Undergraduate Research Day 2025


It is increasingly important that the West Virginia Higher Education community work to ensure that those in State government, who provide substantial funding for higher education, have a clear understanding of the programs they fund and why these programs are important. Scholarly activities (undergraduate research and creative endeavors) must be among those programs that members of the West Virginia State Legislature understand if it is to continue to enjoy support.

For many disciplines, scholarly activities are an essential component of the university educational experience. Nothing more effectively demonstrates the value of these activities than the words and stories of the student participants themselves. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, from 9-11:30 a.m., the Twentieth Annual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (URDC) will take place in the West Virginia State Capitol Rotunda (http://www.wvculture.org/agency/capitol.html).  This event features posters on research/creative endeavors from student attendees of colleges and universities around the state and will help members of the WV State Legislature and Executive Branch understand the importance of undergraduate scholarly activities by providing members with an opportunity to speak directly with the students whom these programs impact.  Directly after the poster session, students and their faculty mentors are invited to lunch at the nearby Culture Center (1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, WV 25305; see website
(http://www.wvculture.org/agency/cultcenter.html)).  Attendees can expect the luncheon event to end before 2:00 p.m.
Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol is sponsored by West Virginia State UniversityWest Virginia UniversityMarshall University, and University of Charleston.


This is a unique opportunity that we believe will have a positive impact on the future of State funding for undergraduate education. We encourage undergraduates from both public and private institutions to submit abstracts. We anticipate selecting 80-100 students for participation in the presentation session.

The Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol Steering Committee is calling for students to submit abstracts of their research/creative endeavors that represent any of the following disciplines/fields, though presenters are not limited by the disciplines below:

  • African Studies,
  • Anthropology,
  • Astronomy
  • Biochemistry,
  • Biology,
  • Business
  • Chemistry,
  • Communications,
  • Computer Science,
  • Creative Arts,
  • Criminal Justice
  • Economics,
  • Engineering,
  • English
  • Foreign Language,
  • Forensic Science
  • Geography,
  • Geology, Geosciences
  • History
  • International Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Native American Studies
  • Philosophy,
  • Physics,
  • Political Science,
  • Psychology
  • Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
  • Religious Studies
  • Sociology/Social Work
  • Women’s Studies
  • Other Disciplines (not mentioned above)

Explain the research or creative work that was performed in plain language. The abstract title is limited to 14 words and the abstract itself to 250 words (150-250 words). The abstract title should be grammatically correct, accurate and convey maximum information. In addition, use title words that can be comprehended by the general public. Within the abstract, discuss the importance of the research or creative work to the discipline and to society (i.e., What larger problem were you trying to solve or understand?). Please keep in mind that your abstract is intended for individuals who will not be experts in your field. It is not a professional meeting abstract. Students should work with their faculty research mentors in fashioning abstracts (i.e., obtain mentor feedback and approval before submission).

For those students who intend to use a presentation previously presented at a disciplinary meeting, the abstract submitted for this event may be different.

Some capability exists for including graphics in the abstract. In this case, submit a standard text abstract on the application form and, in a separate email to URDC@wvstateu.edu,send your abstract with the graphics properly located on the page. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Link to Submit a 2025 URDC Abstract:  https://forms.gle/rKb8fBsFqBxJBZCZ6 

The deadline for submission is Friday, November 22, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. No late submissions will be accepted. Students selected for participation will be notified in early January 2025.

To summarize:

  • Submission Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024
  • Notification Date: Early January 2025
  • Event date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025


How do I submit an abstract?
Abstract submissions will only be accepted by using our online submission form. Students should complete the submission form in its entirety, making sure to list their mentor’s proper email in the appropriate field. 

How will my project be selected?
Selection will depend on the quality of the project, the readability of the abstract, the geographical distribution of the participants, the diversity of the projects chosen and disciplines represented, and the diversity of the participating students’ backgrounds.

Must I be a major in a subject to present on that topic?
No. Abstracts are evaluated on appropriateness of the subject matter. Thus, some agriculture projects would be appropriate for the Biology area and educational psychology could be presented under Psychology, even if the department were housed in a College of Education. If you have questions as to whether or not your research fits into one of the available categories, please write to URDC@wvstateu.edu.

How many students can be attached to my presentation?
A maximum of three students may attend with each presentation.

May a student be a presenter on more than one presentation?
No. Students may co-author more than one presentation, but may be a presenter on only one. (i.e., Your name can appear on multiple presentations, but you may only be listed in the abstract booklet for one.) If your name is entered more than once on the submissions website, the URDC steering committee may remove your name from all but one submission, and may do so without consulting you.

How many coauthors are allowed on the presentation?
You may have as many coauthors on the presentation as you deem appropriate. The limit is on the number of students that may be presenters at the capitol.

The abstract asks for my House and Senate districts. How do I find this information?
You can find your House and Senate district information by viewing the West Virginia Legislature’s District Maps website. Senate districts are numbered 1 through 17. House districts are numbered 1 through 67.

Is it possible to include graphics in my abstract?
Yes, but it will result in a significant reduction in the number of words you are permitted to have in your abstract. The abstract booklets are printed in 12 point Times New Roman font. Each line of text is approximately 10 words in length. Thus, a one inch tall figure will result in the loss of about 60 words. Contact URDC at URDC@wvstateu.edu for specifics. Abstract graphics will be dealt with on a case by case basis.

Are special characters allowed in the abstract?
Yes. Submit your abstract as a Word document through the submission form, properly formatted using 12 point Times New Roman font (except for the special characters). Superscripts and subscripts count as special characters. 

I am graduating in December 2024. Am I still eligible to present a presentation?
No. In order to participate in URDC, you may not graduate before May 2025.

Is submitting a presentation with incomplete results permitted?
Yes, but you should be certain that the work will be completed in time. If your work is not sufficiently complete at the time of submission, you should discuss this with your mentor and how best to represent your research.

Do presenters need to be a resident of West Virginia?
No. However, in the case of two presentations judged to be of equal quality, preference will be given to West Virginia residents. Only the lead presenter will be used in this evaluation criterion.

Attn: Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol 
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
101 Hamblin Hall, PO Box 1000 
West Virginia State University
Institute, WV 25112
Phone: (304) 766-3106
Email: URDC@wvstateu.edu

Link to Submit a 2025 URDC abstract:  https://forms.gle/rKb8fBsFqBxJBZCZ6 

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