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West Virginia State University is the first college in West Virginia to earn accreditation from the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) for its Yellow Jacket Connection dual credit program.


The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) works to ensure that college courses offered by high school teachers are as rigorous as courses offered on the sponsoring college campus. As the sole accrediting body for concurrent enrollment partnerships, NACEP helps these programs adhere to the highest standards so students experience a seamless transition to college and teachers benefit from meaningful, ongoing professional development.


All high school students will be prepared for, have access to, and succeed in quality college courses.


Advancing quality college courses for high school students.

We believe that:

  • Rigorous standards ensure program quality
  • NACEP accreditation affirms excellence
  • NACEP membership provides vital collegial interaction and support
  • Professional development enhances successful outcomes
  • All high school students who demonstrate readiness should have access to college courses
  • Strong partnerships foster seamless education
  • Advocacy and research build sustainability and success
C1: Courses administered through a CEP are college/university catalogued courses with the same departmental designations, course descriptions, numbers, titles, and credits.

Evidence: University catalog

Evidence: Comprehensive list of all concurrent courses

C2: College/university courses administered through a CEP reflect the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of the sponsoring college/university departments.

C3: Faculty site visits ensure that college/university courses offered through the CEP are the same as the courses offered on campus.

A site visit to each concurrent enrollment instructor must be done in the first year of the instructor teaching and once every three years after the initial visit.  During the site visit, instructors are evaluated using the same observation tool as for WVSU faculty.  The observation tool includes making sure the instructor is following the guidelines from the Faculty Handbook and using the correct course syllabi.  The instructor is also evaluated on whether the course quizzes and examinations are appropriate to the course and the level of the students as well as the appropriateness of the handouts, lab manuals, and any computer software the instructor is using for the course.

During the site visit, the instructor is observed for the following criteria:
· Learning Goals and/or Objectives
· Instructional Methods
· Effectiveness
· Preparation
· Learning Environment
· Student Interaction
· Communication
· Overall Effectiveness
The overall effectiveness of the class session is rated on the Class Observation Report on a scale of 1-10 with one being not effective and 10 being very effective. Instructors who are rated above a 6 receive their feedback along with the liaison and Provost of Academic Affairs. Any instructor who is rated a 6 or below will be required to observe a session of that course taught on WVSU's campus by a faculty member. The faculty liaison for that course must also schedule a one hour conference with the instructor to review the observation and offer feedback. The instructor must also be observed the following year. Any instructor who scores a 6 or below for three successive classroom observations will no longer be eligible to teach in the YJC program.

F1: CEP instructors are approved by the respective college/university academic department and meet the academic department’s requirements for teaching the college/university courses.

F2: The college/university provides new CEP instructors with discipline-specific training and orientation regarding, but not limited to, course curriculum, assessment criteria, pedagogy, course philosophy and administrative responsibilities and procedures prior to the instructor teaching the course.

West Virginia State University requires all YJC faculty to attend discipline-specific orientation prior to the start of their first semester of instruction. Non-compliance will result in a minimum of a semester-long delay of instruction.

F3: The CEP provides annual discipline- specific professional development activities and ongoing collegial interaction to address course content, course delivery, assessment, evaluation, and/or research and development in the field. The CEP ensures CEP instructor participation.

West Virginia State University mandates that all YJC faculty participate in a minimum of 6 hours of discipline-specific professional development. Due to lack of funding and resources, professional development is online using Google classrooms. Professional development is available to all YJC instructors during the month of May. Non-compliance will revoke the instructor's approval to teach a YJC course the following academic year.

F4: CEP procedures address instructor non- compliance with the college/university’s expectations for courses offered through the CEP (for example, non-participation in CEP training and/or activities).

Evidence: Faculty Handbook 
S1: The college/university officially registers or admits CEP students as degree- seeking, non-degree seeking, or non-matriculated students of the college/university and records courses administered through a CEP on official college/university transcripts.

S2: The CEP ensures its students meet the course prerequisites of the college/university.

Evidence: Concurrent courses with prerequisites

S3: The CEP provides students and schools with a comprehensive publication that outlines rights and responsibilities of enrolled college/university students.

Evidence: Student Handbook

A1: CEP students are held to the same standards of achievement as those expected of students in on campus sections.

A2: The college/university ensures that CEP students are held to the same grading standards as those expected of students in on campus sections.

A3: CEP students are assessed using the same methods (e.g., papers, portfolios, quizzes, labs, etc.) as students in on campus sections.

Evidence: Syllabi, grading, and assessment tools are covered in both orientation (F2) and professional development (F3). Additionally, syllabi and course materials are reviewed by the liaison/department chair prior to the beginning of the semester.


E1: The CEP conducts end-of-term student university/college course evaluations for each course section offered through the CEP.

Surveys are distributed to all students in all concurrent courses at the end of each semester.

E2: The CEP conducts an annual survey of CEP alumni who are one year out of high school. Survey includes NACEP essential questions (additional questions may be used). Methodology includes one follow-up contact with non-respondents. Qualified institutional evaluator/researcher collaborates with the CEP to develop the survey and analyze the data.

Surveys are mailed physically and digitally to students who are one year out of high school once each academic year.

E3: The CEP conducts a survey of CEP alumni who are four years out of high school at least once every three years. Survey includes NACEP essential questions (additional questions may be used). Methodology includes one follow-up contact with non-respondents. Qualified institutional evaluator/researcher collaborates with the CEP to develop the survey and analyze the data.

Surveys are mailed physically and digitally to students who are four years out of high school once each academic year.

E4: The CEP conducts surveys of participating high school instructors, principals, and guidance counselors at least once every three years. Survey includes NACEP essential questions (additional questions may be used). Methodology includes one follow-up contact with non-respondents. Qualified institutional evaluator/researcher collaborates with the CEP to develop the survey and analyze the data.

Surveys are distributed to instructors, principals, and guidance counselors once each academic year.

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