WVSU Extension Service to Discuss Agricultural Opportunities in Appalachia at Virtual ‘Ag Talk Tuesday’ August 10

Contact: Jack Bailey
(304) 766-4109

August 6, 2021
WVSU Extension Service to Discuss Agricultural Opportunities in Appalachia
at Virtual ‘Ag Talk Tuesday’ August 10
INSTITUTE, W.Va. – West Virginia State University (WVSU) Extension Service’s monthly Ag Talk Tuesday series continues Tuesday, August 10, at 6 p.m. EST with a discussion of “Agricultural Opportunities in Appalachia – Bridging the Gaps in Food Deserts.”

WVSU Extension Service will be joined by Jason Tartt, Sr. of T&T Organics and McDowell County Farms, who will share his vision for empowering Appalachian communities to regain control of their food systems by reclaiming former mine and timber properties and vacant infrastructure through urban agriculture. 

The free Ag Talk Tuesday series began last July and takes place the second Tuesday of each month. Participants register to join the live event and can submit questions ahead of time through the WVSU Extension Service Facebook and Twitter platforms or via email.
To participate in the Zoom sessions, register at wvstateu.edu/ANR. Registering once provides access to the full schedule of sessions.

While live questions will be answered during each session, participants are also encouraged to submit questions, as well as ideas for future topics, ahead of time to extension@wvstateu.edu.
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