The Business and Economics Departments have received an additional academic accreditation through the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP is a specialized accrediting organization that reviews the quality and integrity of business degree programs. Accreditation by ACBSP is based on an independent evaluation of an institution’s business school or program by a group of professionals, which include faculty and academic administrators in the field of business. This additional accreditation provides the following benefits:
Benefits for the Institution
- The pursuit of accreditation reinforces a commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, and scholarship.
- The process of preparing an accreditation self-study enhances the focus on quality of student learning and renews a commitment to the educational mission.
- The recognition of effective business units through accreditation contributes to a more positive review by regional accreditors, as specialized accreditation is a confirmation of quality programming in specific divisions.
- Accredited status creates greater visibility for the institution.
- Accreditation provides prestige and credibility when seeking funding resources from donors, foundations, governments.
- In some states accredited status counts heavily in performance-based funding.
- Accreditation leads to more successful articulation of business credits.
- The accredited institution can utilize press releases to advertise accreditation status.
- Accredited status is printed in the college catalog.
- Accredited status is printed on business cards.
- Accredited status is posted on the college website.
- Accreditation provides a sense of pride within the institution.
Benefits for the Business & Economics Units
- Accreditation creates a process for continuous departmental improvement.
- Accreditation provides the impetus for identifying strengths and weaknesses.
- Accreditation keeps the programs current through curriculum development.
- Accreditation provides a forum for review and analysis of the business unit.
- Accreditation promotes an outcomes assessment process linking goals, activities, and outcomes.
- Accreditation creates guidelines for faculty credentials, which leads to higher standards in hiring, increased scholarly and professional activities, and more focused faculty development decisions.
- Accreditation creates guidelines when structuring programs.
- Accreditation provides a platform to share ideas and to question the status-quo, leading to effective change.
- Accreditation is a source of pride among program faculty and staff.
- Accreditation validates quality of work in the business unit.
- The business unit realizes greater local prestige through accreditation.
- Accreditation provides leverage when seeking on-campus resources.
- Accredited status leads to more effective acquisition of technology.
- Accreditation status is referenced when submitting budgets, grant proposals, and course/program proposals.
- Accredited status assists in recruitment of faculty.
- Accreditation activities are communicated to the Board of Trustees.
- Accredited status is printed on Business Division stationery.
- Accredited status is printed on course syllabi.
- The certificate of accreditation is prominently displayed.
- Accredited status is printed on brochures and newsletters.
Benefits for Faculty and Staff
- Accreditation provides a sense of pride within the business faculty and staff when national peers have validated a program.
- Faculty at accredited institutions are provided opportunities to keep current in quality procedures through seminars such as Baldrige training.
- Faculty experience a boost of self-esteem when teaching in an accredited business unit.
- Accreditation provides professional development and leadership opportunities for faculty and administrators in development of outcome assessments and conducting site visits to other institutions.
Benefits for Students
- Accreditation creates the impetus for relevancy and currency of faculty, programs, and courses to best serve students.
- The pursuit of accreditation enhances the ability to serve students by assuring a focus on quality performance.
- Accredited status requires an ongoing effort to provide excellent equipment, software, and learning resources for students.
- Accredited status reaffirms the commitment to effective student services.
- Students refer to accreditation status on resumes and in employment interviews.
- Accredited status provides the ability to host a chapter of Delta Mu Delta or Kappa Beta Delta honorary society, recognizing accomplishments of business students.
- Students who join these honorary societies can cite their special recognition when pursuing scholarships and writing resumes.
Benefits for the Community
- Accredited status provides recognition of the ability to serve community stakeholders.
- Accreditation creates the impetus for relevancy and currency of faculty, programs, and courses to best serve employers.
- External advisory committees learn the importance of accreditation.
- External advisory committee members can transfer the accreditation process to their continuous improvement efforts.
Title | Type | Link |
ACBSP Reports
2008-2009 Quality Assurance Report
ACBSP Response from 2008-2009 Quality Assurance Report
WVSU Report Requested 2011
ACBSP Response 2012
2008 – 2011 Quality Assurance Report
ACBSP Response 2013
2015 Accreditation Reaffirmation Letter
2017 Quality Assurance Report Response
2022 Quality Assurance Report Response
ACBSP Assessment
Standard 3 – Business & Economics Assessment Results Fall 2017
Standard 4 – Business & Economics Assessment Results Fall 2017
Standard 6 – Business & Economics Assessment Results Fall 2017
ACBSP Accredited Program Graduates
Graduates by ACBSP Accredited Program 2012-2017
Program Review Report – Public Information
BSBA Program Review Responses – Public Information
BA Economics Program Review Responses – Public Information