Dr. Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, P.E.

Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering


Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering,

University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) – USA

Dissertation title: “A Hybrid Experimental-Numerical Study on the Flow Topology in the Confluence Hydrodynamics Zone of an Open Channel with Lateral Drainage Pipe Discharge”


M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering

Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) – Iran

Thesis title: “Investigating the Effects of Climate Change on Watershed Pollutant Load and Reservoir Water Quality (Case Study: Mahabad Dam)”


B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Shahed University – Iran

Senior research project title: “Studying the Destructive Impacts of Surface Runoff on Bridges and Road Surfaces”



Environmental Engineering Design

The course covers topics in sanitary sewer design, preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment.

Fall 2023

Introduction to Transportation Engineering

The course introduces fundamental engineering principles used in design and analysis of functioning of transportation systems and their components.

Spring 2023

Construction Engineering

The course covers topics in construction site layout, earthmoving materials and operations, construction equipment, construction methods and practice, wood/concrete/steel construction, and management of constructed facilities.

Spring 2023

Introduction to Environmental Engineering

The course covers topics in material balances and separations, reactions, reactors, energy flows and balances, ecosystems, water quality, water treatment, wastewater treatment, and air quality.

Fall 2022

Summer 2017

Civil Engineering Materials

The course covers the engineering properties of common civil engineering materials including metals, soils, aggregates, Portland cement concrete, asphalt concrete, wood, and masonry.

Fall 2022

Algebraic Methods

The course covers the basic parts of college algebra; real numbers, radical expressions, linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, polynomials, functions, exponentials, and logarithms.

Fall 2022

Introduction to Engineering Design

The course introduces the students to the theory and techniques of engineering design and creative problem-solving, as well as design issues and practices in engineering.


2018 & 2019

Fluid Mechanics

The course covers topics in fluid properties, pressure in a fluid field and its measurement, hydrostatic forces on surfaces, buoyancy, Bernoulli equation, viscous pipe flow, and drag and lift concepts.

Spring 2023

Summer 2017

FE Exam Review (Mathematics)

The course covers topics in analytical geometry, calculus, linear algebra, vector analysis, differential equations, and numerical methods.

Fall 2017


Research interests

  • Integrated water resource systems modeling and management

  • Experimental and computational hydrology/fluids/hydraulics

  • Flood inundation modeling, risk assessment, and mitigation

  • Water quality and contaminant transport modeling

  • Climate change impact assessment and adaptation


Promoting Excellence in Education through Research and Creative Works (PEER)

 – Summer 2023

Open Learning WV (OER)

– Spring 2023 and Fall 2023

Research Enhancement Award (REA)

– Fall 2022

Design of lateral confluences of flood control channels

– Spring 2018


Assistant Professor – Department of Mathematics, Engineering, and Computer Science, West Virginia State University, WV


Environmental scientist – Universal Engineering Sciences, NV

Responsible for environmental due diligence audits for industrial and commercial transactions, including standard Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments consistent with ASTM standards.


Postdoctoral scholar – University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV

Conducted numerical modeling on stepped spillways, to study the flow behavior and characteristics in them.


Watershed modeling engineer – City of Fayetteville, NC

Performed watershed-scale hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to identify flood-prone areas, based on storms with different return periods, and proposed mitigation strategies.


Design of lateral confluences of flood control channels – UNLV

Conducted experimental and numerical analyses on the impacts of submerged lateral flow to open channels, on flow topology, across a range of channel widths, flow rates, Froude numbers, confluence angles, inlet pipe diameters, and lateral flow to main channel flow ratios.


Water quality modeling of the Mahabad watershed-reservoir system–IUT

Performed modeling and analysis on the impacts of climate change on nutrient loads of Mahabad Watershed, and the impacts on the water quality status of the dam reservoir. In this research, different general circulation models, under different RCP scenarios were used, and software packages such as SDSM, SWAT, SWAT-CUP, and CE-QUAL-W2 were implemented.


Field investigator – Rah Pol Gostar Consulting Engineers Company

Investigated the extent of structural damages in different bridge types, caused by surface runoff, rich in salt and other anti-freeze agents.


Water resources technician – Pasar Consulting Engineers Company

Performed hydrological and watershed-scale analyses in ArcGIS and AutoCAD, for designing bridges and culverts.



