Dr. Ginta T. Palubinskas


Dr. Ginta Palubinskas is a Professor of Political Science at West Virginia State University.  She earned her Ph.D. in Public Policy from George Mason University, where she subsequently served as the Director of Undergraduate Programs for the Department of Public and International Affairs.  She joined WVSU as an Associate Professor of Political Science in 2013, served as the Provost’s Faculty Fellow from 2015-2017, and was elected Department Chair in May, 2017.

Dr. Palubinskas is an avid researcher and regularly conducts research abroad.  She was a Summer Research Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. (2011).  Dr. Palubinskas regularly presents her work through regional, national, and international conferences in her field.  In 2020, she will be serving as a discussant for the ISA Junior Scholar Symposium, an honor reserved for leading scholars in the International Studies Association, which boasts more than 6,500 members worldwide.  She is the author of two books and is currently working on a third.

Prior to earning her Ph.D., Dr. Palubinskas worked at several organizations in Washington, D.C. where she interacted regularly with Members of Congress and U.S. State Department officials.
Dr. Palubinskas serves as the faculty advisor for the WVSU Political Science Society, the WVSU Pre-Law Association, as well as the WVSU Omicron Kappa Chapter of the Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society.

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