Dr. Sanju A. Sanjaya

Director, WVSU Energy and Environmental Science Institute, Assistant Professor

Plant Biotechnology, Molecular biology, Synthetic Biology, Biofuels and Phytoremediation.
Dr. Sanjaya’s lab is leading an active research program to design plants and microalgae with enhanced bioenergy, nutritional value, industrial compounds and phytoremediation for higher production, profitability and sustainability. His lab uses bioinformatics, biochemical, molecular and cell biology, genetics and genetic engineering approaches to understand plant lipid metabolism mechanisms.

Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Bioenergy, Metabolic Engineering and Environmental


2003 Ph.D. Applied Botany, University of Mysore, India.
1995 M.S. Botany, University of Mysore, India.
1993 B.S. Chemistry, Botany and Zoology, Govt. Science College, Hassan, University of Mysore, India.


October 2014 – Director, WVSU Energy and Environmental Science Institute, West Virginia State University, Institute, WV

2014-               Assistant Professor of Bioenergy and Environmental Biotechnology, Department of Biology and Agricultural and
Environmental Research Station (AERS), West Virginia  State University.

2012-2014        Senior Research Associate, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, Michigan State             University, East Lansing, USA

2008-2011        Research Associate, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA

2003-2007        Postdoctoral research fellow, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

2001-2003        Postdoctoral research fellow, Dept. of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

1997-2001        Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore, ICFRE, Govt. of India

1996-1998       Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore, ICFRE, Govt. of India


Photosynthetic organisms have great capacity to fix atmospheric carbon dioxide into chemical energy in the presence of water and sunlight. From long time by agriculture humans have exploited this capacity to harness the products of metabolism for food, feed and fuels. It has been estimated that worldwide agricultural production need to double by 2050 to meet current FAO projections for food, fuel and industrial demand.  Plants as “green factories” exhibit unique metabolic plasticity, diversity and opportunity. To meet the demand of ever growing population will also require engineering plants to produce above products in large volume in a limited land and resources. My laboratory uses bioinformatics, biochemical, molecular and cell biology, forward genetics and genetic engineering approaches to understand the primary metabolism mechanisms in photosynthetic organisms. With this understanding we will be able to design plant seeds and biomass with enhanced bioenergy or industrial compounds for higher production, profitability and sustainability.


Yang, Y., Munz, J., Cass, C., Sanjaya, Sedbrook, J., Ohlrogge, J. & Benning, C. (2015) Ectopic expression of WRI1 affects fatty acid homeostasis inBrachypodium distachyon vegetative tissues. Plant Physiology, Vol. 169, pp. 1836–1847.

Sanjaya, Rachel Miller, Timothy P. Durrett, Dylan K. Kosma, Bagyalakshmi Muthan, Abraham J.K. Koo, Gavin E. Reid, Gregg A. Howe, John Ohlrogge, and Christoph Benning (2013). Altered Lipid Compositio and Enhanced Nutritional Value of Arabidopsis Leaves Following Introduction of an Algal Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 2. The Plant Cell, Vol. 25: 677–693.

VielerA., Wu, G., Tsai, C.-H., …… Sanjaya, ….. Benning, C. (2012). Genome, functional gene annotation, and nuclear transformation of the heterokont oleaginous alga Nannochloropsis oceanica CCMP1779. PLoS Gen., 8 (11): e1003064.

Sanjaya, Timothy P. Durrett, Sean E. Weise and Christoph Benning. (2011). Increasing the energy density of vegetative tissues by diverting carbon from starch to oil biosynthesis in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 8: 874-883.

Chia-Wen Li, Ruey-Chih Su, Chiu-Ping Cheng, Sanjaya, Su-Juan You, Tsai-Hung Hsieh, To-Chun Chao,and Ming-Tsair Chan. (2011). Tomato RAV transcription factor is a pivotal modulator involved in the AP2/EREBP-mediated defense pathway. Plant Physiology. May Vol. 156, pp. 213–227.

Sanjaya, Paoyuan Hsiao, Ruey-Chih Su, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Ming-Tsair Chan. (2008). Overexpression of Arabidopsis Tryptophan Synthase Beta 1 (AtTSB1) Improves Cadmium Tolerance and Nutritional Quality in Tomato. Plant Cell and Environment, Vol. 31, issue 8, 1074-1082.

Paoyuan Hsiao*, Sanjaya* (*Equal contribution), Ruey-Chih Su, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva and Ming-Tsair Chan. (2007). Plant native tryptophan synthase beta 1 gene is an non-antibiotic selection marker for plant transformation. PLANTA 225: 897-906.

Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, M.-T.Chan, Sanjaya, Ming-Liang Chai, Michio Tanaka. (2006). Priming abiotic factors for optimal hybrid Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) PLB and callus induction, plantlet formation and their subsequent cytogenetic stability analysis. Scientia Horticulturae 109: 368-378.

Tzy-Li Chen, Sanjaya, Prasad Venkatesh, Ching-Hua Lee, Kuang-Hung Lin, Lih-Ching Chiueh, and Ming-Tsair Chan. (2006). Validation of cDNA microarray as a prototype for throughput detection of GMOs. Botanical studies. 47: 1-11.

Sanjaya, M. Bagyalakshmi, T.S.Rathore and V.Ravishankar Rai. (2006). Factors influencing in vivo and in vitro micrografting of Sandalwood (Santalum album L.)-An  endangered tree species.  Journal of Forest Research. 11: 147-151.