Peer-reviewed journal articles


Aghaei, Y.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Karakouzian, M. Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Its Suitability for Drinking and Agricultural Use – Case Study: Fars Province, Iran. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2023, 13(3), 10797-10807. DOI: 10.48084/etasr.5884


Soltani, N.; Afzalimehr, H.; Shahiri Tabarestani, E.; Eftekhari, A.; Khabari, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Turbulence Characteristics in Mild and Steep Entrance Slopes of Pool-Riffle Sequences. Water, 2023, 15(4), 720. DOI: 10.3390/w15040720


Kazem, M.; Taheri Behbahani, M.T.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. The Impact of Operational Scenarios and Concrete Aging Factor on the Freeboard Height of an Irrigation Canal. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2023, 13(1), 10199-10203. DOI: 10.48084/etasr.5592


Taheriyoun, M.; Fallahi, A.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Fallahi, S. Optimization of Best Management Practices Combination to Control Runoff Water Quality in an Urban Watershed using a Novel Framework of Embedding Response Surface Model. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2023, 46, 19-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.jher.2022.11.003


Derakhshan, S.; Dodangeh, E.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Raeisifar, H.; Karakouzian, M. Effect of Vertical Variation of Submerged Vegetation Density on the Flow Resistance. Hydrology, 2022, 9(11), 191. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology9110191


Karami, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Bristow, J.; Karakouzian, M. Evaluation of the stability of terraced slopes in clayey gravel soil using a novel numerical technique. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering.


Naderi, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Dehghan, A.; Darban, N.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Field Study of Three–Parameter Flow Resistance Model in Rivers with Vegetation Patch. Fluids, 2022, 7(8), 284. DOI: 10.3390/fluids7080284


Hadian, S.; Shahiri Tabarestani, E.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Determining Flood Zonation Maps, Using New Ensembles of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, Bivariate Statistics, and Artificial Neural Network. Water, 2022, 14(11), 1721. DOI: 10.3390/w14111721


Taheriyoun, M.; Marzban, H.; Geranmehr, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Optimization of Pollutant Discharge Permits using the Trading Ratio System: A Case Study. Earth, 2022, 3(3), 814-824. DOI: 10.3390/earth3030046


Kazem, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Determination of Skin Friction Factor in Gravel Bed Rivers: Considering the Effect of Large-Scale Topographic Forms in Non-Uniform Flows. Hydrology, 2022, 9(4), 58. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology9040058


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M. Climate Change Impact on Water Quality in the Integrated Mahabad Dam Watershed-Reservoir System. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2022, 40, 28-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.jher.2021.12.001


Aghaei, Y.; Kilanehei, F.; Faghihi-Rad, Sh.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Dynamic Pressure at Flip Buckets of Chute Spillways – a Numerical Study. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 20, 421–432. DOI: 10.1007/s40999-021-00670-4


Galoie, M.; Kilanehei, F.; Motamedi, A.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Converting Daily Rainfall Data to Sub-Daily – Introducing the MIMD Method. Water Resources Management, 2021, 11. DOI: 10.1007%2Fs11269-021-02930-3


Mohammadi, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. A Novel Analytical Method for Evaluating the Characteristics of Hydraulic Jump at a Positive Step. Water, 2021, 13, 2005. DOI: 10.3390/w13152005


Ahmadi, H.; Kilanehei, F.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Impact of Pumping Rate on Contaminant Transport – A Numerical Study. Hydrology, 2021, 8, 3. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology8030103


Nikravesh, G.; Aghababaei, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Drought Frequency Analysis Based on the Development of a Two-Variate Standardized Index (Rainfall-Runoff). Water, 2020, 12, 2599. DOI: 10.3390/w12092599


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M.; Hayes, D. Flow Topology in the Confluence of an Open Channel with Lateral Drainage Pipe. Hydrology, 2020, 7, 57. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology7030057


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Aghababaei, M.; Karakouzian, M.; Karami, M. Water on Mars – A Literature Review. Galaxies, 2020, 8, 40. DOI: 10.3390/galaxies8020040


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M.; Pashmchi, P. Water Vapor Conductance of Dry Soil – Analyzing Transport Processes by Analogy with Ohm’s Law. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2020, 26, 198-203.


