Sweet Potato Casserole
With the holiday season upon us, our 4-H team is sharing some of their favorite recipes from their own family gatherings! 
By Hannah Payne, Assistant Program Director for 4-H
Sweet potato casserole is one of those versatile holiday staples, delicious served as a side during Thanksgiving dinner and sweet enough to stand alone as a yummy dessert. This particular recipe is a favorite at my family’s holiday gatherings. My aunt brought it along one year, and my mother loved it so much she got the recipe and now serves it every Thanksgiving and Christmas.
3 cups sweet potatoes
1 cup sugar
½ cup melted butter
2 eggs (well beaten)
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup brown sugar
½ cup flour
¼ cup melted butter
1 cup chopped nuts 

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. For the filling, mix together the sweet potatoes, sugar, ½ cup melted butter, eggs, and vanilla. Once mixed, add to 2- quart baking dish.
  3. Mix 1 cup brown sugar, ½ cup flour, ¼ cup butter, and 1 cup chopped nuts, and sprinkle on top.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
For a lighter version of this recipe, try substituting the sugars for other natural sweeteners. For instance, coconut sugar is a popular alternative to brown sugar and can be used at a 1:1 ratio.