
ACS (American Chemical Society) Club 
The student members are a diverse group of students who want to advance science and science education in the area.  Any student who is interested in science can participate in community outreach and career development.  Outreach activities include trips to local schools and civic groups, and career development involves seminars, professional meetings, and industrial visits.

Faculty advisor: Dr. Micheal Fultz (304) 766-3106

DNA (Delta Nu Alpha) Club (Biology)  This is a social organization for lovers of the outdoors (animals, plants, environment, and nature).  Members have opportunities to participate in varied activities, such as spelunking and canoeing.  This group performs community service on and off campus.  Membership is open to all students.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tim Ruhnke(304) 766-3210

A work in collaboration between the computer science and mathematics majors on campus, the Mathematics & Computer Science Club is dedicated to advancing education and research in the fields of Robotics, Applied & Classical Mathematics, Computer Science, and Innovation in the sciences. With active members from all tiers of interests and experience, we invite anyone willing to participate in on-campus projects, community service, and advanced one-to-one research amongst peers and professors.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sonya Armstrong (304) 766-3390

The purposes of this organization are the exploration of space-related topics and the enrichment of members on academic and research areas. The primary purpose of this club is to give educational options to those students who wish to have experiences related to space exploration and/or the space sciences and other topics that support space exploration, allowing students to have a direct influence on their own educational experience that would be most beneficial to them. The club wishes to inspire an interest in space-related topics among the WVSU campus, therefore increasing the number of research opportunities within the university. The club’s expansion will provide support to students in hopes of obtaining research and professional practices.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marek Krasnansky (304) 766-3257

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