Dr. Robert Harris

Professor of Biology

Principles of Biology, Microbiology


Muscle Physiology     
Dr. Harris studies the response of smooth muscle cytoskeletal response to stimuli such as mechanical stress and nutritional chemicals (ex. resveratrol).


1992 Ph.D. Ohio University, Biomedical Science
1988 M.S. Ohio University, Biomedical Science
1985 B.S. Marshall University, Zoology

Dr. Harris is the anatomist/physiologist at West Virginia State University. His academic interests are in the general biology of muscles. He is also the advisor of the Pre-Med Club at WVSU, and advises Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental, and Pre-Physician Assistant students.


Neuromuscular Physiology The influence of neural factors on the expression of muscular torque; The effect of weighting history on skeletal muscle function


teach undergraduate courses in the following areas: Introductory Biology, Anatomy and Physiology, Developmental Biology, Embryology and Vertebrate Histology DIRECTED STUDENT RESEARCH 1995-96. Suzette Brown. Influence of hip replacement surgery on leg muscle morphology.


1. HARRIS, ROBERT T., and Gary A. Dudley. (1989) Exercise alters the distribution of ammonia and lactate in blood. Journal of Applied Physiolpgy 66: 313-317.

2. Tesch, P.A., G.A. Dudley, M.R. Duvoisin, B.M. Hather, and R.T. HARRIS. (1990) Force and EMG signal patterns during repeated bouts of concentric or eccentric muscle actions. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica138: 263-271.

3. Dudley, Gary A., ROBERT T. HARRIS, Marc R. Duvoisin, Bruce M. Hather, and Paul Buchanan. (1990) Effect of voluntary vs. artificial activation on the relationship of muscle torque to speed. Journal of Applied Physiology 69: 2215-2221.

4. Dudley, Gary A., Per A. Tesch, ROBERT T. HARRIS, Catherine L. Golden, and Paul Buchanan. (1991) Influence of eccentric actions on the metabolic cost of resistance exercise.Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 62: 678-682.

5. Duvoisin, M.R., G.R. Adams, R.T. HARRIS, and G.A. Dudley. (1991) Protocol for determining effect of motor unit synchronization on surface EMG. IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering 13: 1943-1944.

6. Adams, Gregory R., ROBERT T. HARRIS, Daniel Woodard, and Gary A. Dudley. (1993) Mapping of electrical muscle stimulation using MRI. Journal of Applied Physiology 74: 532-537.

7. HARRIS, ROBERT T., and Gary A. Dudley. (1994) Factors limiting force during slow, shortening actions of the quadriceps femoris muscle group in vivo. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. 152: 63-71.

8. Christine Ruther, Catherine L. Golden, ROBERT T. HARRIS, and Gary A. Dudley. (1995) Hypertrohpy after resistance training with voluntary versus artificial activation. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 9: 155-159.

9. Minotti, John R., Barry Massie, Americo Simonimi, Puneet Sahgal, Lauren Wells, ROBERT T. HARRIS, and Gary A. Dudley. (1996) Specific myopathy of skeletal muscle in heart failure.Journal of Clinical Investigation. submitted.


1. Dudley, Gary A., and ROBERT T. HARRIS. (1992) Special topics in sports medicine: Use of electrical stimulation in strength and power training. In: The Encyclopaedia of Sports Medicine: Strength and Power in Sport. (P.V. Komi, ed.), pp. 329-337.

2. Dudley, Gary A., and ROBERT T. HARRIS. (1994) Neuromuscular adaptations to exercise conditioning. In: Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. (T. Beachle, ed.), pp. 12-18.


Principles of Biology (Biology 101)
Anatomy and Physiology I (Biology 331)
Anatomy and Physiology II (Biology 332)
Embryology and Animal Development (Biology 430)
Vertebrate Histology (Biology 330)

Dr. Robert Harris
143 Hamblin Hal
Phone: 304-766-3128
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