Education Course Descriptions

Education Department Course Offerings

Education 200-Foundations of Education (3 credit hours)

A course designed to introduce candidates to the teaching profession; to give students a first formal experience in the formal study of the dispositions involved in education and help students assess their pre-professional readiness. 
PREREQUISITE(S): Eligible for English 101.
Education 201-Human Growth and Development (3 credit hours)
Study of developmental characteristics of the individual through adulthood. Required of all candidates in teacher education programs. A field experience of 15 clock hours in an appropriate K-12 public school setting is required.
PREREQUISITE(S): English 101 and Education 200 with a “C” or better. Students in social work and recreation who are required to complete EDUC 201 as part of their degree requirements do not need to take EDUC 200 before enrolling in this course.
Education 202-Educational Psychology and Learning (3 credit hours)
Survey of educational psychology and related concepts for classroom application. Major emphasis on learning teacher expectation and motivation, educational measurement, and classroom management concepts. A field experience of 25 clock hours in an appropriate K-12 public school setting is required.
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 201 with a “C” or better.
Education 227-Exceptionalities and Human Diversity (3 credit hours)
Course emphasis will be placed on recognition and special needs students labeled “exceptional” according to state and federal regulations. Effective instructional strategies for teaching populations such as “gifted”, and “students at risk” for school failure, visually impaired, physically challenged, speech/language handicaps, and behavior disorders will be studied.
PREREQUISITE(S): Concurrent with EDUC 202 or completion of EDUC 202 with a “C” or better.
Education 290-Advanced Foundations (1 credit hour)
Required of all transfer students and returning students, declaring education as a major during the first semester of enrolling in the program.  This course provides an overview of the Conceptual Framework and the Four Phases of the teacher education program at West Virginia State University.  The course will be delivered on-line.

Education 299-Special Topics in Education (1-3 credit hours)
A lower division course designed for a topic of special current interest, including televised courses. Also used for Residency I placement. 
PREREQUISITE(S): Permission of the instructor or department chair.
Education 300-Educational Technology (3 credit hours)
Examines current concepts and practices in educational computing and instructional technology, uses of microcomputers, distance learning technology and media resources. Practice in assessing hardware and evaluating instructional software. Assignments/practice required in computer lab setting for 2 hours per week above and beyond the regular contact hours. 
PREREQUISITE(S): Concurrent with EDUC 316 or completed EDUC 316 with a “C” or better.

Education 316-Integrated Methods (3 credit hours)
Materials of instruction, commonalities in the learning process and developing requisite techniques of instruction in all programmatic levels with seperate sections for elementary and secondary content candidates. Emphasis is placed on skills in planning and organizing instruction. Required of all students in teacher education curricula. An integrated field experience of 40 clock hours in a public school is required.
 EDUC 202 with a “C” or better, and passing the Core Academic Skills for Educators Test (CORE) before the first day of classes begins.
Education 318-Teaching Science in Elementary and Middle Schools (3 credit hours)
A study of the national and state standards and objectives, organization and instructional techniques in the sciences appropriate to the elementary and middle school programs.
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 316 and all K-6 Science requirements with a “C” or better.
Education 319-Content Area Literacy (3 credit hours)
Studied by teacher education candidates to increase their skills to deliver the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and view skills of public school students studying specific content subject matter. In addition, national and state standards, assessment, career, and international education issues related to the content area are discussed. A field experience of 30 clock hours is required.
PREREQUISITE(S): Concurrent with EDUC 316 or completion of EDUC 316 with a “C” or better.
Education 320-Teaching Reading I (3 credit hours)
Current methods of teaching developmental reading in grades K-6 with an emphasis on the use of national and state content standards and objectives to deliver and assess reading instruction. A field experience of 30 clock hours is required.
PREREQUISITE(S): Concurrent with EDUC 316 or completion of EDUC 316 with a “C” or better.

Education 321-Teaching Writing (3 credit hours)
Essentials of instruction in the language arts in the elementary and middle school with an emphasis on national and state standards. Specific emphasis placed on the writing process and how this process increases student achievement in reading, handwriting, speaking, viewing, spelling and listening.
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 316 with a “C” or better.

Education 324-Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (3 credit hours)
Teacher candidates will explore important mathematical ideas and their development with a focus on the essentials of instruction in the elementary and middle school and an emphasis on national and state standards. Specific emphasis is placed on developmentally appropriate materials and methods to be used in the teaching of mathematics. Taken as part of the Elementary Block concurrent with Residency I or the semester before Traditional Student Teaching. A field experience of 10 clock hours in an Elementary Math setting is required
PREREQUISITE(S): Satisfactory completion of EDUC 316 , MATH 104 and 105 with a grade of “C” or better

Education 325-Teaching Social Sciences in Elementary and Middle Schools (3 credit hours)
Emphasis on the national and state content standards in organizing of subject matter and selection of methods and materials involved in the teaching of social studies in elementary and middle schools.
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 300, 316, and all social studies content requirements.

