Dr. Alan Tilquist


Professional Profile
Dr. Tillquist is tenured Professor in the department of Management.  He has worked in the private sector for global food manufacturing organizations (Cadbury Schwepps and Fleischmann’s) with responsibility for manufacturing operations in the United States and Canada.  He has taught courses at the graduate and undergraduate level for a variety of areas to include change management, compensation management, human resources, leadership, operations management, and strategic management.  His research interests center around leadership, management history, and online learning pedagogy.

Recent Research Interests/Research Publications/Working Papers
Tillquist, Alan.  “The Effect of Modalities on Learning Outcomes – Version 2”  Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research Fall 2019 International Conference.

Tillquist, Alan & Lewis, Michael.  “Frederic Winslow Taylor – The Man, The Myth, The Legend”  Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research Fall 2018.

Lewis, Michael & Tillquist, Alan.  “The Effect of Modalities on Learning Outcomes”  Proceedings of the Academy of Business Research Fall 2018.

Tillquist, A.R.  “Health Insurance Discounts for Employees Practicing Healthy Lifestyles”  SAM Management In Practice  Fall 2010.

(Working Papers)
Tillquist A. & Whiteley, R., “An Analysis of the Interactive Dynamics of Online Dialogue: Communication Flows, Categorical Content, and Beyond.  Manuscript in Progress.

Tillquist, A.& Whiteley, R., “Using Plato’s Simile of the Cave, Divided Line, and Theory of Knowledge as Foundations for the Preparation of Business Students for Case Analysis.”  Manuscript in Progress.

Tillquist, A.R. “Leadership – The Realities of a Generation Gap.”  Manuscript in Progress.

Dr. Alan Tilquist
314A Cole Complex
Phone: 304-766-3240
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