College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Department of Chemistry and Physics

Catalyzing Futures

West Virginia State University’s Department of Chemistry and Physics is where scientific dreams take flight. Offering three distinct Bachelor of Science Chemistry degree options and a minor in Physics, we provide a solid foundation for diverse career paths. Our intimate class sizes ensure personalized attention from expert faculty, while state-of-the-art facilities and research opportunities in chemistry and space exploration ignite hands-on learning. Join our vibrant community, where you’ll form bonds that last a lifetime and catalyze your future in science.

With 3 degree options in Chemistry and a minor in Physics, the department offers ample opportunities to realize and advance your passion about building a career in science.

When you pursue a degree in Chemistry, you will not only learn to balance chemical reactions, draw structures, and titrate acids & bases but also you will also gain insight on how atoms and molecules determine material properties, how to create new materials by combining different elements, and you learn to develop new medicines that will treat various diseases.

The faculty in the department are experts in the field with earned terminal degrees (PhD) in chemistry from US universities. They all have many years of teaching experience. They also actively involved in student advising so students are guided in their college course selections and planning.

The department offers many scholarships for chemistry majors to support their education. The scholarship page lists all the available scholarships and the eligibility requirements.

Students get to work with the faculty in their research programs through the Research Rookies program, the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program, and the Space Flight Payload Design program.

To learn more about the department and programs it has to offer, please reach out to the department to discuss your passion further.

Mahinda I Ranasinghe – Department Chair



Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (BS)

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Depending on the option chosen, students are prepared for graduate studies in chemistry, or immediate employment in industry, or entry into professional schools such as those of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.

Explore Our Department

Faculty & Staff

Dr. Micheal Fultz
Associate Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor
Elizabeth Keville
Elizabeth Keville
Dr. Sharon Molnar
Dr. Sharon Molnar
Associate Professor
Dr. Mahinda Ranasinghe
Department Chair/Assistant Professor
Dr. Isaac Sarver
Dr. Isaac Sarver
Tameria Tyler
Tameria Tyler
Academic Program Associate
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