Student Google Chat Resources

Hello Everyone! Communication is an area we are working hard to enhance here at WVSU. Students voiced concerns about “crowded inboxes,” “no responses to emails” and other communication concerns. As part of our effort to address these issues we are encouraging everyone to take advantage of all of the communication tools at our disposal. For students, that is currently your WVSU Gmail account and within it, the Google Chat function.

So how can Google Chat improve communication?

  • Inbox is separate from your Gmail inbox, no missed messages.
  • Provides direct and often simultaneous contact with your professors, similar to texting.
  • If everyone uses Chat effectively, response times should be within 24 hours.

So what do you need to do?

  • Check your Chat and Gmail Inboxes daily (every 12-24 hours is ideal)
  • Respond within 24 hours to the messages you receive
  • Don’t forget to check your MyOnline messages if you have online courses!
  • Remember that Faculty have work hours so responses may not occur on nights and weekends,
  • be proactive and communicate early.

Check out the tutorial below and/or use the help function in your Google account for more guidance.

Note the Student Google Chat Tutorial.

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