Education 328-Field Experience in Exceptional Settings (3 credit hours)
A supervised field experience where candidates become involved with selected exceptionalities studied in the survey course. Limited and guided participation is expected and participants will meet periodically in seminar. A field experience of 60 clock hours in special settings is required.
PREPREQUISITE(S): EDUC 227 concurrently or completion of EDUC 227 with a “C” or better.

Education 330-Assessing the Exceptional Learner (3 credit hours)
Principles and Practices of assessment for students with learning difficulties or mild/ moderate exceptionalities.
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 227 with a “C” or better.

Education 331-Curriculum for Special Education (3 credit hours)
Curriculum development in areas which reinforce content, social, and vocational learning for the MI, SLD and Multi-Categorical. 
A field experience of 30 clock hours is required.
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 316 and EDUC 227 with a “C” or better.

Education 399 – Special Topics (1-3 credit hours) An upper-division course designed for a topic of current interest, including television courses. 
PREREQUISITE(S): as stated for each offering.

Education 405-Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools (3 credit hours)
Emphasis on the national and state content standards in organizing of subject matter and selection of methods and materials involved in the teaching of social studies in middle and secondary schools
PREREQUISITE(S): A “C” or better in EDUC 316, and all social studies content specialization requirements earned prior to enrolling in this course.

Education 411-Teaching the Sciences in Secondary Schools (3 credit hours)
Emphasis on the national and state content standards in organizing of subject matter and selection of methods and materials involved in the teaching of sciences in middle and secondary schools.
PREREQUISITE(S): A “C” or better in EDUC 316, and all science content specialization requirements earned prior to enrolling in this course.

Education 423-Teaching Reading II (3 credit hours)
An introductory course in diagnostic-prescriptive teaching strategies to work with school children experiencing reading difficulties. Practical experience in test administration, interpretation, instructional intervention strategies and evaluative follow-up. Taken as part of the Elementary Block concurrent with Residency I or the semester before Traditional Student Teaching. A field experience of 20 clock hours is required
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 320 with a “C” or better.

Education 426-Creating, Managing and Assessing Public School Learning Communities (3 credit hours)
Education 426 is an introduction to the legal, theoretical, developmental, and best practices that will enable a beginning teacher to develop a management, organization and assessment system that promotes student learning and ensures student safety in all public school learning environments. Taken as part of the Elementary Block concurrent with Residency I or the semester before Student Teaching. A field experience of 40 clock hours is required. 
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 316 completed with a “C” or better taken the semester before student teaching. Credit for this course must be earned at West Virginia State University.

Education 436-Capstone Experience for Elementary Teachers (formerly EDUC 336 3 credit hours)
Normally taken during senior year, this is a capstone experience for elementary education majors. Advanced theories, principles, and practices for working with elementary students. Emphasis on establishing a safe and healthy environment; program management; appropriate guidance techniques; family involvement; building a positive student self-concept; promoting a student’s physical, cognitive, social and creative growth by providing appropriate materials and activities.Taken as part of the Elementary Block concurrent with Residency I or the semester before Student Teaching. 
PREREQUISITE(S): Senior status and EDUC 316 with a “C” or better.

Education 450-Behavior, Social, and Life Skills Curriculum (3 credit Hours)
A study of selected Social Skills, Life Skills, Transition and Conflict Resolution curricula for students with mild disabilities and both individual and group behavior management skills for teachers of students with mild disabilities. A field experience of 10 clock hours is required
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 227 with a “C” or better.

Education 460-Characteristics of Individuals with Mild Disabilities (3 credit Hours)
Historical and contemporary practices and trends in the education of individuals with mild disabilities. Course includes characteristics of individuals with mild disabilities, roles of family and community, cultural issues, the varied roles of the professional special education educator, and legal issues including placement decision-making and service delivery.
PREREQUISITE(S): EDUC 227 with a “C” or better.

Edu 480-487-Student Teaching (3-18 credit hours)
Designed to provide teacher education candidates with the necessary resident and student teaching experiences to fulfill the certification requirements for the respective endorsements for which they seek West Virginia Licensure.
PREREQUISITE(S): Full Admission to Teacher Education, Education 426 with a “C” or better, Praxis II Content Test(s)

Education 494-Directed Observation and Participation in Elementary Education (3-6 credit hours)
An optional additional student teaching and/or educational experience for students who have completed or will complete regular student teaching. Approved supervised programs of activities in institutions or agencies will be utilized. (Open only to eligible candidates.)

Education 498-Directed Observation and Participation in Secondary Education (3-6 credit hours)
An optional additional student teaching and/or educational experience for students who have completed or will complete regular student teaching. Approved supervised programs of activities in institutions or agencies will be utilized. (Open only to eligible candidates.)

Education 499-Special Topics (1-3 credit hours)
An upper division course designed for a topic of special current interest, including televised courses.
PREREQUISITE(S): Permission of the instructor or department chair.

Education 599-Special Topics in Education (3 credit hours)
A graduate level course designed for a topic of special current interest, including televised courses.
PREREQUISITE(S): Permission of the instructor or department chair.

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