Commencement 2021 December 11, 2021


West Virginia State University Fall Commencement set for Saturday, December 11

West Virginia State University Fall Commencement set for Saturday, December 11

INSTITUTE, W.Va. – West Virginia State University (WVSU) will host its fall commencement ceremony on Saturday, December 11, beginning at 10 a.m. in the D. Stephen and Diane H. Walker Convocation Center.

The ceremony will recognize summer and fall 2021 graduates. In addition, members of the WVSU class of 2020 who had virtual commencement ceremonies because of the COVID-19 pandemic have been invited to participate in person.

The commencement speaker is Charleston Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin. She was elected Nov. 7, 2018, as the first female mayor of Charleston. Since taking office, Goodwin has prioritized fiscal accountability, transparent and efficient processes, fairness, people-focused solutions, and forward-thinking policies and programming.
Charleston Mayor Amy Shuler Goodwin
Prior to being elected mayor of Charleston, Goodwin served as the deputy secretary of commerce and commissioner of tourism for the state of West Virginia. She also served as communications director for several governors, a congressman, a presidential candidate and former Charleston mayor, the late G. Kemp Melton.  

In addition to Goodwin, the commencement ceremony will feature remarks from WVSU Board of Governors Chair Charles E. Jones, Jr., and WVSU Interim President Ericke S. Cage.

The event will be livestreamed on WVSU’s livestream channel
WVSU holds commencement ceremonies in December and May of each year.

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West Virginia State University is a public, land grant, historically black university, which has evolved into a fully accessible, racially integrated, and multi-generational institution, located in Institute, W.Va. As a “living laboratory of human relations,” the university is a community of students, staff, and faculty committed to academic growth, service, and preservation of the racial and cultural diversity of the institution. Its mission is to meet the higher education and economic development needs of the state and region through innovative teaching and applied research.
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