Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (BS)

The Mathematics and Computer Science Department endeavors to give students a sound background for a basic understanding of mathematics science; to give prospective teachers a professional attitude, a strong subject matter foundation and adequate skills and techniques in the application and the teaching of the material; and, to show students that mathematics is a living and vital discipline by seeing it applied in the classroom and in the various fields of industry.

Why Study Mathematics? 

Mathematics is a rich field with a storied history of brilliant thinkers such as Archimedes, Euclid, Fermat, Newton, Gauss, Emmy Noether and West Virginia native John Nash.  A wide variety of fields, including biology, chemistry, physics, statistics, computer science, engineering, actuarial science and economics are fundamentally dependent on mathematics.  Indeed, it is impossible to find a field of study today in which mathematics has no application.  In Galileo’s words, “Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe.”

The Mathematics program offers Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics with ClassicalApplied and Computational Science options.

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