Summer Activities Abound


             High school students participating in the WVSU Upward Bound program will be living in campus residence halls from June 12 to July 10.   The program is directed toward students who will be among the first in their families to attend college.  Students will take classes designed to give them an advantage in their high school classes and future college courses.  They will also take part some fun activities and participate in field trips.

             The National Youth Sports Program returns to the campus from June 14 through June 25.  This free event gives young people the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports as well as take classes on life-skills topics such as prevention of drug and alcohol abuse.

             The Summer Arts Camp sponsored by the Charleston Stage Company will be presented in three sessions.  Early Elementary Camp for Preschool through second grade will be held at the WVSU Capitol Center from June 14 through 18.  The Elementary Camp for grades 3 to 7 will be in the Davis Fine Arts Building on the campus from July 5 through 16.  The Junior/Senior High Camp for grades 7 to 12 will also be in Davis Fine Arts from July 19 through 30.

             Rockets will blast on June 30 for NASA Day as Upward Bound students and other young people have an opportunity to build and launch their own rockets as well as take part in other space-related learning activities.

             The Victim Assistance Academy will be held from July 19 - 23.  This workshop is for victim assistance providers, victim advocates, criminal justice personnel and allied professionals.

             WVSU also sponsors a number of sports camps to include:
Baseball                June 14 -18 and 21 - 25
Softball                  June 28 - July 2
Football                 June 12 - 15
Basketball (girls)  July 14 - 16
Basketball (boys) July 19 - 22
Volleyball               August 2 - 6 
             For information about the sports camps go to the website 
then click on "athletics".    To learn more about the other summer activities on the WVSU campus contact Pat Dickinson at 304-766-3363.

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