Ed.D. in Leadership Studies Cohort Model

The Doctoral Program utilizes a cohort model, in which a group of students moves through the program together, taking all classes in sequence as a group. Cohorts offer mutual academic, emotional, and logistical support and provide opportunities for members to learn from and study with one another. The camaraderie that develops helps with stressful times in the program. Study groups, team projects and other experiences within the cohort nurture the skills and dispositions of collaboration that are critical to organizational leadership. Cohorts establish personal and professional ties that often last beyond the Doctoral Program itself. Such networks are valuable for career development, professional growth and support, as well as future collaborative projects and initiatives across organizations.

Once admitted to the program, students will be enrolled in the courses for Semester 1. In subsequent semesters, eiligible students will be automatically enrolled in the next semester of coursework. Courses in the program are scheduled to be delivered as follows:
Semester 1 (Summer): LS 800 and LS 815
Semester 2 (Fall): LS 810, LS 830, and LS 805
Semester 3 (Spring): LS 820, LS 880, and LS 835
Semester 4 (Summer): LS 825 and LS 845
Semester 5 (Fall): LS 860, LS 850, and LS 855
Semester 6 (Spring): LS 840, LS 870, and LS 865

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