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, A.; Karakouzian, M.; Karami, M. Sacrificial Piles as Scour Countermeasures in River Bridges – A Numerical Study using FLOW-3D. Civil Engineering Journal, 2020, 6(6). DOI: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091531


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Relationship Between Sunspot Numbers and Mean Annual Precipitation: Application of Cross-Wavelet Transform – A Case Study. J-Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, 2020, 3(1), 67-78. DOI: 10.3390/j3010007


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M.; Ahmad, S.; Karakouzian, M.; Ahmadi, A. Water Quality Modeling of Mahabad Dam Watershed–Reservoir System under Climate Change Conditions, using SWAT and System Dynamics. Water, 2019, 11, 394. DOI: 10.3390/w11020394


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M.; Karakouzian, M. Surface Runoff and Pollutant Load Response to Urbanization, Climate Variability, and Low Impact Developments – A Case Study. Water Supply, 2019, 19(8), 2410-2421. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2019.123


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M.; Karakouzian, M. A Sensitivity Analysis of DEM Resolution and Effective Parameters on Runoff Yield in the SWAT Model – A Case Study. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, 2019, 69(1), 39-54. DOI: 10.2166/aqua.2019.044


Babaei, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M.; Ahmad, S. Identification of Critical Source Areas (CSAs) and Evaluation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Controlling Eutrophication in the Dez River Basin. Environments, 2019, 6, 20. DOI: 10.3390/environments6020020


Karakouzian, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karami, M. Effect of Overburden Height on Hydraulic Fracturing of Concrete-Lined Pressure Tunnels Excavated in Intact Rock: A Numerical Study. Fluids, 2019, 4, 112. DOI: 10.3390/fluids4020112


Karami, M.; Kabiri-Samani, A.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Investigating the Effects of Transient Flow in Concrete-Lined Pressure Tunnels, and Developing a New Analytical Formula for Pressure Wave Velocity. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 91, 102992. DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2019.102992


Karakouzian, M.; Karami, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Ahmad, S. Flow-Induced Stresses and Displacements in Jointed Concrete Pipes Installed by Pipe Jacking Method. Fluids, 2019, 4, 34. DOI: 10.3390/fluids4010034


Taheriyoun, M.; Memaripour, A.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Using Recycled Chemical Sludge as a Coagulant Aid in Chemical Wastewater Treatment in Mobarakeh Steel Complex. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2020, 22, 745-756. DOI: 10.1007/s10163-019-00966-7


Karakouzian, M.; Chavez, A.; Hayes, D.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Bulbous Pier: An Alternative to Bridge Pier Extensions as a Countermeasure against Bridge Deck Splashing. Fluids, 2019, 4, 140. DOI: 10.3390/fluids4030140


Kaji, A.; Taheriyoun, M.; Taebi, A.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Comparison and Optimization of the Performance of Natural Based Non-Conventional Coagulants in a Water Treatment Plant. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, 2019, 69(1), 28-38. DOI: 10.2166/aqua.2019.075


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Ahmad, S.; Karakouzian, M. Climate Change and Eutrophication: A Short Review. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2018, 8(6), 3668-3672. DOI: 10.48084/etasr.2392

Conference proceedings


Hass, A.; Rojano, F.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Coleman, D.; Cantrell, R. The Role of Retention Basins in Alleviating TDS Levels in Post-Mining Affected Streams. National Meeting of the American Society of Reclamation Sciences, Boise, ID, USA, 2023.


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Coleman, D.; Rojano, F.; Cantrell, R.; Hass, A. Use of System Dynamics Approach to Discern the Lingering Role of Sediment Pond on Surface Mining Water Quality. Conference on Water, Climate, and Food Security for Students and Early Career Scientists, Prairie View, TX, USA, 2023.


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M.; Ahmadi, A. Investigating the effects of climate change on phosphorus load of the watershed and the trophic state of Mahabad Dam reservoir. Development and Application of Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in Water Resources Management, Isfahan, Iran, 2018.


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M.; Ahmadi, A. Predicting the effects of climate change on watershed nutrient load (Case study: Mahabad Dam). 9th National congress on civil engineering, Mashhad, Iran, 2016.


