CBS Correspondent Featured Speaker at Media Summit


April 27, 2010, Institute, WV --- The WVSU Communications Department will host a Media Summit on April 30th and May 1st. Keynote speaker Byron Pitts of 60 Minutes and the CBS Evening News will Keynote the event on the 30th. The lecture will begin at 11 A.M. in the Wilson Student Union on the West Virginia State University campus and follow with a book signing.


          Known for his thought-provoking coverage and his commitment to exceptional storytelling, Byron Pitts is a multiple Emmy award winning journalist who was an embedded reporter covering the Iraq War and was recognized for his work under fire. Pitts was also CBS' lead correspondent at Ground Zero immediately following the September 11th attacks and won an Emmy for his coverage. A news veteran with over 20 years of experience, other major stories include the war in Afghanistan, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the military buildup in Kuwait and the refugee crisis in Kosovo, to name but a few. Pitts realized a life-long goal when he was named a Contributing Correspondent to CBS' 60 Minutes in 2009.  A book signing will follow. Other media events on the 30th include graduate student presentations and a Comedy show at 6:30pm. 


On May 1st from 10-12pm there will be a Media Career Fair with free pizza and a Student Film festival from 1-4pm.  A film screening of the eco-documentary by Rory Owen Delaney “Toxic Soup” will occur at 6pm in the Davis Fine Arts Theater.  The film which premiered at the Atlanta Film Festival this past April connects the current spikes in childhood autism, cancer and other illnesses with the business practices of Fortune 500 companies.  It shares the stories of everyday Americans fighting to keep their blood, water and air safe from pollution.


All of the events are free and open to the public.

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