Veteran Students and Student Dependents of Veterans Benefits

West Virginia State University is always looking for ways to better serve our Veterans and Military families, offering a range of benefits and resources for our students. 

Please find the following information pertaining to available benefits. 

Veteran Students and Student Dependents of Veterans are offered a number of benefits in various programs through

  • The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
  • The U.S. Department of Defense
  • WV National Guard
  • WV Department of Veteran Assistance 

*There are additional Resources and Support links found on our Resources box below. 

For a list of Qualifications and Benefits available from the VA through a GIBILL, click the button below

GI BILL Chapter Details & Benefits

 GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at”

If you believe you are entitled to a benefit you must apply for a GI BILL at VA.GOV.

*The School Certifying Official nor WV State University have any impact on the decision of eligibility by the VA for any benefit or lack thereof.
** VA Benefits, payments, and or debts are solely maintained and authorized by the United States of Veteran Affairs and branches or Department of Defense and branches
***If you need to speak with the VA Education Branch concerning your GIBILL, you can call 1-888-GIBILL or click our Resources page for more V.A. links 

Additional Benefits 

Reserve or National Guard Tuition Assistance:

Department of Defense: Military Tuition Assistance ( DoD TA):

  • Visit Department of Defense Volunteer Education programs at Dod VolEd

State of West Virginia: Department of Veterans Assistance:

  • Visits the State Agency website for information at Benefits

Office Links 

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