Student organizations are a great way to get involved on campus. Belonging to a group that shares your interests can enrich your college experience. WVSU has more than many recognized student organizations. These organizations provide opportunities for students and other members of the university community to explore their academic, professional, political, social, recreational, artistic, cultural, spiritual, and community service interests. In addition, student organizations provide a laboratory for the development of interpersonal, organizational, and leadership skills in the members and officers. Such organizations exist to promote the educational mission of the university.
Student Life & Engagement holds a Campus Organization’s Showcase during State Stride, which is held during the first week of the fall semester. This showcase allows students to gather information regarding many of the student organizations on campus, as well as other campus services available to students.
For more information on these organizations, please contact the Student Life & Engagement. This office has the most current information about student organizations, including up-to-date contact information. Information on how to start an organization and other resources is also available.
Organization Registration Process & Forms
To be considered an active, recognized organization at West Virginia State University, you must have all the information bulleted below on file in Student Life & Engagement:
- A completed WVSU Student Organization Registration/Recognition Form. This form can be found in the WVSU Student Organizations Handbook.
- An updated Constitution on file in Student Life & Engagement. As organizations make changes to their constitutions, revised versions must be submitted to Student Life & Engagement. A sample constitution in the WVSU Student Oraganizations Handbook.
- A Request for Accumulative Average Form with at least three enrolled members, each with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better. Each organization must have a President, Secretary andTreasurer. Student Life & Engagement will use this form to verify this information. The form is available in the WVSU Student Organizations Handbook.
A FEIN is not required. However, it is necessary to open bank accounts and apply for Student Government funding.  FEINs are placed in the organization’s permanent file. Step by step directions are available below.  Organizations are NOT permitted to use WVSU’s FEIN for any reason.
The deadline to register as an active organization is within the first 30 days of the start of the Fall/Spring semester. Organizations not registered before that date will forfeit all privileges afforded to them by Student Life & Engagement.
Student Organization Registration Form
Request for Accumulative GPA
Sample Constitution
FEIN Application Directions
WVSU Student Organization and Advisor Handbook
Event Registration Form
Guest Speaker Policy and Form
Vehicle Request Form

SGA Constitution and Bylaws
2019-2020 Constitution and Bylaws
Before you plan a Movie Night…be certain you understand the copyright law and get approval from Student Life & Engagement.
Understanding Copyrights
Why You Need a License
Any organization or individual found in violation of this policy or copyright infringement will be subject to financial penalties and disciplinary action. Student organizations are a great way to get involved on campus. Belonging to a group that shares your interests can enrich your college experience. WVSU has more than many recognized student organizations. These organizations provide opportunities for students and other members of the university community to explore their academic, professional, political, social, recreational, artistic, cultural, spiritual, and community service interests. In addition, student organizations provide a laboratory for the development of interpersonal, organizational, and leadership skills in the members and officers. Such organizations exist to promote the educational mission of the university.
Student Life & Engagement holds a Campus Organization’s Showcase during State Stride, which is held during the first week of the fall semester. This showcase allows students to gather information regarding many of the student organizations on campus, as well as other campus services available to students.
For more information on these organizations, please contact the Student Life & Engagement. This office has the most current information about student organizations, including up-to-date contact information. Information on how to start an organization and other resources is also available.