
Welcome to the Engineering program at West Virginia State University (WVSU). We are very excited and pleased to let you know that our Bachelor of Science in Engineering program was approved recently by West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission and Higher Learning Commission (HLC). There are two engineering options: (1) Engineering/Civil and (2) Engineering/Chemical  

At WVSU you learn from caring and knowledgeable faculty. The 15:1 student-to-faculty ratio means your receive one-on-one interaction allowing you to grow and excel.  We give you the academic and professional skills you need to achieve your goal of becoming a Civil Engineer or Chemical engineer. 


Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BS)

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

The Engineering program at West Virginia State University offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Civil and Chemical engineering. Engineering is one of the main engines of the economy, and as according to WV Economic Outlook 2016, the chemicals industry accounts for one-fifth of manufacturing sector jobs and nearly 40% of the manufacturing sector's economic output in West Virginia, this program at WVSU will produce graduates well prepared for the needs of the state and the region.

Dr. Mohammad Bhuiyan, P.E.
Dr. Mohammad Bhuiyan, P.E.
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

The mission of WVSU reads “West Virginia State University will meet the higher education and economic development needs of the state and region through innovative teaching and applied research.” As engineering is one of the main engines of the economy, and as according to WV Economic Outlook 2016, the chemicals industry accounts for one-fifth of manufacturing sector jobs and nearly 40% of the manufacturing sector’s economic output in West Virginia, this program at WVSU will produce graduates well prepared for the needs of the state and the region.

Special features of West Virginia State University that make it suitable for such a program are:

  • WVSU is a historically black college, and, hence, has always had a mission to educate minorities and other underrepresented populations.
  • Second, WVSU was established as a land-grant institution on March 17, 1891, under the Second Morrill Act of 1890. As a land-grant university, WVSU is charged with providing educational opportunities for students, citizen and surrounding communities via its tripartite mission of research, teaching and outreach.
  • Third, the University, “a living laboratory of human relations,” is a community of students, staff, and faculty committed to academic growth, service, and preservation of the racial and cultural diversity of the institution.
  • Fourth, WVSU offers flexible course schedules in traditional classrooms and online to facilitate financially challenged students to continue their study concurrently with their job.

Faculty & Staff

Dr. Mohammad Bhuiyan, P.E.
Dr. Mohammad Bhuiyan, P.E.
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Dr. Eyas Mahmoud
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Dr. Mohammad Nazari-Sharabian, P.E.
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Rana Mutashar, P.E. – Bridge Engineering at Terradon Corporation

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