Credit Information & Acceptance 

Credits may be recorded in Quarter or Semester hours. WVSU credit is recorded in semester hours.

A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalence that reasonably approximates not less than:

  • One hour in online classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time is generally considered TRADITIONAL CREDIT
    • Up to 72 hours of Community College (2yr- Institutions) credits are accepted toward a 4yr bachelor degree at WV State University.   
  • At least an equivalent amount of work as required in section (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practice, studio work and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.
    • Under some circumstances credit may be earned in ways other than attending classes is generally referred to as PRIOR LEARNING CREDIT & NON TRADITIONAL CREDITS 

“Prior learning is to encompass college credit gained outside the higher education academic environment,” per WVHEPC Series 59.

Individuals may acquire college-level knowledge or skills through work, employee training programs, military service, independent study, non-credit courses, or community service. 

*Only documented and demonstrated college-level learning will be awarded college credit.

3.1 In support of providing opportunities for students to earn college-level credit for college-level learning that has been acquired outside the higher education academic environment, the assessment of prior college-level learning can be accomplished through a variety of assessment methods including, but not limited to the following:

  • 3.2.1. Advanced Placement Exams
  • 3.2.2. American Council on Education (ACE) Guides
  • 3.2.3. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams
  • 3.2.4. DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST)
  • 3.2.5. Excelsior College Examination Program (ECE)
  • 3.2.6. Institutional Course Challenge Examination Credit
  • 3.2.7. International Baccalaureate Program (IB)
  • 3.2.8. Institutional Evaluation of Industry and Workforce Training such as apprenticeships, certifications, and licensure
  • 3.2.9. Portfolio Assessment/Review Credit
  • 3.2.10. Prior Military Training Credit
  • 3.2.11. Nursing Career Pathway

Transient – Guest Students

Students admitted to a degree program at one institution while temporarily attending another institution for additional or required courses to then be transferred back to the home, or degree program, institution. 

Guest (Transient ) Students Visiting WVSU 
Students currently enrolled in a Degree Seeking program at another institution outside of WVSU, seeking enrollment or registration for WVSU specific courses during a temporary term of attendance are considered Guest Students visiting on a transient basis. 

These students should apply to WVSU through the Office of Admissions for each term sought. Course Registration assistance is available through the department of the sought course(s) and or through the Office of the Registrar. Official transcripts of the completed coursework are available by visiting the Office of the Registrar. 

Credits Taken Elsewhere as a Guest (Transient) Student to return to WVSU
Regular students in good academic standing may, with prior approval of the department chair of the major and the college dean, take courses as transient students at other accredited institutions to apply to degree requirements. The University Registrar must confirm that the student is in good academic standing. A maximum of 15 such hours may be accepted in fulfillment of degree requirements. 

Examination & Online Course Credits

The following non-GPA bearing credit types will only be awarded with grades of “P” passing or “K” to denote successful completion of the following exam level course credits.

  • Grades other than the standard “A,B,C,D,F” do not count toward GPA without assignable quality points.

All examination types are subjected to the rule of obtaining a minimum “C” or better to receive non-GPA bearing credit.

Credit by Special Examination- “Test-Out” Options
Credit may be earned by special examinations in one of two ways.

  1. registers for a test-out section during registration or
  2. completes test-out permission forms when registering for the course.

A grade of P will be awarded for earning a grade of C or better on the tests. P credits do not count toward residency requirements.
If the student does not earn a grade of C or better, the student may:

  • immediately and officially withdraw from the course with a grade of W;
  • remain in the course if it is not a test-out section;
  • withdraw from the test-out section and register for the appropriate section prior to the deadline for adding a class. 

College Level Examination Program CLEP Series 59 Section 10-14
CLEP examinations are offered and administered through CollegeBoard and accepted following the ACE recommendations noted below:

Online- Remote Institutions & Credit Websites
Growing in popularity are various Institutions offering college credits for a wide net of topics and price ranges. These courses may offer additional opportunities for degree completion.
West Virginia State University accepts two primary types of Online Courses & Programs: 

  1. All Regionally Accredited Colleges & University offering fully online programs- fully accepted under general transfer credits & guidelines. 
  2. Online Academic sites such as Straighterline or other offerings via Credily and similar institutions are accepted as ACE transfer credit and follow ACE recommendations. Restrictions may apply.

ACE (American Council on Education) National Guide & Recommendations 
West Virginia State University agrees to follow credit recommendations made directly by ACE to satisfy 

  1. General Education 
  2. Upper Level or Major Requirements* (subject to departmental approval) 
  3. Electives 
  • ACE National Guide lists ACE recommendations for courses and exams offered by a variety of corporations, government and nonprofit organizations, and online course providers.
  • ACE Military Guide for Student Military Service Members: see “P.L Nontraditional Credit” section for additional military credit opportunities

Limitations & Restrictions
**Credits obtained through examinations are subjected to Departmental approval for major and upper level courses. 
Credit hour cap limitation for such courses are limited to 

Credit by Correspondence 
Courses carried out through distance learning, online or with print materials that are mailed or faxed.
The University will accept up to 15 credit hours by correspondence courses excluding laboratory, studio or field experience. To receive credit 

  • Transferred credits must be acceptable toward the granting institutions own degrees and that their residence credit is accepted by West Virginia State University. 
  • Granting Institutions’ accreditation is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education: Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)
  • Official transcripts must be sent to and received by the Office of the Registrar 

Currently, enrolled students who wish to take credit by correspondence courses must receive prior approval from the department chair and college dean by applying for transient student approval. 

