Library Departments

Our staff members are here to assist you with your information needs. Please contact ANY of us if we can help you in your scholarly endeavors or information needs.

Most librarians and staff spend more time on “out of office duties” (reference desk, library instruction, computer maintenance, etc.) than “in the office.” So…you are more likely to “contact” a specific person by phoning the MAIN desk and having them transfer the call in the direction “your target” was heading.  Names appear under more than one heading due to split and shared duties.

DepartmentTitleContact Information
 Administration Director of Library Services Gary Ginther MLIS,MEd        304.766.3008
 Archives Archivist/Librarian vacant
  Library Associate vacant
 Cataloging Department Cataloging Librarian vacant
  Library Associate vacant
 Circulation Department Head of Circulation vacant
  Library Associate Jamie Cook
 Government Documents Government Documents Librarian Edward C. Lomax,Ph.D.
 Instructional Materials Center
 Library Associate vacant
 Interlibrary Loans (ILL) Head of Circulation Edward C. Lomax
  Library Associate vacant
 Library Instruction
         (Information Literacy)
 Library Instruction Librarian Edward Lomax
 Periodicals Department Serials Librarian vacant
  Library Associate Carah Scherr
 Reference Department Reference Librarian/Coordinator Edward Lomax
 Systems Department Systems Librarian Deborah Wells
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