RBA Curriculum

You must complete 120 semester hours to obtain an RBA degree from West Virginia State University. Below are the requirements that you much complete:

I. Upper Level Electives
Each student must obtain at least 39 semester hours of upper division work. “Upper division” means junior and senior level course work. At WVSU upper level means 300 and 400 numbered courses. While a person can count more than 39 upper division hours towards graduation, there must be at least 39. Courses in this group can be in any department or any combination of departments; these are elective hours.
 II. Free Electives
 Free electives can be at any level from freshmen to senior and from any department.        
 Ordinarily a maximum of 45 such credits can be used directly for graduation purposes.
III. General Education Distribution
Each student will obtain at least 36 semester hours of general education course work, as shown below. While a person can count more than 36 such credits directly towards graduation, there must be at least 36 properly distributed hours. Students should select from the list of approved general studies courses provided by the RBA Office.
1. Communications (Minimum of six credits selected from the following): English 101, 102 or any English Composition course at any accredited institution; Communications 100 or any Speech performance course.
2. Humanities (Minimum of six credits selected from the following): Literature, Foreign Languages, Philosophy, Art, Music, or any course titled Humanities at any accredited institution.
3. Science (Minimum of six credits selected from the following): Chemistry, Geology, Astronomy, Physical Science, Biological Science and Natural Science.
4. Social Sciences (Minimum of six credits selected from the following): Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Anthropology, History, Political Science, Social Science, Economics or Geography.
5. Math/Computer Science (Minimum of three credits).
6. Sufficient general education electives to yield the minimum of 36. Electives are generally additional courses from any of the categories listed.

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