Economics, Finance, and Marketing

    The Department of Economics, Finance and Marketing offers a high quality education to students enrolled in the very exciting fields of economics, finance and marketing.  The department confers a bachelor of sciences degrees in business administration and a bachelor of arts Degree in Economics.  Students in the business program may pursue concentrations in either finance or marketing while economics students may choose between business economics, agricultural economics and social science concentrations. 
    The department is staffed with highly qualified faculty members who earned their doctorate degrees from some of the nation’s most notable universities. In addition to teaching, faculty members are dedicated to research activities in their area of expertise.

    The department of Economics, Finance and Marketing offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics with concentrations in Business Economics, Agricultural Economics/Agri-Business, and Social Science. Students will learn core principles of economic thinking and their applications to the fields noted above.
    Economics graduates are employed in the financial industry such as banks, insurance companies, money management firms, as well as the government, (state, local and federal), non-financial corporations, international organizations, the Federal Reserve System, USDA,  research organizations and regulatory agencies.

    The department of Economics, Finance and Marketing offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with concentration in Finance. The program facilitates the acquisition of skills in a variety of areas including corporate finance, investment banking, asset management, insurance, real estate and personal financial planning.
    Business graduates with concentration in finance are employed in various industries including banking, insurance, securities and exchange, federal and state government. They can take on positions as financial analyst, corporate risk analyst, commercial banking manager, real estate and securities analyst, credit and capital outlays manager, to mention just a few.

    The department of Economics, Finance and Marketing offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with concentration in Marketing, which allows majors to excel in product research, branding, sales and data driven digital advertising. 
    Business graduates with concentration in marketing are sought after in various industries, and are employed as a corporate marketing officer, advertising and promotions manager, sales and merchandising consultant, production design and logistic officer and many more.    

    Bachelor of Arts in Economics Concentrations:

    Students must choose one of the two areas of concentration reflecting their particular interests: Business Economics and Social Science Economics.

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