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M.; Ahmadi, A. Investigating the effects of climate change on temperature and precipitation in Mahabad Dam watershed, using the CanESM2 model. National conference on architecture, civil and new developments, Orumiyeh, Iran, 2015.


Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M.; Ahmadi, A. Investigating the effects of climate change on temperature and precipitation in Mahabad Dam watershed, using the HadCM3 model. National conference on architecture, civil and new developments, Orumiyeh, Iran, 2015.


Nazari-Sharabian, M. Investigating the effects of climate change on hydrological parameters, in Mahabad Dam watershed. National conference on architecture, civil and new developments, Orumiyeh, Iran, 2015.


Nazari-Sharabian, M. Wastewater treatment using constructed soil filters. 1st National conference on environmental health, health and environmental sustainability, Hamedan, Iran, 2014.

Book chapters


Recent Numerical Advances in Fluid Mechanics, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-03936-402-2; This book is based on selected papers that have utilized Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models, to study phenomena related to the field of fluid mechanics. My paper “Effect of Overburden Height on Hydraulic Fracturing of Concrete-Lined Pressure Tunnels Excavated in Intact Rock: A Numerical Study” is discussed in this book, as a chapter.


Modeling in Ecology and the Environment. Selected Papers Based on System Dynamics, 2019. ISBN: 9781687000323; This book is based on selected papers that have utilized System Dynamics, in modeling ecology and the environment. My paper “Water Quality Modeling of Mahabad Dam Watershed–Reservoir System under Climate Change Conditions, using SWAT and System Dynamics” is discussed in this book, as a chapter.


Water Quality, Principles and Calculations, 2019. ISBN: 978-600-8257-33-2; Collaborated with Dr. Amir Taebi in writing the book. My duties were drawing and editing the figures used in the book, controlling the example solutions in each chapter, editing the text, and doing a literature review for the chapter that discussed numerical models used in water quality studies.




  • Scouring of river bridges in Iran – Iran University of Science and technology

January 2022

  • Application of the FLOW-3D model in the design of flood control channels in Las Vegas, NV – Isfahan University of Technology; University of Tehran; Iran University of Science and technology

December 2021 – January 2022


  • InfoWorks ICM – City of Fayetteville

July 2020


August 2018

  • SWAT model training workshop – Shahid Beheshti University

May 2016

  • High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) – IUT

March 2014

  • Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) – Iran’s Hydroinformatic Institute

May 2014

  • MODFLOW – Iran’s Hydroinformatic Institute

August 2013


  • Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the state of Nevada

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

  • Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER)


  • Interviewed by the Flood Channel, regarding the design of flood control channels in Las Vegas. The video is available online at:


  • Interviewed by the UNLV News Center, regarding my achievements during the Ph.D. program. The interview is available online at:



2020     Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Washington State University, and University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
M.Sc., Environmental Engineering,
Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
2013     B.Sc., Civil Engineering,
Shahed University, Iran


Environmental Engineering Design

The course covers topics in sanitary sewer design, preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment.

Introduction to Transportation Engineering

The course introduces fundamental engineering principles used in design and analysis of functioning of transportation systems and their components.

Construction Engineering

The course covers topics in construction site layout, earthmoving materials and operations, construction equipment, construction methods and practice, wood/concrete/steel construction, and management of constructed facilities.

Introduction to Environmental Engineering

The course covers topics in material balances and separations, reactions, reactors, energy flows and balances, ecosystems, water quality, water treatment, wastewater treatment, and air quality.

Civil Engineering Materials

The course covers the engineering properties of common civil engineering materials including metals, soils, aggregates, Portland cement concrete, asphalt concrete, wood, and masonry.

Algebraic Methods

The course covers the basic parts of college algebra; real numbers, radical expressions, linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, polynomials, functions, exponentials, and logarithms.

Introduction to Engineering Design

The course introduces the students to the theory and techniques of engineering design and creative problem-solving, as well as design issues and practices in engineering.

Fluid Mechanics

The course covers topics in fluid properties, pressure in a fluid field and its measurement, hydrostatic forces on surfaces, buoyancy, Bernoulli equation, viscous pipe flow, and drag and lift concepts.

FE Exam Review (Mathematics)

The course covers topics in analytical geometry, calculus, linear algebra, vector analysis, differential equations, and numerical methods.