Sanjaya, M. Bagyalakshmi, T.S.Rathore and V.Ravishankar Rai. (2006). Micropropagation of an endangered Indian sandalwood (Santalum album  L.). Journal of Forest Research. 11: 203-209.

Yuan-Li Chan, Li-Jen Liao, Sanjaya, Kuang-hung Lin, Ming-Tsair Chan. (2005). Gene stacking in Phalaenopsis orchid enhances dual tolerance to pathogen   attack. Transgenic Research. 14:279-288.

Yuan-Li Chan, Venkatesh Prasad, Sanjaya, Kuei Hung Chen, Po Chang Liu, Chi-ping Cheng, Ming-Tsair Chan. (2005). Transgenic tomato plants expressing an Arabidopsis thionin (Thi2.1) driven by fruit-inactive promoter battles against phytopathogenic attack. PLANTA. 221:386-393.

Sanjaya, T.S.Rathore and V.Ravishankar Rai. (2005). Micropropagation of Pseudoxytenanthera stocksii munro.  In vitro Cellular & Dev. Bio.-Plant. 41:333-337.

V. Prasad, V.V. Satyavathi, Sanjaya, K.M.Valli, Abha Khandelwal, M.S. Shaila,G. Lakshmi Sita. (2004). Expression of biologically active Hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein of Peste des petits ruminants virus in transgenic pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp.]. Plant Science. 166:199-205.

Sanjaya, Anathapadmanabha, H. S. and Rai, V. R. (2003). In vitro and in vivo micrografting of Santalum album shoot tips. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 234-236


Christoph Benning, Sanjaya and Rechil Miller (2014). Method to Increase Calorific Content and Enhanced Nutritional Value of Plant Biomass for the Production of Fuel and Feed. US patent application serial number 61/928,559 field on January 17th, 2014.

Christoph Benning, Sanjaya and Changchen Xu (2013). Production of Oil in Vegetative Tissues, PCT international application number 14/046,504 field on October 04th 2013.

Christoph Benning and Sanjaya (2013). Genetically Engineered Plants with Increased Vegetative Oil Content 2013PCT international application number 13/938,784 field on July 10th 2013.


Sanjaya, Bagyalakshmi Muthan and Ming-Tsair Chan. (2008). Plant responses and tolerance to high and low temperature stresses: A functional genomic approach. Ed. Rai V and Bhatt. Bioscience Publications Ltd., India. Chapter 15pp 316-332.

Sanjaya and M.-T.Chan. (2006). Genetic transformation as a tool for improvement of orchids. Orchid Biotechnology, Ed. W. H. Chen and H.H. Chen. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore. Chapter 12, pp 150-165.
Sanjaya, Bagyalakshmi Muthan and Ming-Tsair Chan. (2007). A Master Switch Arabidopsis CBF1 gene, Genetic Transformation and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Tomato. Stress Biotechnology, Ed. Devarajan Thangadurai. Bioscience Publications Ltd., India. Chapter 15, pp 215-230.

M.-T.Chan, Sanjaya and Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva. (2006). Oncidium tissue culture, transgenics and biotechnology. Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: advances and topical issues (1st Edition), Ed. Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva. Global Science Books, Ltd., London, UK., Chapter 24, pp 193-198.

M.-T.Chan, Y.-L. Chan, and Sanjaya. (2006). Orchids (Cymbidium spp., Oncidium and Phalaenopsis). Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 344: Agrobacterium Protocols. 2/e, volume 2, Ed. Kang Wang. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, USA, Chapter 30, pp 331-337.


Sanjaya, Chia-Wen Li and Chan MT. (2008). Native plant selection marker genes for plant transformation. Current Topics in Plant Biology, Vol. 9, 69-78.

Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Dam Thi Thanh Giang, Chan M-T, Sanjaya, Atsushi Norikane, M-L. Chai, Julio Chico Ruíz, Suprasanna Penna, Tom Granström and Michio Tanaka. (2007). The Influence of Different Carbon Sources, hotohetero-, Photoauto- and Photomixotrophic Conditions on Protocorm-Like Body Organogenesis and Callus Formation in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Hybrid Cymbidium (Orchidaceae), Orchid Science and Biotechnology 1(1), pp5-10.

Ming-Tsair Chan and Sanjaya. (2006). Current Trends in Taiwan’s Orchid Biotechnology. Global Plant Letters Vol. I., pp 1-3.

Sanjaya and Ming-Tsair Chan. (2005). Advances in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in tomato-an over view. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology. 16(4):211-224.

TEACHING: Energy and the Environment; Biotechniques


Benshang Lue (BMB graduate student, Fall 2008)
Cindy Wang (BMB graduate student, Spring 2009)
Sho Nakashima (May 2013-till date)
Muhammad Aakif Jamalruddin (May 2012- June 2013)
Abrar Mohamad Pauzi     (March 2011- June2012)
Mohd Jamalruddin (March 2011-June 2012)
Jeremy Letchford (June 2011-September 2012)
Katherine Dunten (July 2010-June 2011)
Alan Bowsher (NSF Plant Genomics Program, Summer 2009)
Erika Roach (NSF, Plant genomics Program, Summer 2008)
Matthew Pajtas (2008-2011)
Brandon Guelette (Research Tech, GLBRC 2009-2011)


American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB).
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).


Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology, Taiwan (2006-2008)


The Plant Cell; The Plant Journal; Plant Physiology; Plant Biotechnology Journal; Biotechnology for Biofuels; Plant Science; Journal of Experimental Botany, Tissue and Organ Culture; Plant, Cell & Environment; Plant Molecular Biology Report and Planta.

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