Current Students MENU

Multicultural Affairs

Who Are We?
The Office of Multicultural Affairs is a subsidiary office of the department of Collegiate Support and Counseling Services.  The office is located in 127 Sullivan Hall, East, and the Multicultural Affairs Counselor is Keisha Barron-Brown.

What Do We Do?
The Office of Multicultural Affairs provides three major services to the West Virginia State University community:

  1. develop and present diversity programs and multicultural activities on campus
  2. serve as the ombudsperson for harassment and discrimination complaints
  3. provide counseling for WVSU students in conjunction with the mental health counselor

Please scroll down or click on the highlighted links for more information on each of these services.  If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Keisha Barron-Brown directly at (304) 766-3084 or


The Multicultural Affairs Office provides diversity programming and multicultural activities on a wide variety of topics.  Most of our programs are educationally based:  cultural awareness, self-awareness, group advocacy, and student empowerment are the goals of our office.

Some recent program topics include:  women's and men's issues, understanding sexual orientation, international awareness, racial identity issues, and dealing with discrimination.  One of our major events was the Multicultural/International Festival and Disability Day.  It is an annual campus-wide event and is always a blast.  If you would like to see what we have coming up this semester, check out the multicultural activities calendar. 

West Virginia State University is a very diverse campus with representatives from several cultural, ethnic and generational perspectives.  We have full-time, part-time, two year, four year, residential, and commuter students attending our college.  It is the purpose of this office to make the WV State campus more comfortable and friendly for all of its diverse community members.  If you have any concerns about diversity and inclusion at West Virginia State University,  please contact me at (304) 766-3084).  I will work hard to address your issues.


The Multicultural Counselor specializes in conflict resolution and identity development counseling.  If you are currently in a difficult situation involving a bias against you, or if you are struggling with your identity as a member of a minority population, please contact Keisha Barron-Brown for assistance. 

Support groups are also being offered in conjunction with the Office of Mental Health Services to address the needs of minority or underrepresented students.  If you have questions about our services, please call Robin at (304) 766-3084, email her at, or stop by her office at 127 Sullivan Hall, East.

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