Research fields

Integrated water resource systems modeling and management

Experimental and computational hydrology/fluids/hydraulics

Flood inundation modeling, risk assessment, and mitigation

Water quality and contaminant transport modeling
Climate change impact assessment and adaptation


Promoting Excellence in Education through Research and Creative Works (PEER)

– Summer 2023

Open Learning WV (OER)

– Spring 2023 and Fall 2023

Research Enhancement Award (REA)

– Fall 2022

Design of lateral confluences of flood control channels

– Spring 2018

Latest Publications

Aghaei, Y.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Karakouzian, M. Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Its Suitability for Drinking and Agricultural Use – Case Study: Fars Province, Iran. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 2023, 13(3), 10797-10807. DOI: 10.48084/etasr.5884

Soltani, N.; Shahiri Tabarestani, E.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Effects of Entrance and Exit Slopes of Pool-Riffle on Turbulent Flow Structure. Water2023. DOI:

Taheriyoun, M.; Fallahi, A.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Fallahi, S. Optimization of Best Management Practices Combination to Control Runoff Water Quality in an Urban Watershed using a Novel Framework of Embedding Response Surface Model. Journal of Hydro-environment Research2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jher.2022.11.003

Kazem, M.; Taheri Behbahani, M.T.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. The Impact of Operational Scenarios and Concrete Aging Factor on the Freeboard Height of an Irrigation Canal. Engineering and Applied Science Research2023. DOI: 10.48084/etasr.5592

Karami, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Bristow, J.; Karakouzian, M. Evaluation of the stability of terraced slopes in clayey gravel soil using a novel numerical technique. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering2023. DOI:

Derakhshan, S.; Dodangeh, E.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Raeisifar, H.; Karakouzian, M. Effect of Vertical Variation of Submerged Vegetation Density on the Flow Resistance. Hydrology, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology9110191

Naderi, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Dehghan, A.; Darban, N.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Field Study of Three–Parameter Flow Resistance Model in Rivers with Vegetation Patch. Fluids2022. DOI: 10.3390/fluids7080284

Hadian, S.; Shahiri Tabarestani, E.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Determining Flood Zonation Maps, Using New Ensembles of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making, Bivariate Statistics, and Artificial Neural Network. Water2022, DOI: 10.3390/w14111721

Taheriyoun, M.; Marzban, H.; Geranmehr, M.; Nazari-Sharabian, M. Optimization of Pollutant Discharge Permits using the Trading Ratio System: A Case Study. Earth2022. DOI: 10.3390/earth3030046

Kazem, M.; Afzalimehr, H.; Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Karakouzian, M. Determination of Skin Friction Factor in Gravel Bed Rivers: Considering the Effect of Large-Scale Topographic Forms in Non-Uniform Flows. Hydrology2022. DOI: 10.3390/hydrology9040058

Nazari-Sharabian, M.; Taheriyoun, M. Climate Change Impact on Water Quality in the Integrated Mahabad Dam Watershed-Reservoir System. Journal of Hydro-environment Research2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.jher.2021.12.001


Recent Numerical Advances in Fluid Mechanics, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-03936-402-2; This book is based on selected papers that have utilized Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models, to study phenomena related to the field of fluid mechanics. My paper “Effect of Overburden Height on Hydraulic Fracturing of Concrete-Lined Pressure Tunnels Excavated in Intact Rock: A Numerical Study” is discussed in this book, as a chapter.

Modeling in Ecology and the Environment. Selected Papers Based on System Dynamics, 2019. ISBN: 9781687000323; This book is based on selected papers that have utilized System Dynamics, in modeling ecology and the environment. My paper “Water Quality Modeling of Mahabad Dam Watershed–Reservoir System under Climate Change Conditions, using SWAT and System Dynamics” is discussed in this book, as a chapter.

Water Quality, Principles and Calculations, 2019. ISBN: 978-600-8257-33-2; Collaborated with Dr. Amir Taebi in writing the book. My duties were drawing and editing the figures used in the book, controlling the example solutions in each chapter, editing the text, and doing a literature review for the chapter that discussed numerical models used in water quality studies.

Dr. Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, P.E.
Wallace Hall 421
Phone: 304-766-4276
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