Kimberly Cobb, M.A.

Assistant Professor

Kim Cobb received her B.A. and M.A. in Speech Communication (Broadcasting Emphasis) from Marshall University, winning WMUL’s (the campus radio station at MU) 1st National Grand Prize for a radio feature on homelessness in Huntington, and receiving 2nd place for a station promo, with several honorable mentions amongst numerous student competitions.  Involved in all aspects of broadcasting on MU’s campus, Kim served 3 years on WMUL’s Board of Directors as both Continuity and Music Director, was granted a Graduate Assistantship and served as Student Station Manager, and was also a student employee for Instructional television services, working as crew on satellite-delivered courses through then West Virginia College of Graduate Studies and Marshall Medical School TV.  Kim interned at WSAZ as a production assistant, working with news and promotions on projects such as The Mr. Cartoon Show3 on 3 BasketballTaste of Charleston, and other local shows and events.  After many years at several local radio stations, Kim became a part-time instructor at West Virginia State, which led to “building” our campus radio facility and establishing its programming.  When not controlling the chaos at the WVSU radio lab (2nd floor of the Union) or lurking in the dark corners of the TV area in Cole Complex, or even helping NBS students raise money for student projects and trips to national conventions, Kim is the proud mother of two daughters with husband Chris (also a MU Comm graduate), and spends all of her spare time as a “Band Mom” rocking out to music her daughters say she’s too old for—but what do they know?  Prof. Cobb is currently serving her first year as the Media Studies Coordinator.

Kimberly Cobb, M.A.
Office Hours:

M/W: 10 am-11am
T/Th: 10am-11am (these hours may take place in Wilson Union 202)

201 Wilson University Union / 205 Cole Complex
Phone: 304-766-5124
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