Masquerade Ball to Benefit Scholarships


A Masquerade Ball with an opportunity to dance, dress-up, and enjoy a catered dinner will be held on Friday, December 2 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Wilson University Union. WVSU's Leadership Institute and Student Activities are co-sponsors of the event.

Cost is $15 single and $25 for couples. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. Profits will go toward student scholarships.

The dress is formal. Masks will be provided for an air of mystery. The WVSU Jazz Band and DJ-TeeCee will entertain. This will be an evening to enjoy before the end of the semester.

For tickets or for more information contact:

Coston Davis-Student Affairs, 309 Sullivan Hall East (304)766-5149

Belinda Fuller- Student Activities,103 Wilson Student Union (304)766-3255

William Palmer-Cell (267)269-3094

Shantel Hudgins- Student Activities, 103 Wilson Student Union (304)766-3107

Cordero Davis-Cell(601)596-7257 Human Resources ,101 Ferrell Hall (304)766-3156

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