Dr. Manashi Ray

Professor of Sociology

Dr. Manashi Ray, is a Professor of Sociology at WVSU. Her research interests lie at the intersection of international migration, transnationalism, and network analysis. She use concepts from migration and transnational studies—such as migrant capital, Bourdieu’s theory of forms of capital, social ties, transnational spaces, life course perspective, and policies of sending and receiving countries—to understand migratory processes, motives, and transnational practices brought on by globalization and technological innovations. Dr. Ray also studies refugee populations from South and East Asia, asking why and how they engage in migratory movements, adopting a gendered perspective to unravel migratory patterns and settlement experiences.

Dr. Ray research has appeared in professional Sociological journals: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Development; Economic and Political Weekly; Asia and Pacific Migration Journal. In addition, she has several book chapters in edited volumes and books from reputed publishers.

Presently, she is completing her book manuscript titled ‘Becoming Boundless: A Saga of Transnational Indian Entrepreneurs.’ Dr. Ray is an active participant and been involved in many governance activities for International Sociological Association, American Sociological Association, and Sociologists for Women in Society. She is currently the Treasurer for RC 32 (Women, Gender and Society) of International Sociological Association.

Dr. Ray teaches both upper and lower level undergraduate and graduate courses in Social Inequality, International Migration, Gender, Family, and Community Organization courses. She is deeply engaged in working with students, and collaborates with them at local level conferences.


Dr. Manashi Ray
124 Hill Hall
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