Parking Information

Parking Permit Costs


  • Free of Charge – Original Annual Permit
  • $   55 Annual Permit for Second Vehicle
  • $  17  Replacement 

Full-Time Faculty/Staff:

  • $110  Annual Permit
  • $  55  Annual Permit for Second Vehicle
  • $  17  Replacement 

Adjunct Professors:

  • $45  Semester Permit

 The permit sticker allows one vehicle to be parked on campus at a time.

How to Get a Parking Permit:

Please complete the online form below and stop by the Office of Student Accounts located in 117 Ferrell Hall to collect a parking permit. A current state vehicle registration must be attached online to receive a parking permit.  No exceptions.

It is the responsibility of all students and employees parking a vehicle on any WVSU property (on or off-campus) to be knowledgeable of WVSU parking regulations.  Click here for the Traffic and Parking Regulations booklet.   


Where to Park:
Students who choose to park a vehicle at any WVSU location are required to have a parking permit displayed on the vehicle (lower right side of the front windshield) at all times including evenings. With a parking permit, students can park in any general use White lined lots/spaces.

Employees who choose to park a vehicle at any WVSU location are required to have a parking permit displayed on the vehicle (tag hanging on the rear-view mirror) at all times including evenings. With a parking permit, employees can park in any Red lined lots/spaces.

Temporary Parking Pass:
If a student has a current parking permit but is unable to drive the vehicle that the parking permit sticker is attached to, they can get a temporary pass for the rental or other vehicle they are temporarily driving.  Temporary passes can be issued for up to 5 days.  These temporary passes are available at the Office of Student Accounts at no charge. 

Visitor Parking Pass:  
Visitor parking permits are issued to guests requiring campus access and parking.  A permit can be obtained at the WVSU Visitor Center (located next to the Ferrell House) on Barron Drive. Visitor parking permits must be displayed on the dashboard while the vehicle is on campus, therefore you should return to your vehicle and display the parking pass accordingly.   

WVSU is a permit parking-only campus.  As such, if a parking permit is not properly displayed on the vehicle, a ticket will be issued.  The fee structure is as follows:

  • $15  Per parking citation (Handicap parking citations are $100 per violation.)
  • $15 “Boot Fee” (WVSU Department of Public Safety will boot vehicles if unpaid parking tickets exceed $100 or more) 

The penalties for parking violations apply to all students, staff, faculty, and visitors. No exceptions.
 Appeals Process:
If anyone receives a parking citation and feels it is in error, they have the option of appealing the citation to the Parking and Appeals Committee for resolution.  To appeal a parking citation, it must be within 30 days of the violation, and all appeals must be filed online through the Campus Safety link.  If anyone has questions concerning the appeals process, he/she may email

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