Transfer & Credit Information

The Transfer page was designed to be informative and transparent with a comprehensive collection of transfer and credit related policies, acceptance equivalencies, as well as Institutional Agreements and Partnerships.

View the collected information by specialized areas or topic below.

*Also check the links to the right (or scroll below the pictured box links if on a mobile) for Important External Information for details as well as University Links for helpful assistance. 

Information outlined below and contained within the aspects of these pages are copied from the University catalog, webpages and governing body policies relating to earning and transferring of credits, types, and equivalencies. 

Photo of runners competing on a track

Get Started @ State

Collective information from Admissions and Financial Aid for those interested or planning to transfer to State. 

graphic depicting files and transfer

Academic Credits & Policies of Transfer

General Policies & Guidelines of Transfer for Undergraduates, Post Graduates, Foreign Institutions. This areas includes topics of Residency and applicable Waivers.

Graphic showing a stamp of the word "Accepted"

Credit Information & Acceptance 

Policies and details on types of credit accepted, including Early College credit, Online, Transient, CLEP, ACE, Portfolio for Life and Professional Experience

graphic depicting a grade of A+ written with red marker on a sheet of ruled notebook paper

Grade Policies: Acceptance, Repeats & Forgiveness 

Lists policy on  relating to GPA, repeating courses under D/F repeat rule to increase GPA, and Academic Forgiveness for those that qualify to forgive below satisfactory grades D/F.

graphic depicting a black and white drawing of a group of people in the background and two hands in a handshake in the foreground

Transfer Agreements & Institutional Partnerships

Includes Programs and Institutions that have agreed upon partnering benefits to students, including various 2+2 programs as well as early graduate acceptance into certain programs as a WVSU graduate.

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