students to learn?

Motivation is the subject of constant discussion among language professionals and is difficult to define as it is an abstract concept and has many different meanings and interpretations. It is the mystery force that is often the key to success in any of our classrooms.  As Scheidecker and Freeman state, “The real problem with motivation, of course, is that everyone is looking for a single and simple answer… Unfortunately, and realistically, motivating students yesterday, today, and tomorrow will never be a singular or simplistic process.”  This meeting will discuss what we, as professors, see as motivation for our students.  What have you done to keep students motivated?  What pedagogical tools help keep the students learning?

Technology in f2f classrooms

With the abundance of technology entering into the classroom, we must remain knowledgeable of both what is out there as well as how to use it effectively.  Come join us to discuss what technology we currently have at our disposal as well as what you think we should be incorporating.  If you have interesting ways of using current technology in your classroom, come and share how and why you do.  With luck, we will not only be able to discuss what is out there, but see how it works as well.

Cross-disciplinary interaction

We’ve all heard the words inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary, but do we really know how that can affect our teaching?  We will be discussing how to open up the classroom and the curriculum to multiple disciplines and how it can impact students  in positive ways.  Come and learn what others are doing in their classrooms and possibly open dialogue for a new and exciting project.

FACET Sessions

FACET sessions are a more formalized approach to gaining and discussing information.  In the FACET sessions we will begin with a person or a panel providing information on the session’s topic and then open the floor for discussions and questions.The key component to these sessions will be discussion and participation from members who join us.

The Future of General Education

Speaker Dr. Jeff Pietruszynski, Coordinator of General Education
As we think about what a graduating student from State should know, we can begin to open a dialogue on what a general education curriculum should look like in the 21st Century and beyond. In this session, Dr. Pietruszynski will discuss how the GE program here at WVSU compares with state and national curriculum and then open the floor for ideas, concerns, and discussions of our current General Education Curriculum.  

Creating a Culture of Assessment

Speaker: TBA
What does it mean to adopt a “Culture of Assessment” on campus?  How does assessment differ from evaluation?  As we work to show how and why what we do in the classroom is effective, how can an assessment plan help us?  will begin a discussion on how assessment can work for you in your classroom as well as within the department, college, and university.  This session is not a training session for our current assessment, but, instead, a practical look at how to gather and use assessment data.

Assessing Writing: Hints & Tips from the Professionals

Speakers: English Department Faculty
If you are interested in improving your own skills at responding to papers or simply wonder how the English Department has the ability to grade so many composition papers and still remain sane, then this panel discussion is what you are looking for.  Members of the English Department Faculty will share some tips and tricks they use when grading and responding to papers.  From dealing with drafts to spotting plagiarism, this is your opportunity to hear from those who do it best.   

FERPA:  What You Need to Know

Speaker: TBA
The Family Educational Rights and Protections Act (FERPA) is set up to protect the rights of our students, but what does that mean to us as professors.  This session will discuss what the students’ rights are and why they are protected.  We will discuss what you need to do to make sure you do not violate FERPA and answer any questions about you might have.

Teaching/Learning Groups

Teaching-Learning Groups are small groups of faculty who meet regularly each semester to discuss specific topics of shared interest or to meet the needs of specific groups.  FACET will provide the space and help secure necessary resources. Preliminary organizational meetings will be announced via the Faculty List serve and subsequent meetings will be determined at that time.

Pre-Tenure Club

Have you successfully navigated the first few years of teaching? Wondering how to stay motivated (and organized) in the run up to tenure and promotion? This faculty development circle will combine some professional development activities and original discussion among peers to help you continue on a successful path to tenure and promotion by identifying some of the barriers and challenges that may lie ahead in the next 2-3 years.

“Gladly would he learn and gladly teach”

“Teaching” happens on our campus in many different forms and locations. Come join with others to consider our work as educators both inside and outside the classroom. Using the book Reason to Believe: Romanticism, Pragmatism, and the Possibility of Teaching as a framework for discussion, this group will meet during the semester and discuss why it is that we do what we do. 

Family and the Academy

Along with work on teaching, service, and scholarship, many of us have the extra burden of childcare and family life.  Most academics take their work home with them, so how do we maintain the rigors of being an academic with also being a partner and/or parent?  Part professional development, part support, this group will meet to discuss how to balance two worlds and remain sane (*sanity is not a guarantee). 