Previously Earned Degrees

Secondary or Additional Bachelor’s Degrees
Post graduate students that have earned at least one bachelor’s degree will have all general education requirements at WVSU waived. 

Students seeking to graduate with an additional bachelor’s degree, must achieve a minimum of 30 additional hours beyond the previous earned degree(s), 30 hours of degree separation.

  • Students graduating with at least a 3.5 in the additional hours of separation will receive “Distinction” honors. 

Post graduate students seeking another degree should speak with a WVSU adviser to see if any previous earned credits are applicable to the new degree/ major.

Associates Degrees
Some associate degrees may satisfy General Education requirements pending course credits earned during the associate being relevant and applicable for articulation on specified course requirements. 

  • See “Transfer Agreements & Institutional Partnerships” page to review 2+2 program agreements between 2-yr Community & Technical Institutions and WV State University (box link located at bottom of web page)

Prior Learning: Pre-College & Early Learning

Early or Dual Enrollment of High School Students
College level credits taken prior to High School graduation are not restricted or limited except by other policies mentioned elsewhere.
West Virginia State University welcomes accredited college level courses of early learners for articulation and applicable credit toward a degree. 

International Baccalaureate
WVSU recognizes examinations taken as part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program. Students who participate in the IB Program should have their scores sent directly to WVSU from the IB testing program.
Students will not receive credit for a score below 4 on any IB exam.

  • Only Higher Level exams will be considered for credit,
    • All IB credits awarded are considered lower-division credit (100-200 level courses)

Credit by Advanced Placement Series 59 Section 8
Credit is granted to outstanding high school students who make appropriate scores on Advanced Placement (A.P) Examinations of the College Board (C.B).

P.L: Nontraditional Credit & Continuing Education

Under continued direction of WVHEPC Series 59
Please choose a subsection below to explore various options and opportunities for college credit toward a degree.

Military Service Credits

In accordance with the United States Department of Defense and Veteran Affairs, West Virginia State University proudly accepts credits earned through military training, courses, and experience. 

Students presenting evidence of at least one year of active duty or completion of basic military training in any branch of the armed forces of the United States will be awarded four hours of credit in health and physical education to satisfy the General Education requirement of ”Wellness.” 

  • This agreement provides an extra two credit hours beyond WVSU Wellness courses

All received transcripts will be reviewed for equivalent course credits.  Credits not specifically determined as equivalent to courses or curriculum requirements will be awarded as electives to count toward the minimum 120 credit hours.

Credit Opportunities for Student Militray Service Members (veteran and active)

Credit for Experiential Learning through Portfolio Assessment Review

Academic credit may be granted through portfolio review for work or life experiences that are equivalent to coursework that meets the requirements for the degree program in which a student is enrolled.

A list of courses that can be challenged through portfolio review is on file in the Academic Affairs Office.

Students interested in receiving credit in this manner should complete a preliminary application form and submit it to the chair of the department in which the course is offered. If the initial request is approved, students submit a portfolio, prepared in accordance with the portfolio preparation and guidelines to the appropriate department chair.

  • A per credit hour fee is charged for the evaluation of each portfolio submitted. If the portfolio is approved for credit, students receive a special grade that denotes equivalency credit on their transcripts.

Credit for Validated Programs of External Agencies

The Lifelong Learning through Continuing Education Program at West Virginia State University has the following objectives:

  • to provide adults with opportunities for personal enrichment and satisfaction through the stimulation of intellectual and cultural growth;
  • to provide adults with the skills, knowledge and insights required to update and improve their vocational and professional performance;
  • to provide adults with information and understanding needed to fulfill their responsibilities as citizens in society;
  • to be responsive to the needs of communities in the West Virginia State University area and the organizations and agencies (i.e., public and private) that are located in these communities.

Continuing Education designs programs, services and delivery systems to present comprehensive educational opportunities for adults associated with business, industrial, labor union, governmental, educational and voluntary organizations and agencies in the greater Charleston area. The principal programs, services and delivery systems are as follows:

Conferences, Institutes and Workshops are intensive, focused educational experiences that frequently extend over two or more days. The purpose of these programs is to create a learning activity away from the learners’ day-to-day obligations.

  • Conferences are offered year-round on-and off-campus as determined by the needs and interests of the learning group.
  • Classes available year-round, depending on the need and the enrollment of a sufficient number of interested learners.
    • Extension classes typically meet once or twice per week during the semester and include the same number of instructional contact hours and academic content as courses presented on campus.

Off Campus Classes are West Virginia State University credit courses offered for adult learners at convenient community locations such as training centers at work sites, local high schools and other accessible community meeting facilities suitable for instruction. These off-campus classes are taught by both full-time and adjunct faculty. Credits earned for University credit classes taught at off-campus locations can be applied to West Virginia State University degree requirements in the same manner as on-campus classes should an adult learner decide to matriculate. Continuing Education Courses are of two major varieties.

  • Some are training courses requested by businesses to train their employees in areas that instructors of West Virginia State University have experience.
  • Other courses are for vocational or recreational purposes as students seek personal enrichment.

Continuing Education courses may meet in the daytime, evenings or weekends five to 10 weeks for one to two hours a week. The schedule design is compact, or intensive, to meet the needs of learners. Continuing Education courses may be scheduled on request at any time throughout the year.

Lifelong Learning through Continuing Education

Credit will be awarded for certain educational programs conducted by business, industry, government, organized professions and other legitimate agencies.

Awarding of such credit must meet standards determined by the faculty and administration of the University.

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