A Message From Vice President and Chief of Staff Ericke S. Cage

August 2, 2021
Ericke S. CageMembers of the Yellow Jacket Family:
I am humbled to have been entrusted with responsibility for the day-to-day operations of this great institution. My commitment to you is that every decision that I make will be done in the best interest of West Virginia State University.
These have been very difficult times for our community. Yet through it all, you have stood firm in your commitment to the mission of this institution. Brighter days lie ahead for our University, and they start today. 
This morning, WVSU Board of Governors Chairman Charles E. Jones, Jr. and the University’s senior leadership team are meeting to begin the work of charting our path forward. Over the coming weeks, the primary focus will be on ensuring our readiness for the opening of school.  With student move-in, New Student Orientation, Welcome Days, and ongoing COVID-19 planning underway, this is an all hands on deck moment.  I know I can count on each of you to help get it done.
One of the things I have quickly learned about State is that this is a community that cares and that values hard work and doing right by others. Having grown up in a small town in rural Virginia, I share these values and live them each day. As we enter a new academic year, I challenge each of you to recommit yourselves to the University’s core values and to be mission focused and community centered.  Let us look beyond the challenges of the past, and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead, while also taking care of one another.
The world is watching and this is our moment to demonstrate the high level of excellence that has sustained this University for 130 years. Our students, this community, and the taxpayers of this state deserve nothing less.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment and for what we will do together on behalf of West Virginia State University.
Ericke Cage Signature
Ericke S. Cage, J.D., LL.M.
Vice President and Chief of Staff
West Virginia State University
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