College of
Arts & Humanities
Our Programs
The purpose of the Department of Art is to provide the student with undergraduate competencies in the theoretical and applied forms and processes of visual art.
The communications programs of study are designed to provide the undergraduate student with competencies in the theoretical and practical disciplines within a broadly defined concentration. Communications is an interdisciplinary area of study, utilizing diverse perspectives from the fields of humanities, social sciences, and information technology.
WVSU offers three different tracks for the English Major. The Literature Option, the Professional Writing Option, and the Technical Writing Option. Stop by the departmental office (Hill Hall 118) for more information on steps for pursuing any of those options.
Master of Media Studies
The M.A. in Media Studies is an integrated, interdisciplinary program intended for students with a traditional undergraduate education and some experience in communications and digital media.
Modern Foreign Languages
The Department of Modern Foreign Languages offers degrees in International Studies-Foreign Language (i.e.,French or Spanish). In addition, two certificate options are available and open to students and the community as a whole: Certificate of Proficiency in Spanish, and Certificate of Proficiency in French.
The Department of Music provides rich opportunities for students at WVSU. Whether a music major, music minor, or music lover, students can play or sing in excellent music ensembles, take private lessons from exceptional professional musicians, and expand their own love for and understanding of the musical art through performance and study.
Regents Bachelor of Arts
The Regents Bachelor of Arts (RBA) degree program is the University’s only non-traditional degree. The degree, designed especially for adult learners, allows students to enter the program four years after high school graduation.
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Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Other times by appointment only.
College of Arts and Humanities
201 John W. Davis Fine Arts Center
P.O. Box 1000
Institute, WV 25112-1000
Phone: (304)766-3126