Academics MENU

Department of Management, management information system, and International Business

The College of Business and Social Sciences offers programs in business and social sciences and consists of five departments. The Business and Economics programs are supported by the following departments: ● Department of Accounting ● Department of Economics, Finance & Marketing ● Department of Management, Management Information Systems, and International Business. Social science programs are offered by the following departments: ● Department of History & Political Science ● Department of Psychology & Sociology
Students in the Business and Economics programs may pursue concentrations in Accounting, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Economics, Finance, International Business, Marketing, Management and Management Information Systems. Meanwhile, our social science programs offer majors in History, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology. Each of these disciplines draws from its respective members and society at large, as well as organizations and industries that continue to refine how we view and interact with the world. Each academic concentration provides a historical foundation of how peers, society and industry work, enabling students to have a deeper understanding of current issues affecting our world.

ACBSP Accreditation

The Business and Economics Departments have received an additional academic accreditation through the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP is a specialized accrediting organization that reviews the quality and integrity of business degree programs.  Accreditation by ACBSP is based on an independent evaluation of an institution’s business school or program by a group of professionals, which include faculty and academic administrators in the field of business. This additional accreditation provides the following benefits:

Benefits for the Institution

  1. The pursuit of accreditation reinforces a commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, and scholarship.
  2. The process of preparing an accreditation self-study enhances the focus on quality of student learning and renews a commitment to the educational mission.
  3. The recognition of effective business units through accreditation contributes to a more positive review by regional accreditors, as specialized accreditation is a confirmation of quality programming in specific divisions.
  4. Accredited status creates greater visibility for the institution.
  5. Accreditation provides prestige and credibility when seeking funding resources from donors, foundations, governments.
  6. In some states accredited status counts heavily in performance-based funding.
  7. Accreditation leads to more successful articulation of business credits.
  8. The accredited institution can utilize press releases to advertise accreditation status.
  9. Accredited status is printed in the college catalog.
  10. Accredited status is printed on business cards.
  11. Accredited status is posted on the college website.
  12. Accreditation provides a sense of pride within the institution.

Benefits for the Business & Economics Units

  1. Accreditation creates a process for continuous departmental improvement.
  2. Accreditation provides the impetus for identifying strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Accreditation keeps the programs current through curriculum development.
  4. Accreditation provides a forum for review and analysis of the business unit.
  5. Accreditation promotes an outcomes assessment process linking goals, activities, and outcomes.
  6. Accreditation creates guidelines for faculty credentials, which leads to higher standards in hiring, increased scholarly and professional activities, and more focused faculty development decisions.
  7. Accreditation creates guidelines when structuring programs.
  8. Accreditation provides a platform to share ideas and to question the status-quo, leading to effective change.
  9. Accreditation is a source of pride among program faculty and staff.
  10. Accreditation validates quality of work in the business unit.
  11. The business unit realizes greater local prestige through accreditation.
  12. Accreditation provides leverage when seeking on-campus resources.
  13. Accredited status leads to more effective acquisition of technology.
  14. Accreditation status is referenced when submitting budgets, grant proposals, and course/program proposals.
  15. Accredited status assists in recruitment of faculty.
  16. Accreditation activities are communicated to the Board of Trustees.
  17. Accredited status is printed on Business Division stationery.
  18. Accredited status is printed on course syllabi.
  19. The certificate of accreditation is prominently displayed.
  20. Accredited status is printed on brochures and newsletters.

Benefits for Faculty and Staff

  1. Accreditation provides a sense of pride within the business faculty and staff when national peers have validated a program.
  2. Faculty at accredited institutions are provided opportunities to keep current in quality procedures through seminars such as Baldrige training.
  3. Faculty experience a boost of self-esteem when teaching in an accredited business unit.
  4. Accreditation provides professional development and leadership opportunities for faculty and administrators in development of outcome assessments and conducting site visits to other institutions.

