Dr. Johnathan Eya

Professor of Biology

Fish Biology and Nutrition, Aquaculture

1997 Ph.D. Fisheries (Aquaculture). Auburn University
1989 M. Sc. Fisheries. University of Nigeria, Nsukka
1985 B.Sc. Zoology. University of Nigeria, Nsukka


We are involved in research focusing on the molecular and genetic/genomic basis of feed efficiency and growth. Our interest is to combine classical nutrition with modern molecular techniques to understand the differences in feed efficiency and growth within the same and/or among different stains/families of channel catfish and rainbow trout and other finfishes. To explore this possibility we will study the interface between dietary manipulations, temperature, gut microbiomes, and mitochondrial functions in metabolic efficiency with growth, and possibly determine the potential role of nutrients and non-dietary factors (genetics, temperature, gut microbiome) in the molecular modulation of mitochondrial functions (protein and gene expression levels) relating to feed efficiency and growth.
Other areas of interest include aquaculture waste management.


Eya, J.C., Ukwuaba, V.O.,  Yossa, R. and Gannam , A.L. 2015. Interactive Effects of Dietary Lipid and Phenotypic Feed Efficiency on the Expression of Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genes Involved in the Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chainin Rainbow Trout. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16: 7682-7706; doi:10.3390/ijms16047682.

Eya, J.C., Ukwuaba, V.O., Yossa, R., Ashame, M.F., Pomeroy, C.F., Gannam, A.L. 2015. Growth performance and mitochondrial function in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed graded dietary lipid levels. Annals of Aquaculture and Research 2(1): 1006-1018.

Eya, J.C.,  Nouaga, R.Y., Ashame, M.F., Pomeroy, C.F., Gannam, A.L. 2014. Effects of dietary lipid levels on mitochondrial gene expression in low and high-feed efficient families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Fish Biology 84: 1708-1720.

Eya, J.C.,  Nouaga, R.Y., Ashame, M.F., Pomeroy, C.F., Gannam, A.L. 2013. Effects of dietary lipid levels on growth, feed utilization and mitochondrial function in low- and high- feed efficient families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 416-417: 119-128.

Eya, J.C., Ashame, M.F. Pomeroy, C.F., Manning, B.B. and Brian, B.C.  2012. Genetic variation in feed   consumption, growth, nutrient utilization efficiency and mitochondrial function within a farmed population of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Comparative   Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 163: 211-220.

Eya, J.C., Ashame, M.F. and Pomeroy, C.F. 2011:  Association of mitochondrial function with feed efficiency in rainbow trout: Diets and family effects. Aquaculture 321(1-2):71-84.

Eya, J.C., Ashame, M.F. and Pomeroy, C. 2010. Influence of diet on mitochondrial complex activity in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. North American Journal of Aquaculture 72: 225-236.

Eya, J.C., Ashame, M.F. and Pomeroy, C. 2010. Nutritive evaluation of protein from anaerobically digested poultry wastes as a dietary ingredient replacer for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Journal of World Aquaculture Society 41(S2):179-190.

Eya, J.C., Ashame, M.F. and Pomeroy, C. 2010. Researchers study effect of diet and strain on catfish production. Aquaculture North America, July/August, page 7.

Eya, J.C., Parsons, A., Haile, I. and Jagidi, P. 2008. Effects of dietary zeolites (bentonite and mordenite) on the performance of juvenile rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2(4):961-967.

Stinefelt, B.M., Eya, J.C., Semmens, K.J. & Blemings, K.P. (2004). Effect of Diet and Strain on Growth and Performance in Hybrid Bluegills.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 66: 313-318.

Stinefelt, B.M., Eya, J.C., Semmens, K.J. & Blemings, K.P. (2003). Diet and Strain Affect Growth, Feed Efficiency, and Retention of Nitrogen and Lysine in Hybrid Bluegill.  FASEB J. 17(4): A331.

Teichert-Coddington, D., B. Manning and J. C. Eya. 2000. Concentration of 17 µ- methyltestosterone in hormone-treated feed: Effects of analytical technique, fabrication, and storage temperature.  Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 31(1): 42-50

Gross, A., C. E. Boyd, R. T. Lovell and J. C. Eya. 1998.  Phosphorus budgets for channel catfish ponds receiving diet with different phosphorus concentrations.  Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 29(1): 31-39.

Eya, J. C. and R. T. Lovell. 1997. Dietary available phosphorus requirements of Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fed practical diets in ponds.  Aquaculture 154: 283-291.

Eya, J .C. and R. T. Lovell. 1997.  Dietary phosphorus deficiency reduces resistance of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) to Edwardsiella ictalurichallenge.  Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 10: 28-34.

Eya, J. C. and R. T. Lovell. 1997.  Net absorption of phosphorus from various inorganic sources and effect of fungal phytase on net absorption of plant phosphorus by channel catfish, (Icalurus punctatus).  Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 28(4): 386-391.

Eya, J. C. 1996.  Broken-skull disease in African catfish Clarias gariepinus is related to a dietary deficiency of ascorbic acid.  Journal of World Aquaculture Society 27(4): 493-498.

Dr. Johnathan Eya
137 Hamblin Hall
Phone: 304-766-4260
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