Research MENU

Yellow Jackets UNITE

Female student in lab coat slicing tomatoes

Participating in research is an integral part of the education of students in the sciences and related fields. Even the most well-planned and executed basic coursework and laboratory exercises only provide background information and fundamental skills necessary for work in the STEM fields. Ultimately, science is learned through actively participating in research. 

Spring 2023

 The Yellow Jackets UNITE Research Experience program combines five Saturday trainings (Jan 28, Feb 18, March 11, April 29 and May 20, 2023). Eighteen students will gain skills in exploring scientific literature, developing, troubleshooting and executing experimental protocols, analyzing data and presenting their results to others.  
Yellow Jackets UNITE is also designed to foster interaction among the student participants as well as with current undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and other research professionals. Projects that the students will participate in will be based on faculty research and expertise. These interests cover a broad range, including plant genomics and genetics, ecology, chemical synthesis, chemical analysis of the environment, storm water management, plant development, parasitology, aquaculture and bioenergy.
Applicants must be highly motivated with a desire to pursue a career in a STEM field. To apply complete the online application form, which will require contact information for a person to recommend the student for enrollment into the program.

For additional information, contact:

Dr. Mahinda Ranasinghe
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
(304) 766-5756

Funded for the Spring 2023 program was provided by the NASA WV Space Grant Consortium
NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium

Summer 2023

 The Yellow Jackets UNITE Research Experience program will run for full time for 6 weeks in the summer for ten high school students.  During this time the students will gain skills in executing experimental protocols, analyzing data and presenting their results to others.  As with our school year program, the summer program will foster interaction amoung the participants as well as with current undergraduate and graduate students in our STEM fields and the supervising faculty member and other research professionals.

Projects available for students to be involved in will be based on faculty research and expertise. These interests cover a broad range and may include plant genomics and genetics, ecology, chemical synthesis, chemical analysis of the environment, storm water management, plant development, parasitology, aquaculture and bioenergy.
Only highly motivated applicants with a desire to pursue a career in a STEM field should apply for one of the 10 slots. To apply complete the online application form, which will require contact information for a person to recommend the student for participation in the program.

For additional information, contact:

Dr. Micheal Fultz 
Associate Provost & Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs 
Professor of Chemistry
(304) 766-3106 

Funded for the Summer 2023 program was provided by the NASA WV Space Grant Consortium
Army Educational outreach Program
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