Benefits for Students

  1. Accreditation creates the impetus for relevancy and currency of faculty, programs, and courses to best serve students.
  2. The pursuit of accreditation enhances the ability to serve students by assuring a focus on quality performance.
  3. Accredited status requires an ongoing effort to provide excellent equipment, software, and learning resources for students.
  4. Accredited status reaffirms the commitment to effective student services.
  5. Students refer to accreditation status on resumes and in employment interviews.
  6. Accredited status provides the ability to host a chapter of Delta Mu Delta or Kappa Beta Delta honorary society, recognizing accomplishments of business students.
  7. Students who join these honorary societies can cite their special recognition when pursuing scholarships and writing resumes.

Benefits for the Community

  1. Accredited status provides recognition of the ability to serve community stakeholders.
  2. Accreditation creates the impetus for relevancy and currency of faculty, programs, and courses to best serve employers.
  3. External advisory committees learn the importance of accreditation.
  4. External advisory committee members can transfer the accreditation process to their continuous improvement efforts.

ACBSP Reports

2008-2009 Quality Assurance Report
ACBSP Response from 2008-2009 Quality Assurance Report
WVSU Report Requested 2011
ACBSP Response 2012
2008 - 2011 Quality Assurance Report
ACBSP Response 2013

2015 Reaffirmation Letter
2017 Quality Assurance Response
2022 Quality Assurance Response

ACBSP Assessment
Standard 3 - Business & Economics Assessment Results Fall 2017
Standard 4 - Business & Economics Assessment Results Fall 2017
Standard 6 - Business & Economics Assessment Results Fall 2017

Standard 3 - Business & Economics Assessment Results Spring 2021

Standard 4 - Business & Economics Assessment Results Spring 2021
Standard 6 - Business & Economics Assessment Results AY 2019-2020

ACBSP Accredited Program Graduates
Graduates by ACBSP Accredited Program 2012-2017

Program Review - Public Information
BSBA Program Review Responses - Public-Information 2017 - 2021

Advising Procedures

  1. Fill out the Advising Worksheet Form below and send to the appropriate advisor, see "List of Academic Advisors" in the section below.
  2. Upon receiving your completed form you will receive your personal identification number and your registration time slot.
  3. You may be asked to schedule a meeting with your assigned advisor in their office to discuss your academic progress.
Advising Documents/Forms

Advising Worksheet
List of Academic Advisors

Student Data Sheet
Tentative Long Term Schedule of Courses
BA 420 - Enrollment Form

Degree Maps

Accounting Concentration Degree Map

Advising - Prior to Spring 2019

Advising Procedures

  1. Fill out the Advising Worksheet Form below and send to the appropriate advisor, see "List of Academic Advisors" in the section below.
  2. Upon receiving your completed form you will receive your personal identification number and your registration time slot.
  3. You may be asked to schedule a meeting with your assigned advisor in their office to discuss your academic progress.

Advising Documents/Forms

Advising Worksheet
Curriculum Check Sheet - through Fall 2015
Curriculum Check Sheet - effective Spring 2016

List of Academic Advisors
Student Data Sheet

Tentative Long Term Schedule of Courses

Areas of Concentration - through Fall 2015

Energy Management

International Business

Management Information Systems

Areas of Concentration - effective Spring 2016

Energy Management
International Business
Management Information Systems

Delta Mu Delta
Delta Mu Delta is a business honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students at qualifying colleges and universities to create a DMD community that fosters the well-being of its individual members and the business community through life-time membership. The WVSU DMD Chapter Faculty Adviser is Michael Lewis. To learn more about DMD visit and contact Michael Lewis via email at  

Alpha Sigma
Alpha Sigma is an accounting honor society that recognizes academic excellence in Accounting coursework for students pursuing a carer in Accounting or a closely related field. Additionally, Alpha sigma is purposed to inform its members about the future an accounting degree offers, networking with local, regional and national accounting professionals, and opportunities for professional skillset development. The WVSU Alpha Sigma Faculty Adviser is Matthew Carroll. To learn more about Alpha sigma contact Matthew Carroll at

Faculty & Staff

Benjamin  Ellis
Adjunct for the Management Programs
Michael Hutchinson
Adjunct for the Management Program
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