Dr. Barbara Liedl

Associate Professor

Dr. Liedl’s lab is developing insect and disease resistant tomato varieties for greenhouse and high tunnel production using marker assisted selection.  Her lab also works on reproductive barriers between cultivated tomato and their wild species to assist in transfer of resistance traits.  


Plant Breeding and Genetics, Horticulture, Plant Reproductive Barriers, Sustainable Agriculture, Speciation


Genetics, Introductory Biology, General Botany, Biotechnology


1989 Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Major: Horticulture, Minor: Genetics
1985 M.S. University of Minnesota, Major: Plant Breeding; Minor: Plant Physiology
1982 B.S. Purdue University, Horticultural Production


Book Chapters

  • Labate, J.A., Grandillo, S., Fulton, T., Munos, S., Caicedo, A., Peralta, I., Ji, Y., Chetelat, et al. (2007).  Tomato. p. 1-125. In Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants: Volume 5 Vegetables, C. Kole (ed).  Springer Publishing Co. NY.
  • Mutschler, M. A., B. E. Liedl.  (1994).  Interspecific Crossing Barriers in Lycopersicon and their Relationship to Self-Incompatibility, pp. 164-188.  In:  Genetic Control of Self-incompatibility and Reproductive Development in Flowering Plants, E. G. Williams, A. E. Clarke and R. B. Knox (eds).  Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Liedl, B. E., N. O. Anderson.  (1993).  Reproductive barriers:  identification, uses and circumvention.  Plant Breeding Reviews  11:11-154.

Edited Book

  • Liedl, B.E., J.A. Labate, J.R. Stommel, A. Slade and C. Kole.  (2013).  Genetics Genomics and Breeding of Tomato.  Genetics, Genomics and Breeding Series, Boca Raton, FL:  CRC Press.

Referred Journals

  • Anderson, N.O., P.D. Ascher, V. Fritz, C. Rohwer, S. Yao, P. Johnson, B.E. Liedl, J. Reith-Rozelle, L. Klossner and N. Eash.  (2015).Chrysanthemum xhybridum Mammothâ„¢ ‘Dark Bronze Daisy’ Garden Chrysanthemum.  HortScience 50(8):1260-1264.
  • Anderson, N.O., E. Gesick, V. Fritz, C. Rohwer, S. Yao, P. Johnson, S. Poppe, B.E. Liedl, L. Klossner, N. Eash and J. Reith-Rozelle.  (2014). Mammothâ„¢ Series Garden Chrysanthemum ‘Lavender Daisy’.  HortScience 49(12):1600-1604.
  • Anderson, N.O., V. Fritz, C. Rohwer, S. Poppe, B.E. Liedl, S. Yao, P. Johnson, J. Reith-Rozelle, L. Klossner and N. Eash.  (2014). Chrysanthemum xhybridum Mammothâ„¢ ‘Dark Pink Daisy’ Garden Chrysanthemum.  HortScience 49(12):1595-1599.
  • Anderson, N.O., S. Poppe, P.D. Ascher, E. Gesick, S. Yao, D. Wildung, P. Johnson, V. Fritz, J. Hebal, L. Klossner, N. Eash, B.E. Liedl, and J. Reith-Rozell.  (2012).  Mammothâ„¢ ‘Yellow Quill’ Garden Chrysanthemum.  HortScience 47(2):285-288.
  • Anderson, N., L. Klossner, N. Eash, V. Fritz, M. Wang, S. Poppe, J. Reith-Rozell, D. Wildung, S. Yao, P. Johnson, and B. E. Liedl.  (2008).  Gaura lindheimeri ‘Snowstorm’:  A new Z6 Heat/frost-tolerant Container and Landscaping Perennial.  HortScience 44(5): 1481-1483
  • Liedl, B. E., J. Bombardiere and J.M. Chatfield. 2006. Fertilizer potential of liquid and solid effluent from thermophilic anaerobic digestion of poultry waste. Water Science and Technology 53(8):69-79.
  • Liedl, B. E., M. Cummins, A. Young, M. L. Williams and J. M. Chatfield. 2004. Hydroponic lettuce production using liquid effluent from poultry waste bioremediation as a nutrient source.  Acta Hort 659:721-728.
  • Liedl, B. E., M. Cummins, A. Young, M. L. Williams and J. M. Chatfield. 2004. Liquid effluent from poultry waste bioremediation as a potential nutrient source for hydroponic tomato production.  Acta Hort 659: 647-652.
  • Mutschler, M. A., R. W. Doerge, S.-C. Liu, J. P. Kuai, B. E. Liedl, J. A. Shapiro.  (1996). QTL analysis of pest resistance in the wild tomato,Lycopersicon pennellii:  QTL controlling acylsugar level and composition. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 92:709-718.
  • Liedl, B. E., S. McCormick, M. A. Mutschler. (1996).  Unilateral incongruity is distinct from self-incompatibility in expression, timing and location in crosses involving Lycopersicon pennellii and L. esculentum.  Sexual Plant Reproduction 9(5): 299-307
  • Liedl, B. E., D. M. Lawson, J. A. Shapiro, K. K.White, D. E. Cohen, W. G. Carson, J. T. Trumble, M. A. Mutschler.  (1995).  Acylsugars of wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D’Arcy alters settling and reduces oviposition of Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae).  Journal of Economic Entomology 88:742-748.
  • Liu, S.-C., B. E. Liedl, M. A. Mutschler.  (1995).  Alterations of the manifestations of hybrid breakdown in Lycopersicon esulentum x L. pennelliiF2 populations containing L. esculentum versus L. pennellii cytoplasm. Sexual Plant Reproduction 8(6):361-368.
  • Liedl, B. E., N. O. Anderson.  (1994).  Statistical differentiation between self incompatibility and pseudo-self compatibility in Petunia hybrida  Hort. using female and male coefficient of crossability.  Sex. Plant Reprod.  7:229-238.
  • Ingersoll, J. C., M. Rothenberg, B. E. Liedl, K. Folkerts, D. Garvin, M. R. Hanson, J. J. Doyle, M. A. Mutschler.  (1994).  A novel anther-expressedadh-homologous gene in Lycopersicon esculentum. Plant Mol. Biol.  26:1875-1891.
  • Liedl, B. E., S. McCormick, M. A. Mutschler.  (1993).  A clearing technique for histochemical localization of GUS activity in pollen tubes and ovules of Lycopersicon.  Plant Mol. Biol. Reporter 11:194-201.
  • Anderson, N. O., B. E. Liedl, P. D. Ascher, R. E. Widmer, S. L. Desborough. (1988).  Evaluating self incompatibility in Chrysanthemum:  The influence of ovule number.  Sex. Plant Reprod.  1:173-181.
  • Anderson, N. O., B. E. Liedl, P. D. Ascher, S. L. Desborough.  (1989).  Distinguishing between self incompatibility and other reproductive barriers in plants using male (MCC) and female (FCC) coefficient of crossability. Sex. Plant Reprod.  2:116-126.
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