Applying to WVSU

WVSU Admission Requirements

Everything you need to know about applying to WVSU can be found here. Please review the admissions requirements below to make sure you have all of the necessary information to complete the application process.

Please note there are additional requirements for transfer and transient students. A $20 application fee is collected from all applicants. 

First-Time Freshmen

  1. Application for Admission
  2. Official high school transcript or GED (sent by high school or Department of Education) (2.0 GPA or higher)
  3. ACT or SAT Scores (18 ACT or 870 Composite SAT [combination of critical reading and math scores]) – Click here to visit the ACT website.
  4. College Transcript (if college credit was earned during high school)
  5. Immunization Records (if born after January 1, 1957) (SEE DETAILS BELOW)


  1. Application for Admission
  2. College Transcript (from all accredited institution(s) attended; must have a 2.0 GPA)
  3. Official high school transcript and ACT/SAT scores if transferring less than 30 credit hours
  4. Immunization Records (if born after January 1, 1957) (SEE ABOVE)

Post-Baccalaureate Student

(Taking additional courses or seeking an additional bachelor’s degree after receiving a bachelor’s degree.)

  1. Application for Admission
  2. Official college transcript(s) showing degree awarded
  3. Immunization Records (if born after January 1, 1957)

Transient Student

(students enrolled at another college or university and returning to that institution)

  1. Application for Admission
  2. Course Approval Form (from your Registrar’s Office)


  • Required
    • MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)
  • Strongly Recommended
    • Meningococcal Vaccine
  • Recommended
    • Polio Series
    • Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertussis (Td and aP, or Tdap within the past 5 years)
    • Hepatitis A Vaccine
    • Hepatitis B Series
    • Varicella Vaccine (or history of chicken pox)
    • Annual Influenza Vaccines

Online Application Form

Students seeking readmission (have not attended another college after leaving WVSU) should contact the Office of the Registrar, Room 128, Ferrell Hall.


Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We enjoy helping students and families explore WVSU.

(800) 987-2112

Admission Tests Thank you for taking the first step toward becoming a part of the WVSU family..

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