West Virginia Great Teachers Seminar

The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the Community and Technical College System with support from the Faculty Advisory Council sponsors the 17th annual West Virginia Great Teachers Seminar. Like its counterpart in more than 25 states, Canada, and the Pacific Rim, the focus of the seminar will be on innovations and challenges of instruction at the college and university level.

The West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and the Community and Technical College System with support from the Faculty Advisory Council will sponsor the 17th annual West Virginia Great Teachers Seminar in June at North Bend State Park. Like it’s counterpart in more than 25 states, Canada, and the Pacific Rim, the focus of the seminar will be on innovations and challenges of instruction at the college and university level. Faculty members from every higher education institution in West Virginia are encouraged to apply.

Together with our ACF Representative, FACET will be defining the application process for those who wish to attend.  For more information, please visit the WV HEPC Great Teacher's Web-Site

West Virginia State University Outstanding Teacher Award

The purpose of the WVSU Outstanding Teacher Award is to recognize excellence in teaching and to honor an individual faculty member for excellence in his/her teaching accomplishments.

Nomination Forms

Student Nomination - Students. please is this form to nominate one of your instructors

Peer Nomination - Faculty, Staff, and Administration, please use this form to to nominate a faculty member

Self Nomination - Please use this form to nominate yourself.

Completed Nomination forms could be set via e-mail to jpietrus@wvstateu.edu or delievered to

FACET Director
233 Hill Hall
note: all nominations forms hold equal weight in consideration for the award.

Criteria for the WVSU Outstanding Teacher Award

  1. Instruction: This criterion will be of foremost importance for the selection committee. Self-review of this category should discuss exemplary work in the teacher-classroom setting (both face to face and online settings qualify).
  2. Mentoring: A strong mentor can mean both or either working with students on their development and with other colleagues. Discussion for review should include the nature of mentoring and the effects on students, faculty, or both.
  3.  Professional development: As teachers, constant professional development is a necessary tool for growth.  Explanation of this criterion should include any professional development events where the nominee was an organizer, presenter, or attendee.  This may include national, regional, local development events (including those sponsored by FACET).
  4. Creativity and Innovation: Examples for discussion should include situations where the nominee feels that they might have taken risks with new ideas and/or techniques.  They should discuss any successes and/or failures by reflecting on the innovation and its effectiveness for teaching and learning.

Submission Guidelines

Nominee's will be informed of their nomination by the award committee.

 If they choose to accept the nomination, they shoud follow the submission guidelines below for consideration by the submission deadline.

Submit the paper original and electronic versions via FACET Online of the submission packet outlined below. Items in BOLD must be submitted both on paper and electronically, other items can be submitted electronically, but paper originals are acceptable as well.  Be sure to include a high-resolution jpg of your photograph.  Each section should be a submitted online as a separate PDF.

For the purposes of this award, the complete portfolio, including appendices, is limited to a single, two-inch, three-ring binder (or its equivalent), plus an optional videotape of classroom teaching. Portfolios that deviate significantly from this volume of material will not be considered.

Portfolio Submission Deadline: Saurday, May 3rd
  1. Completed Outstanding Teacher  Nomination Form 
  2. Current CV 
  3.  Self assessment of teaching in regard to the criteria for the Outstanding Teacher Award – See criteria listed above (2-3 pages)
  4. Teaching Portfolio
    1. Statement of Teaching Philosophy (2-3 pages)
    2. Samples of course materials 
      1. syllabi, assignments
      2. projects
      3. exams
      4.  responded to student work
      5.  other evidence of student learning outcome or documentation of teaching-related activities
        1. ​leadership related to teaching and learning or continuing professional development
        2. Conference Presentations
        3.  Publications
        4. workshops
        5.  institutes,
        6.  etc.
  5. ​Summaries of two recent peer evaluations (if appropriate for nominee’s appointment)
  6. Letters of support from two peers, 1 page each (front)
  7. Letters of support from two students, 1 page each (front)
  8. 500 word professional bio, suitable for numerous publications
  9. One high resolution 5×7 color photograph suitable for publication
WVSU Facet Program

Jeff Pietruszynski, Ph.D. 
(304) 766-3075

Jessica Barnes-Pietruszynski, Ph.D
AH Representative
(304) 766-3077

Daton Dean, Ed.D.
PS Representative 
(304) 204-4059

Brown Bag Lunch Proposal FACET Session Proposal Teaching / Learning Group Proposal Directions
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