Faculty & Staff College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Departments BiologyChemistry & PhysicsMathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Biology Dr. Mark Chatfield Professor of Biology chatfield@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3110 Dr. Sean Collins Associate Professor, Department Chair scollin5@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4150 Vasilios Dianellos, M.S. Instructor of Biology vasilios.dianellos@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3125 Dr. Johnathan Eya Professor of Biology eyajc@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4260 Dr. Robert Harris Professor of Biology harrisro@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3128 Dr. Amir Hass Associate Research Professor amirhass@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-204-4045 Dr. David Huber Professor of Biology huberdh@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-5127 Dr. Gwonjin Lee Assistant Professor gwonjin.lee@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3018 Dr. Barbara Liedl Associate Professor liedlbe@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-204-4037 Dr. Padma Nimmakayala Professor of Research, Department of Biology padma@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3258 Dr. Umesh K. Reddy, Ph.D. Professor of Genetics and Genomics Department of Biology ureddy@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3066 Dr. Tim Ruhnke Professor of Biology ruhnketr@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3210 Dr. Sanju A. Sanjaya Director, WVSU Energy and Environmental Science Institute, Assistant Professor sanjaya@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-204-4062 Tameria Tyler Academic Program Associate tameria.tyler@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3102 Dr. Eloisa Vendemiatti Assistant Professor of Biology eloisa.vendemiatti@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-376-2262 Chemistry & Physics Dr. Micheal Fultz Associate Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor mfultz@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3106 Elizabeth Keville Instructor ekeville@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4242 Dr. Marek Krasnansky Associate Professor mkrasnansky@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3257 Dr. Sharon Molnar Associate Professor molnars@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3042 Dr. Mahinda Ranasinghe Department Chair/Assistant Professor mahinda.ranasinghe@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-5756 Dr. Isaac Sarver Instructor isaac.sarver@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-204-4023 Dr. Ernest Sekabunga Associate Professor sekabuej@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-5132 Tameria Tyler Academic Program Associate tameria.tyler@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3102 Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science Dr. Ali Alsinayyid Director of Cybersecurity Innovation Center (PhD) ali.alsinayyid@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3391 Dr. Michael Anderson Professor andersmr@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3393 Dr. Ronald Baker Professor Emeritus (Mathematics) baker@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3397 Dr. Mohammad Bhuiyan, P.E. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering towhid@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3087 Ms. Karen Kail Instructor, Mathematics and Computer Science kkail@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4135 Dr. Upali Karunathilake Associate Professor ukarunathil@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3244 Dr. Eyas Mahmoud Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering eyas.mahmoud@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-5247 Aniruddha Maiti Assistant Professor aniruddha.maiti@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4176 Sridhar Malkaram Associate Professor smalkaram@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-5168 Dr. Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, P.E. Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering m.nazari@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4276 Tina Sanchez Instructor tina.sanchez@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3024 Tameria Tyler Academic Program Associate tameria.tyler@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-3102 Dr. Naveed Zaman Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics zamanna@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4248 Dr. Xiaohong Zhang Professor (Chair) zhangxi@wvstateu.edu Phone: 304-766-4103