Tuskegee Teaching Activities by Grade

Tuskegee Airmen Teaching Activities for Grades 4 and 8

Please choose the appropriate grade level by clicking below or view games and writing assignments appropriate for all grades.

4th Grade Activities

Create an Airman – An art project – students can draw and label a Tuskegee Airmen on posterboard using various materials. Download

Repair a Crashed Plane – Cut and paste the parts of a plane together that was flown by a Tuskegee Airmen. Plane Pieces in Color – Black & White – Finished Plane – Color – Black & White

Code Buster – Decode important names of Tuskegee Airmen with the code buster. Available in Color and Black & White – Download Answer Key in Color / Black and White

S-t-r-e-t-c-h It Out – Stretch out sentences covering important events dealing with the Tuskegee Airment. Available in Color and Black & White, Answer Key in Color / Black and White

Word Search – Find words like determination, dignity and other terms that symbolized the Tuskegee Airmen. Available in Color and Black & White – Download Answer Key in Color / Black and White

8th Grade Activities

Aircraft Types – Learn about the different types of airplanes flown by the Tuskegee Airmen. Available in Color and Black and White – Download Answer Key in Color / Black and White

Fact Hunt – Discover year-by-year facts about the Tuskegee Airmen by highlighting important events. Available in Color and Black and White – Download Answer Key in Color / Black and White

George “Spanky” Robinson Fill-in-the-blank – Learn a little about the amazing history of one of the Tuskegee Airmen through this fill in the blank exercise. Available in Black & White. Download Answer Key in Black and White

Timeline Research – Discover important events in the history of the Tuskegee Airmen and plot them on a timeline. Available in Black and White. Download Answer Key in Black and White

True or False? How well do you know your Tuskegee Airmen and events? Available in Color and Black & White. Download Answer Key in Color / Black and White

Similes & Metaphors – A writing project for students that teaches them about similes and metaphors in a Tuskegee context. Available in Black and White

Games, Writing and Other Activities

Pilot Nicknames – Learn how pilots earned their nicknames and come up with creative pilot nicknames for your students

Poetry Patterns – Common poetry patterns that could form the basis of a poem about the Tuskegee Airmen and their heroism.

Pop Quiz Ideas – A simple pop quiz idea that tests the students knowledge of the Tuskegee Airmen Unit.

Unscramble – Unscramble words related to the Tuskegee Airmen. Page 1 / Page 2

Wordsearch – Simple wordsearch – Two different versions available. Version 1 / Version 2

School Word Scramble – Learn which other schools had a Tuskegee Airmen program. Answer Key

Story Tree – Write a simple story using a set number of words and adjectives. Available in Color / Black and White

Tuskegee Journal – During the Tuskegee Airmen Unit, have the students keep a journal with open-ended questions crafted by the teacher. Examples provided.

Tuskegee Game – A quiz game that helps test students’ knowledge of the Tuskegee Airmen and events they participated in. Quiz questions provided. Page 1 – Page 2 – Page 3 – Page 4

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